CALGARY, AB – The Western Hockey League announced today that the WHL Board of Governors have approved the application to transfer the ownership of the Prince George Cougars and the Regina Pats WHL franchises.

The WHL Board of Governors voted unanimously to approve the transfer of the Prince George Cougars ownership from Rick Brodsky to EDGEPRO Sports and Entertainment Ltd., and the Regina Pats from Russ and Diane Parker to Queen City Sports and Entertainment Group Ltd. 

The new ownership group in Regina is headed by local businessman Anthony Marquart, who takes over the franchise from Russ and Diane Parker who have owned and operated the Pats franchise for the past 19 seasons. The other members of the Queen City Sports and Entertainment group includes prominent Regina businessmen Todd Lumbard, Gavin Semple, Shaun Semple, and Jason Drummond.

The new Prince George ownership group is led by local businessman Greg Pocock along with partners Ernest Ouellet, Raymond Fortier, and John Pateman. Former Prince George Cougars and current NHL players Dan Hamhuis and Eric Brewer are also key members of the new ownership entity.

The Prince George Cougars franchise relocated from Victoria twenty years ago. Rick Brodsky has been the only owner of the Cougars WHL franchise since it began operations in Prince George in 1994.

“The WHL is fortunate to have attracted two very high calibre ownership groups who are fully committed to whatever is necessary to take the Prince George Cougars and the Regina Pats franchises to a new level,” commented WHL Commissioner Ron Robison. “We are confident that fans will enthusiastically embrace the local ownership groups and bring long-term stability to these WHL markets.”

It’s anticipated that both sales will close prior to the end of May. Further details will be announced in the near future when the new ownership groups conduct media conferences in both Prince George and Regina.

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10 years ago

My fellow Pats fans. Our long nightmare is now over.

10 years ago

Obama probably jumped for joy in the opposition offices and spilled a flower vase all over Broten's suit. And right before question period too!

10 years ago

Well with this deal done there will be no more excuses for those "fans" who stayed away due to Parker ownership. I expect no less than 5000 season tickets for the next few years. Not! The same people will be complaining…just find something else to B*&%$ about with the new ownership.

A Real Pats Fan

10 years ago

…I posted the first comment just didn't have time to sign it.

No I didn't jump for joy. I was to busy trying to figure out how to protect workers getting screwed over from Bill 85.

For all you guys out on the job trying to stay safe. You'll probably want to know your OHS committee from the Management end isn't required to submit minutes back to the Ministry. I'm sure they are an honest lot and will keep you guys safe though.

Y'er Welcome

10 years ago

Ah, Obama, as a guy currently on a bargaining team, Bill 85 is awesome. Poor lefties.

10 years ago

Obama, you know why they'll mostly keep their workers safe? Because every employer in this province hates paying wcb more than they have to so they'll (not everyone but plenty of employers) think about safety to protect themselves from surcharges. Money talks. Try chewing on it from that angle.

10 years ago

You know what's great? My SGEU union dues are dropping from 1.9% to 1.75%. All the young people I work with are thrilled. Now, would I prefer them to be 0? You bet but c'est la vie.

10 years ago

What angle, You know how you get WCB to drop? Offer a free jacket, a trip, or pizza party for consecutive "injury free days". This means when you get a cut or spill something on you you don't fill out the W1 because it can hamper the bonus. Then when you're cut at work turns to gangrene or infected well hey that happened on your time buddy not on job time. Yes young people are thrilled. Also to put more money in their pockets take way the pension contribution and while you're at it scrap the dental plan. You'll be… Read more »

10 years ago

Hey Obama, make me a sandwich since you've got so much baloney to spread around. Your buddy Mr. Hubich's talking points aren't going to carry any weight after all the name calling he's been doing in the last couple weeks.

10 years ago

When is Obama going to be permanently removed from the comment section? Is there no way to block out his useless drivel? It really takes away from the authors content and legit feedback.

10 years ago

Cute sound bite my brother but do you want to know the real reason no one wants to go on WCB in mines or in the oil & gas industry? It's because you only get compensation equivalent to around $50k a year from WCB when MANY of these guys are making $100k-ish or more. It is true that research would suggest that pizza days or random electronics don't work as well as Potash Corp or other random large predominantly blue collar companies would hope for. I argue all the time that they should be phased out because it leads to… Read more »

10 years ago

Apologies to Pats fans for my debate with Obama.

He is correct that it's a great day for hockey fans around the city. Will it mean more wins? Who knows but the Parker family never got buy-in from fans in the city so the change is good.

10 years ago

I stood by my word and went down to Brandt Centre today and purchased 6 season tickets (only because new ownership).

10 years ago

terrible thread suppose to be about the Pats and roddy lets all this BS come out…

unions only protect those lazy workers who need job security… was part of a union about 10yrs ago and stopped my union dues after 6months, didn't need a union to protect my job my work ethic did that until the day came that I told the owner (Mr. Loraas) to go screw himself and walked out the door and had a job 2 days later and now self employed…bestd thing I ever did was tell that guy where to go & his job

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

if its a terrible thread then why post on it? and about something non pats related.
yeah we are real impressed you told your old boss off.

10 years ago

@ gargbage man…… you went from loraas to picking bottles in the ditch….nice move lol.

10 years ago

A couple things and then I'm done. I thank Rod for giving me the leeway, but this is important so I need to clarify. First: "unions only protect those lazy workers who need job security" – completely wrong. Just like parenting the adult is in charge or should be in charge and when boundaries and limits are set there is nothing a Union can do to protect a "lazy worker." Question: What are the objectives the "lazy worker" requires to meet, and if not why isn't this handled through performance management process? I'll tell you why. Managers in Unionized environments… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You just don't get it do you. On the other hand, perhaps Rod pays you to be the buffoon on here. Either way, you require professional help, because your "shtick" has gotten old & tired!

10 years ago


Explain it to him. What doesn't he get? I'm reading his schtick and he's pretty clear on the management issues as it relates to process.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

This is a sports blog. Not a political forum.

10 years ago

It's whatever people want it to be.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Not really!