BY: CKRM’s Luc Mullinder

Time to Roll!

Alignment, Assignment, Execution…Know where you gotta be, and know what you gotta do! 

Essentially, aside from making plays, this is what the Saskatchewan Roughrider coaching staff will be looking for from the 2014 hopefuls. 

The guys whose positions are entrenched will get a chance to re-acclimate themselves to the game pace of the CFL, and then will give way to the guys that are fighting for a spot.  I for one can’t wait to see these players get an opportunity to show out.

Our Week 1 analysis went through some of the names and interesting battles that training camp has provided thus far.  As this is the first time many of you will be seeing these players in the green and white, I’ll touch on some more guys and thoughts that you can use stash in your mental logs…


Doege and Weber have gotten another week of camp under their belts, and they’ve both showed glimpses of potential.  Coach Chamblin is going to give these guys a shot and someone may just jump off the page like Sunseri did last year.  The brass will also be keeping an eye on the amount of reps Doubles takes, but it’s important for him to continue to get his timing down with the players that he will lead on the field for the season opener.


We’ll begin to get some clarity here after Saturday…or nah?

• #26 Anthony Allen:  The newest addition to camp has caught on fairly quickly.  His size is similar to that of Tosten and Thomas, and he has exhibited good breakaway speed.  He has soft hands and catches the ball really well.  Allen is also a pretty good route runner and is going to be exciting to watch when Cortez calls his number on a screen.  Haven’t gotten a ton of chances to watch him block on coming LB’s and Ends but as Coach Chamblin has said, that’s going do be a crucial factor in who comes out on top here. 

• #80 Spencer Moore (Fullback):  Moore has all the tools to be a huge factor this year and potentially adds another dimension the Riders playbook.  He’s a big dude that can run and catches the ball well.  He reminds me of Teyo Johnson, who Cortez effectively used in ’08 and ’09 as an H-back. Moore’s gotten plenty of reps with Hughes and McHenry on the shelf, and needs to keep working to become a good consistent blocker, in order to be used as certified threat.  If #80’s willing, there will be plenty of opportunity for him to contribute.

Receivers:   “He who makes the plays…stays” –Barrin Simpson

• #84 Isaiah Sweeney:  Don’t sleep on this kid.  He’s not the biggest guy out there, but he is quick and can catch the rock.  He also has CFL experience, which the other receivers I mentioned last week don’t, and it may lend a hand in his audition.  He’s been consistent and sneakily effective all camp.  If he can get a couple balls thrown his way, it’s going to add to some of the tougher decisions that Coach Chamblin has to make eventually.

• #2 Ryan Smith:  He’s going to get a strong look on offense and special teams.  His height may draw Dressler comparisons but that’s about the only thing those two have in common, Smith definitely spends time in the weight room.  He hasn’t had any eye popping moments out there (the film may tell a different story) but he’s definitely comfortable running with the 1s and 2s.  He’s caught on to the waggle and cadence requirements nicely as well.  He’s in a competitive spot because there are others guys who can return the ball and the receiving group is also deep with talent. 

* Keep an eye out for DeMarco Sampson wearing #86.  He might surprise!

Offensive Line: Gotta love the hoggies

• #69 Corey Watman:  Saturday is a big deal for the 2nd year Centre.  It’s his chance to show his progression from last year to now in real time.  Watman has snapped the ball well all camp, and doesn’t struggle when it comes to quickly identifying defensive formations and protection responsibilities, while approaching the line of scrimmage before the play.  He hasn’t looked out of place when it comes to picking up defensive line movement and stunts, which is important, and he’ll have to prove that he can hold his own if he is put in one on one pass situation with a tough D tackle. 

I wouldn’t say he’s primed to push Picard out of the spot just yet, but it may be sooner than one thinks.  Oline is a group that doesn’t follow the same rotation system during football games, so his chance to play considerable snaps in this coming game will be a valuable measuring stick in terms of how ready he is.

Defensive Line:  Success on D starts up front

• #91 David Lee:  Lee’s contributions with the Toronto Argonauts were primarily on special teams, and it will continue to be part of his portfolio here.  Dline coach, Todd Howard, may also look to  get a lot more out of the non-import as part of the rotation this season, and he looks capable of playing both end and tackle.  He’s a high effort guy that has a good amount of strength and plays with decent pad level on the interior, he plays the run well.  The Dline has worked hard at camp perfecting their ability to take on the double team and fast hitting zone runs and #91 isn’t behind the rest of the group at all.  He’s got to work hard to hone his pass rush technique, and who better to learn from than Foley, Chick and George.  Draft pick Dylan Ainsworth isn’t quite ready to make a significant impact on the depth of the group, so Lee’s development is going to be crucial while Ainsworth goes through the CFL learning curve.  If the Riders can get 15-20 plays a game out of Lee, it will be a win. 

Consistency and playbook retention is going to be important for Lee, but he’s definitely got a shot.  Quality Canadian Dlinemen are tough to find so hopefully his strong effort at camp carries over to a good showing against the RedBlacks.

• The vacant DT spot doesn’t look like it’s been snapped up yet, fans should keep an eye on our interior defensive front as there will be a few guys rotated in there that have shown spurts of ability all camp. 

Linebackers:  Starting to build a solid foundation

• #30 Brandon Isaac:  GM Brendan Taman has brought in a wealth of talent, and Brandon Isaac is no exception.  He’s added great depth to the talented Linebacking core.   His fast and athletic style of play fits well here and he has good football instincts.  Isaac possesses decent man on man coverage ability against receivers in the slot, and may find a role as Richie Hall installs more variety in his coverage and personnel groupings.  The competition is high at this position group and #30 has to make some plays in the exhibition season, in order to keep up with the other players making an impact.

• Brad Miller (the new lb coach) and Coach Chamblin are going to really have to sit down and take a good long look at how they go about evaluating and trimming this group.  The ratio and number of travel spots is really going to affect the decision making process.  Richie Halls defence asks a lot of players in terms of coverage, ability, and versatility that’s why Weldon Brown is so effective.  It’s going to be interesting watching this play out.

Defensive Backs:  Not only the most talent, but the most durable…Nobody on the Injured List

• #1 Marshay Green:  There’s been no drop off in performance from wk 1 to wk 2 for Green.  Like Troy Stoudemire (#29), he is fast, going in all directions and transitions from back pedal to a downhill attack on the rock efficiently.  His awareness is exceptional and he can locate the ball well with his back turned to the QB, while in pursuit of his responsibility.  This will be his first time seeing the waggle at full speed but I don’t think he’ll have trouble adjusting to the difference between practise and real time.  He may also see some return time on punt and KOR, which adds to his opportunity to make the squad.

• #41 Tyron Brackenridge:  We’ve been asked a lot about T-Brack so I’ll mention him here.  What makes Brack special is that he has defensive back speed and ability, but also possesses middle linebacker toughness and hitting qualities.  His leadership ability will be leaned on as the defence goes through its growth process, but that’s not a problem.  #41 has been a great vocal presence for vets and young guys alike.  He’s constantly ensuring guys are locked in during practise and keeps the communication lines open between all defensive players.  He’s the total package, and one of the reasons why people close to the team aren’t as apprehensive about the team’s performance as people at a distance.  He’s the Darian Durant of the defensive unit and will look to have another All-Star campaign.  A flat out winner.

Kicking Game: The hot tub clique

• This will be the first time that fans get to see 2014 draft pick John Mark.  He hasn’t done a bad job at all truthfully.  He’s a good kicker that gets under the ball and has good lift on PATS and FGs.  That is a good quality in any kick game because low line drives get blocked more.  He isn’t a great punter YET and may struggle in the location game, but he’s got all the tools to be a gamer.  He needs time to develop and with Milo and Bartel shouldering the load, he will get all the practise time he needs to turn into the guy down the road.

By now, the younger players and some veterans will start to get the nerves going.  The ratio to the new guys is a mystery and once they learn more about it, it’s hard not to sit around your room looking at the roster and trying to figure out what you have to do, and where you may, or may not fit.  Players will have been given a good idea of how much they will be participating by now, and the knowledge of where, and when, can play cruel tricks on a guy who has trouble focusing on controlling things that they can control.

If one can get over the thought of the following days decision making meetings, it’s just football…

Yeah, it’s a huge chance at a dream job, but it’s also something many of the guys have done since they were little.  Stripped down to the bones, Saturday still comes down to the fundamentals…Alignment, Assignment, and Execution.  Let’s get this thing going…turn on the mic, line up the cheerleaders…Hey Sawatzky, you’re up!  The journey of the 2014 edition of the Saskatchewan Roughrider Football Club begins against the Ottawa RedBlacks.  Good luck to all the hopefuls. Stay Healthy


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10 years ago

The best thing that to happen to this wonderful blog (and the Sports Cage) is the addition of Mullinder. Excellent insights. He should be a CFL scout or consider moving into coaching.

10 years ago

Now THAT is the kind of column I like to see before games! Thanks for this Luc.

10 years ago

Excellent insight. This is the kind of thing that makes me come to this blog.
Thanks Luc/Rod

Dave in the Hat

10 years ago

enjoy the rain…couldn't pay me enough to sit in the rain and watch a football game

10 years ago

It has been a long hard winter, and yes the spring has sucked too, but it has been to long away from live football action for this Rider fan and I will be there rain or shine because I want to see the competition amongst all the players. I hope there are a lot of fans there to take in the action and help keep Sask Rider fans reputation as not being fair weather fans in tack.

10 years ago

Anon #3… So you dont want to sit in the rain to watch a football game. Plus you figured it was important to tell all the readers here that you… Mr Anonymous could not be bothered… BIG fricken deal Zoz… if fans have bought and paid for their ticket. They have supported the teams whether they show up or not. If they decide not to show up it dosent mean they are fair weather fans. Keep in mind that half the players on the field today will not be playing in 3 weeks from now. Once the regular season starts,… Read more »

Jack Sprat
Jack Sprat
10 years ago

Its actually a nice spring day today, so why the wimpy talk about "rain". Get your asses to the stadium man! (and women) Its not the NHL or MBA with tons of games. At best, we get 11 home games, the bonus is a 12th this year (albeit an Ottawa home game).

10 years ago

Great read before the game!