The Saskatchewan Roughriders convened for one final time on Tuesday as head coach Corey Chamblin held his last team meeting, and then the players cleaned out their lockers following Sunday’s 18-10 loss in Edmonton in the Western Semifinal.

Quarterback Darian Durant said some curious things with regards to his injured right elbow which finished his season on September 7.

“I still didn’t have full range of motion in my arm,” Durant explained. “I could throw. I could make pretty much all the throws but taking a hit was what I was most worried about.  I was looking at playing this week for sure but last week I just wasn’t ready to go.”

However Durant was further asked how surprised he was that the injury wasn’t able to come around in time for him to play in the semifinal.

“Well honestly I wasn’t shocked because we knew it was a 3-to-4 month injury,” Durant revealed.  “We were just pulling you guys’ leg a little bit but at the end of the day I was still ahead of schedule.  I’m very pleased with the progress I’ve made and I’m thankful that I still have my super human healing powers.  But I just didn’t have enough time to get back.”

Durant says he will stay in Regina until his arm is 100% healed before heading home for the off-season.

As for head coach Corey Chamblin, he addressed the media one final time regarding their 10-8 season and the semifinal loss.  He was asked how disappointed he was that Durant couldn’t return in time for the post-season.

“Disappointed?  I won’t say I was disappointed,” Chamblin answered.  “It was one of those things where when he first got hurt, and everyone set a date for his return, I had to see it to believe because I knew it would be a tough injury for him to come back from.  There was a small bit of hope there but it didn’t manifest.”

Chamblin was asked if the Durant situation became a distraction for the club.

“I didn’t let it become a distraction,” Chamblin said.  “That’s why I didn’t get into him starting or playing or not playing.  I didn’t want it to become a distraction for the others in the quarterback role.  I don’t think too many teams could recover from their starting quarterback’s injury, especially with young guys behind them.  I told the guys they showed true character fighting through that situation.

“When you lose a playoff game 18-10, you’d rather lose it the other way instead of being so close.  That was a part of it.  I thought they fought through but we just didn’t have enough to get over the hump.”

Regarding the team’s roster and coaching staff for 2015, Chamblin said they’ll evaluate the players first and then the coaches.  Due to attrition, Chamblin feels there will likely be some changes to the staff.  Regarding offensive coordinator George Cortez, Chamblin said he’s been on year-by-year deals and the pair will sit down and discuss the future in the weeks ahead.

Craig Slater’s Canadian Press Rider story:

REGINA (CP) – The atmosphere in the Saskatchewan Roughriders locker-room Tuesday was in sharp contrast to the jubilant scene at the end of last season.

A year ago, the Roughriders celebrated winning the Grey Cup at home for the first time in franchise history. This time they were cleaning out their lockers in a sombre mood two days after an 18-10 loss to the Edmonton Eskimos in the West Division semifinal.

With the Roughriders falling short of their goal to repeat as Grey Cup champions, the team is promising changes will be made this off-season. That means some of the players will see their time with the Roughriders end in disappointment.

“It sucks. I don’t know how else to say it,” said offensive lineman Brendon LaBatte. “Even after last year you knew there were going to be changes. You knew you were seeing guys for the last time unless you end up playing against them in the future. And for some guys, this is the end of the road. It sucks to end it on this note, too.”

As was the case a year ago, the Riders face an off-season that is sure to be loaded with difficult decisions when it comes to coaching staff changes and player personnel. The Riders have 27 players eligible to file for free agency on Feb. 15, and several on that list are marquee talents, though a handful of those players are 30 years or older.

“I like the guys that we have on our team as far as age goes,” head coach Corey Chamblin told the media. “There are some pieces that will be retooled. Some guys will be let go in free agency and we won’t sign because maybe they don’t fit the plan going forward. Some of these guys have different mindsets from what they want for the 2015 season. There are some things that we can’t give them, whether that would be money or a position or whatever they may want.”

Two of the Riders’ four starting defensive lineman – 32-year-old Ricky Foley and 31-year-old Tearrius George – are eligible for free agency. That duo combined for 24 sacks in 2014 in leading the Riders to a 10-8 record and a third-place West Division finish in the regular season.

Also on that list are starting safety Tyron Brackenridge (30) and linebacker Brian Peters. Brackenridge had 11 tackles and an interception on Sunday and was a West Division all-star for the second straight year. Peters led the Riders in tackles this season with 78 and special teams tackles with 20.

Cornerback Tristan Jackson, who also starred as a special teams returner, also is a free agent. He led the league in combined return yards with 1,531.

On offence, the biggest name on the free agent list will be Weston Dressler, who will turn 30 during the off-season. He signed a one-year deal with the Riders in August after he was cut from the NFL’s Kansas City Chiefs. At the time, Dressler didn’t rule out testing his luck down south in 2015. He confirmed those feelings again on Tuesday.

“I’m not going to commit one way or the other,” he said. “I don’t think the smartest thing to do right now would be to shut any doors. I’ll take it day by day and see what kind of opportunities are out there for me.”

Elsewhere, the Riders’ playmakers aren’t getting any younger. Dressler, along with slotback Chris Getzlaf (31) and wideout Taj Smith (31) are all over 30 and dealt with injuries this past season. Forty-one year old quarterback Kerry Joseph, who was coaxed out of retirement in October, said after Sunday’s loss that his playing career is over. He threw five interceptions in the game against Edmonton.

Starting quarterback Darian Durant is 32 and is still recovering from surgery on right elbow. He signed a contract extension in April that runs through 2016. Durant plans to rest and rehab in the near future and is dedicated to coming to training camp fully recovered.

“There’s no need for me to go out and push it and try to throw and do those different things,” he said. “I can just sit back and go through therapy and let (his elbow) heal so I can begin my regular lifting program. It’s all about downtime and making sure my arm is 100 per cent as quickly as possible.”

The Riders raced out to an 8-2 start behind a healthy Durant. But the star quarterback tore a tendon in his right elbow on Sept. 7 in a game versus the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and the team, especially the offence, never recovered.

“We sputtered too much too often,” Dressler said. “We didn’t generate enough drives and give ourselves a lot of opportunities to make plays. We never got into the flow. After Darian went down, we never found that energy, that consistency throughout an entire game. We had spurts but it wasn’t consistent.”

Chamblin plans to meet with general manager Brendan Taman to discuss potential free agents on the Riders’ roster and who might become available through free agency elsewhere in the league. Whether it’s rebuilding or restructuring, the Riders are prepared to undergo some retooling.

“I think we were really close this year,” Dressler said. “Maybe a couple of guys here and there with a little more experience and a little more of that veteran leadership may have made a difference. It’s hard to say. You want to keep that continuity in the locker room but you also want to have the right guys in place. I don’t get paid to make those decisions, so we’ll see what happens.”

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9 years ago

"We were just pulling your guys leg..". It was nothing but a smoke screen from the coach, Durant and our GM from day one. A slap in the face for those fans who believed it. If Taman worked at sask power he'd be fired today. Unfortunately no one will be held accountable because of Durants injury. And please stop saying riders have the best o line in the CFL.

Its NFL season now

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Anon 1. Your not as important as you think you are. No professional teams give full disclosure on injuries.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Anon reply 1. Your not as important as you think you are.
Riders Suck! So do you.

Billy, the exterminator.

9 years ago

Please don't offer Cortez another contract.He did nothing for the offense this year. Time for some younger blood with some innovative and imaginative ideas.

9 years ago

A slap in the face of the idiots who don't understand sports injuries and gamesmanship off the field between teams. These idiots and haters deserve a slap and a swift kick in their ass.

9 years ago

A slap to the face of the fans???

hahahahahahahahahha, that is the funniest thing i have ever heard!

9 years ago

Why does DD look the same in every photo. It makes me want to cry. He looks so sad. We love you DD and the CFL and I can't wait for this brand of super exciting ball dropping, overthrowing and missed tackling brand of football again next year!

9 years ago

So the coach is supposed to dish out everything he knows and whatever advantage he might have over the opposition speculating on our start would be lost. What difference does it make whether or not you self appointed GMs know what is going to happen tomorrow because whatever anyone in a position of decision making will make the wrong move in your eyes. Man it get tiresome listening to the whiners on every move made by Pres, GM, Coach, Ball boy and toilet cleaner.The season is over sit back and watch what unfolds in free agent signings, recruiting, coaching changes… Read more »

9 years ago

Why in God's name would they tell the fans of Saskatchewan everything about Durant's injury??? We don't own the team, we don't manage the team, coach the team or even play for the team, we are the customers paying to be entertained by the team, and they provide three hours once a week for us to relax and let our day to day worries and stress evaporate. For some reason it is assumed the team owes us all the time, get over it!!!! If you can't get over it you have much more serious issues you need to deal with… Read more »

9 years ago

DD is the engine that drives the green car. Remove the engine and the car don't go. We absolutely need an engine we can put in to keep the car moving. Sunseri was ok coming off the bench as was Doege on occasion. Problem was even when handed the reigns neither was good enough. When DD took over the team as a rookie he moved the club and he had what it took. Crompton did the same in Montreal where they started winning immediately. Some guys have it and some guys don't. I don't mind Sunseri back as #3 but… Read more »

9 years ago

Having a free agent camp in Florida is not the answer. They have to beat the bushes everywhere and find some football players. Every position needs improving.

9 years ago

George Cortez has forgotten more about football than most people know."
We know, we know, we could see that all year, that's the problem.

9 years ago

Sure the season wasn't a success in the end, but I know it will give the team motivation for 2015.
Here's to a positive off season. Keep calm and Ride on!

9 years ago

The Riders, despite the loss of Durant, had the third best win/loss record in the CFL in 2014.

This is unacceptable, and therefore it would be worthwhile to go after free agents from the two better teams, the Stamps and Esks to 1) hopefully weaken them and 2) get us to a point where we will have the best record in 2015.

Young Cuss

9 years ago

listen I love DD but to say he could make most of the throws but didn't have full range of motion and was worried about a hit burns more as you think of Reilly playing on one leg

9 years ago

Earlier post by someone that wrote this…A slap in the face of the idiots who don't understand sports injuries and gamesmanship off the field between teams. These idiots and haters deserve a slap and a swift kick in their ass. What's even funnier is slapping and kicking them "in their" ass. Are you up for handing these out and about to get your boots and hands that dirty? hahaha! I hope I know what you meant, but it's hilarious how a couple of letters make a difference (their vs. the) Anyway, Cortez' offense this year had the affect of a… Read more »

9 years ago

Actually 'WE' do own the team…this is a Community Owned Team. There is not one owner there is thousands 🙂 But that is a moot point, full disclosure in sports is not a given. We can't support our soldiers in covert positions, but we CAN support our teams so our players can't be targeted 🙂

9 years ago

When does the Riders scouting department start to grow?

9 years ago

It would be interesting to see Lapolice return to Sask with his new play-book and grabbing a soon to be free Khari Jones as a QB coach. Add a tall, big time receiver and it could be a revitalized Durant offense in 2015. Heck, maybe Sheets will want to come back to Rider Nation if he recovers from his injury. Not many miles on him and he likely has no chance in the NFL.

9 years ago

LaPolice makes 300k a year with TSN. He is not leaving to go anywhere to be an OC. It's HC (an probably involved in Player Personnel as well) in a preferred location or he not going anywhere. Also, stop calling the Florida camps "free-agent" camps. They weren't free agent camps, these were mini-camps with existing roster players, neg list players and other FA's by invitation only. These weren't the old style free agent camps where anyone could show up and try out like the 50 year old guy in jeans from about 5-6 years ago. So making statements about Taman… Read more »

9 years ago

Surprised some moron has not suggested we get rid of Gainer…..if that damn gopher had dug some bigger holes in the turf maybe those pesky Eskimos might have fallen in…..it is the gophers fault we didn't win the cup this year. It only makes sense.

9 years ago

A tall receiver… I think we have had two the last couple years and heard how great they were in training camp and then when the season started they crapped the bed.
LaPolice… he's not leaving Selkirk MB anytime soon.
Khari Jones…. isn't he a qb coach in BC, if so why would he come here?
Sheets should be priority one as he is probably released after the NFL season ends.
There are at least two CIS coaches that deserve a shot at moving up to the bigs as position coaches or co-ordinators.