Dalton England photo by Calvin Fehr

The Regina Red Sox continued their dominance of the Melville Millionaires winning for the sixth time in seven matchups this season. On Sunday, the Sox defeated the Millionaires 8-3 on a sunny afternoon at Currie Field.

In the bottom of the fifth inning, Jordan Schultz smacked a double to right field that scored Regina’s speedy centre fielder Justin Erlandson to open the scoring in this game. Melville countered with two runs in the top of the sixth to grab the lead.

The Red Sox hitters excited the hometown fans in the bottom of the sixth when they loaded the bases and went on to score two runs to retake the lead. The Sox blew the game open with five more runs in the bottom of the seventh. It was Erlandson who ignited rally when he pounded a double that scored three Red Sox runs.

Mason Furlong started for the Money Men and pitched a solid five innings. He allowed three runs on five hits and five walks. Keaton Sullivan came on in relief and was tagged with the loss.

Dalton England made his seventh start of the season for the Red Sox. The senior from North Dakota State pitched well as he went 6.1 innings.  Kendal Daniels, the Regina, SK product, earned the victory when he finished up the seventh inning.

Preston Minor pitched the eighth and Frank Grandinette, the newest Red Sox came on in the ninth, for his first taste of WMBL baseball.

458 fans watched on as the Red Sox win their 23rd game of the year while Melville’s loss took their record to 11-25.

(Outlaw Communications)