TORONTO (September 12, 2016) – The Canadian Football League (CFL) announced today that the Ottawa REDBLACKS have been fined $5,000 after determining that a player illegally practiced with the Club while on the 6-game injured list. This action constitutes a violation of the CFL bylaws.

In addition to the fine, the REDBLACKS will have $6,761 deducted from their 2016 salary cap.

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8 years ago

So…who's the snitch? If all teams were doing this in the past why does it suddenly matter?

Brian Shepherd
8 years ago

Why is it the Riders were fined $60,000 for this plus a $26,000 cap hit. $5,000 is chump change compared to this. I probably don't have the whole story but it sounds unfair on the surface.

8 years ago

Where are all the people calling for Jones' head on this one?

8 years ago

Now maybe some of the trolls should see that "EVERY" team "DOES" do it on an ongoing basis. It has been tolerated for years with the league turning a blind eye. If anyone doesn't think this didn't have something to do with a couple of GM's in the provinces to west of us, you're living under a rock. I wonder if Orridge will put out a presser to the effect that the Redblacks have sullied the reputation of the league. What a load of steamy crap.

8 years ago

If you read the article, it says Ottawa had "a" player illegally practicing with them……Jones, he had way more than one player practicing with the team….plus these players Jones had were unsigned. The one for Ottawa was already signed with the team but on the injured list. So, yeah you don't have the whole story.

8 years ago

What!!!! Is there now a conspiracy against the RedBlacks too. Maybe they made a mistake and thought they were fining the Saskatchewan RoughRiders ….. not the Ottawa RoughRiders.

8 years ago

Brian Sheppard it may due to the fact is wasn't just one player…he was practicing about an extra team worth of guys and why would this be going for Jones head smart one…Jones isn't on Ottawa

George Porge
8 years ago

Maybe it really was GMs from teams to the West of Saskatchewan. So what? If those teams were not among those "other" teams that do this sort of thing (and it is unlikely that they are, since complaining about it only invites more scrutiny on your own team as well), they have a valid complaint. 80% of the teams in the league could be doing this, and it wouldn't make it any less against the rules nor any less valid of a complaint for the 20% of teams that don't. As another commenter has said – in this case, it… Read more »

Evan Wiome
8 years ago

When the CFL moved from a nine game injured list to a six game the rules chamged.
Before the change was made players on the nine game injured list were allowed to practice. At least that is what I gathered from a very brief skim through the 2010 and 2014 CBAs. I probably should have done that research before launching into an earlier rant. My bad.
However, it has never been legal for free agents to practice with a team without signing.

8 years ago

Detective Bo must have been out east scouting around.

Way to go Bo. You da man. Now, if only you could control that drug cheat Quinn Smith on your own team.

Brian Shepherd
8 years ago

I see

8 years ago

This is chump change and the CFL is trying to save any respect it has in North America right now.

8 years ago

I wonder why this “violation” isn’t “detrimental to the league”?

Someone should ask Jeff, he just might release an awkwardly worded memo.

8 years ago

The Riders were never fined for having un-signed players. They were fined for having multiple 6-game injured guys on field at the end of practice participating with practice roster guys.

That's it. Go with the facts not media fervor.