Photo courtesy Jordy Schaworski

Regina, SK – Colby Williams scored in the ninth round of the shootout to give the Regina Pats a 5-4 win over the Calgary Hitmen Saturday night at the Brandt Centre.


Calgary erased a 4-2 third period deficit to force overtime getting goals from Brady Brassart and Jake Virtanen.  Virtanen’s was his team leading 40th of the season and tied the game with less than seven minutes remaining in regulation. 


Brassart also had an assist to extend his career high point scoring streak to 13 games.


Connor Rankin and Adam Tambellini had the other Calgary goals as the Hitmen outshot the Pats 49-31.


Calgary Flames first round pick Morgan Klimchuk scored twice for Regina while Dyson Stevenson and Dmitry Sinitsyn added singles.


The loss snapped Calgary’s season high nine game winning streak, but the Hitmen now have points in 10 straight games going 9-0-0-1.  With the win the Pats opened up a six point lead for first place in the WHL’s East Division.

(Hitmen News Release)

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10 years ago

No class by Head Coach Williamson following the game. Malcolm Cameron went over to shake his hand. Williamson refused and shrugged Malcolm off.
Bob Nixon

10 years ago

A great weekend for the Pats…they played tough both games and the tending was outstanding both nights. Have a little pad in 1st place now but still have to play it out like your fighting for a playoff spot every night. Hopefully can get Leier and Hunt back soon for depth but guys are stepping up for sure. Exciting times in Patsville!

Bill W

10 years ago

Maybe when the Pats knock the Hitmen out of playoff contention, Cameron can forget to shake his hand..

10 years ago

Didn't see the refusal to handshake after game, but it was a great game to watch live.

10 years ago

The coaching staff seems to be having problems getting the team to play with more discipline. The constant parade to the box is wearing out their better players. They won't go far taking the number of penalties they're taking. They kept taking penalties until Calgary tied it up. They can thank Wapple for the win.

10 years ago

Pats are a joke, will get swept in the first round.

10 years ago

"Pats are a joke, will get swept in the first round."

Oh really?? Annnnd you base that on… absolutely nothing…

If you are not getting out and watching this Pats team play, then YOU are the JOKE!!