RHSAA has consulted with its member school divisions, the Saskatchewan Health Authority and its partners at the SHSAA in setting the course and providing recommendations for high school sports in the 2020-21 School Year.

  • There will be no intercollegiate/inter-school competition in cross country, football, soccer or volleyball during the 2020 fall season.
  • Member school divisions will have the option to coordinate and organize extra-curricular athletics only within individual schools and thus will be able to maintain safe cohorting of adults and students.
  • Any participation in school-based extra-curricular athletics will not proceed without the agreement of each school’s administration, athletic directors, teachers, coaches, and student athletes. This participation will follow any and all safety guidelines communicated by the Government of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Health authority, as well as the local Public Health authority.
  • Proposed start-up dates have been shared in the RHSAA release of September 24, 2020. These sports can only take place within each participating school and will not involve any mixing of students or adults from other schools.
  •  Decisions relating to participation in winter sports will be made at a later date.
  • Because of the unpredictability of COVID-19, any of the above direction to partner school divisions is subject to change on short notice.

Aaron Anderson,
Commissioner of Athletics

(Photo: RHSAA)