My goal over the next few days is for you to feel like you’re here with the Saskatchewan Roughriders at their 2014 free agent camp in Bradenton, Florida.  We’ll do that through the 620 CKRM’s SportsCage broadcasting live on location Friday, Saturday and Monday plus through this blog.  The actual camp doesn’t open until tomorrow but today we got a great tour…

The football field which is home to the IMG Academy team.  The best way to describe this place is that it’s like Notre Dame College x 50.  Families pay $70,000 per year for their high school-aged kids to come here and commit to sports like football, baseball, tennis, golf, soccer, etc.  The grounds are immense, as you’re about to see…

A closer look at the side of the stadium.

That’s the newly-built locker rooms, offices and training facilities.  This will be the players’ home for the next few days.

The Rider coaches get a tour of their “home away from home”.

Quarterback Seth Doege from Texas Tech…

There are areas of the IMG Academy that feel like an all-inclusive resort…

Basketball courts…

Indoor basketball courts where two kids get a workout…

Weight room…

A covered field..

Oh, and there’s a golf course on the grounds too..

The dormitories.  The Riders are staying in the old dorms.  These are brand new…

The grounds are so big, you need a trolley to get around.

Hope you enjoyed the tour!  See you in the Cage at 4 pm.


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10 years ago

Wow! What a facility! Obviously, only the richest parents can afford to send their kids at $70,000/year. Thanks for the pics!


CJ Evans
CJ Evans
10 years ago

WOW! Great stuf, Rod! That place does look huge!

10 years ago

You know there's something real Michael Jackson Neverland Ranch about this place. If all that stands between a kid and untold millions you wonder how many of them would sell their souls. All the while their parents stand by.

It'll be interesting to see how statistically there is no difference between going there, and landing professional contract.

Notre Dame touts this, and all they get is an $18,000 a year tuition, and a lot of ice time.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

As a person who went to school at Notre Dame, you get much more than a $18,000 education and lots of Ice time.

10 years ago

Wow, talk about lap of luxury. How does a guy focus on intense athletic training with all those distractions? I guess the results speak for themselves. Hope you guys get a chance to sneak in a round of golf while you're there.


10 years ago

u truly live a "tuff" life Pederson….tx 4 pics!

10 years ago


10 years ago

If and I mean If pertaining to Notre Dame you are speaking about hockey and the coaching they get then you may and I mean may have a small point. It's a mill, and they are as political as any place you will find. I have investigated Notre Dame as an option, and it is purely a smoke and mirrors place. It touts mind, body, spirit, but it's anything but that. Mind – the classes are rigged to get them into Universities where many of those American colleges will not accept transferred credits when they come back to Canada. Mind… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Obama, you best check your facts. Pretty sure they use the same curriculum as every other school in the province. Maybe the teachers there actually care and go the extra mile because their job is on the line, not like in public schools. Yes your local YMCA can help you get into shape but I don't believe it offers a personal trainer there all the time, teammates pushing you to the brink, and coaches pushing you day in and day out. Yes you are right there are troubled kids who are sent there, however I can guarantee the majority of… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Rudy Rudy Rudy Rudy !

10 years ago

Seems like a good place for a CSI Miami episode where the rich kid murders someone.

10 years ago

Ha, The honour of being called a Hound. Pfft. Let me tell you a couple three things. First of all there are 2 things kids are supposed to do, that should require zero pomp and circumstance. They are number one get a driver's liscence, and number two graduate High School. If a person is 40 years old and looks back and says High School was his biggest influence then he's shooting for the middle, or an extra in the remake video of Bruce Springsteen's Glory Days. The guy writing this Blog wondered how lucky he got. I pointed out he… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Well Mr. Obama, I'll begin by saying I graduated from Notre Dame, received a scholarship to Harvard and played four years of hockey there. I also attained my law degree, and now reside in Atlanta with my wife and kids. No highschool was not the best years of my life, but the memories and life lessons I experienced during my time at the college are irreplaceable. My point about teammates and teachers pushing was misunderstood. The point I was trying to make was why not surround yourself with people in an environment that all want to be the best. There… Read more »

10 years ago

I'm glad you see my point on a lot of the items I selected. ….and let the record show Mr. Crimson/Houng, at no point, and no where while you were agreeing with me did you point out the element of spiritual development. That is nonexistant there, and it's touted as their dogma having some kind of influence. It's pretty tough to develop the spirtual aspect when they're pushing the kids to step over their neighbour and opponent. I'll take the first will be last dogma, and be better off for it. Notre Dame is just a version of developing characters… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The blowhard shines through again. Good thing most people don't believe you.
Y'er welcome.

10 years ago

Actually there is a Mandatory Christian ethics class and Sunday mass. I don't think I agreed to many of your points, I just took your points and showed my point of view. No you did not attend Notre Dame so therefore you have no idea what it is like there. You like many people see it a certain way, which is a shame since it is a world class institution.

10 years ago

Sure, mandatory Christian Ethics class where it's mandatory they are required to rake leaves in Wilcox, and then Sunday Mass. – "mandatory" doesn't do much for teaching grace and acceptance, and Mass based on that one trick pony option in that small town….don't get me started on that one.


10 years ago

…world class institution. I drive by it all the time, they should just put a sign on it that says, "Home of future Power Skating Instructors."