The Saskatchewan Roughriders emerged from Wednesday’s closed practice with a larger group of quarterbacks.  Keith Price, the star from the University of Washington, is back with the football club.  Price spent part of last year on the Riders’ practice roster (wearing #5 as the photo shows), but was not under contract and therefore did not appear on the team’s roster this off-season.

Price participated in the NFL Veteran’s Combine this spring but did not attract an offer.

Head coach Corey Chamblin basically said Price has been added for depth and things will be sorted out as they move along.

Meanwhile Chamblin also noted that receiver Ryan Smith will NOT play Friday night in the club’s Week 3 battle at BC.  Smith sustained a “shocker” (Smith’s term) in Sunday’s 42-40 OT loss to Toronto on Sunday and is not fit to play this week.

The Riders also practiced with piped in crowd noise on Wednesday in order to combat the noisy Lions crowd at BC Place.  It’s the Lions’ home-opener, and a big crowd is expected.

We’ll have more on the Riders on today’s SportsCage on 620 CKRM at 4:00 pm.


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Handy Andy
Handy Andy
9 years ago

It looked like RS#2 hurt himself on his leaping catch-of-the-year. Good to have such depth at the receiver spot!

9 years ago

Too bad Keith Price had not been invited into training camp… you never know where he might have been in the scheme of things…

Kel in Victoria

Go U of W Huskies!!!

9 years ago

Man down…next man up. Lets Go Fellas.

9 years ago

Sucks that Flyin Ryan won't be in the game Friday. Love to watch the guy play! Looking forward to guzzling some cold beer after a hot day Friday at the 4 Seasons. Go Riders.

9 years ago

So once again Taman is playing catch-up.

9 years ago

So I see in the Leader Post that Chamblin says his defensive players are still adjusting to the new rules. Here's a theory Corey; If you have your safety playing 30 yards off the line of scrimmage, you're going to get burned!!!

9 years ago

Several commenters on this blog have asked about Price in the last 6 weeks. Just saying, maybe these wingnut fans know more than the coolaid drinkers give them credit for.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes, that's why Price is back with the Riders. Cause BT reads these comments.

Shake my head

9 years ago

How many losses before a firing?

9 years ago

RP: Know you probably won't like this, and you may not publish it because you hate being criticized, but here goes I am a big fan of the show, but the last two days have really disappointed me. Yesterday, Darian Durant speaks to the media yet you guys didn't really touch upon it and then today, the Riders get a new QB in Keith Price and we find out Ryan Smith isn't playing and again, you don't really touch it. Is having fun with John Lynch and his cat medicine more important than the news Rider fans crave and want… Read more »

9 years ago

To Shake my head;

I didn't say Taman signed Price because of the comments. I said several posters had mentioned him and maybe they didn't deserve the insults that idiots like you gave them.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Here's a little tip for Ya bud. Smith left in the offseason because he wasn't under contract anymore and wanted to take one more shot in the NFL. He attended some NFL combines, never got an offer, and probably has now realized that this is his only chance to play football.

Those are the facts. So not sure what the hell your actually getting at.

9 years ago

Who's next ….. Doege ?

9 years ago

Yeah… Smith has a "shocker". He has had 2 head injuries already this year.

9 years ago

I can tell you really know your stuff. His name is Price not Smith.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

My bad, but you never actually told me what your getting at. I don't think you actually know.

Tell me, do your ankles hurt from jumping of the bandwagon?

9 years ago

Just like I said.

9 years ago

The Riders 100% tried to get Keith Price back this year. They actually have high hopes for him if he's willing to put in the time. He believes he's an NFL QB and has been waiting for his chance. Doesn't look like it's going to happen.

Price is behind the 8-ball though….been here two years now and has yet to go through a training camp. Tough to move up the depth chart that way. Also, there's a new playbook this year so he's starting over again.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Thanx Mr. Tips!
100% source for insider info. Thanx again.

9 years ago

Good job Rick!

9 years ago

When the Riders are out the race by Labour Day, I hope to see Price and Smith not Glenn or Sunseri.