The Saskatchewan Roughriders today announced international quarterback Keith Price has signed with the team. As per club policy terms of the contract were not released.


Price (6’1 – 202) joins the Riders after recently attending the Seattle Seahawks rookie camp. He had originally signed with the defending Super Bowl champs in June, 2014 as an undrafted free agent.


The 23-year-old California native had spent the previous four seasons as quarterback of the University of Washington Huskies. In 46 career games, Price completed 757 of 1,183 pass attempts (64.0%) for 8,921 yards and 75 touchdowns.

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10 years ago

I took an annual sports trip ferry ride across the ocean from Vic to Seattle last year in order to watch my favourite College team, the Seattle Huskies; I had a good chance to see Keith Price in action. Little did I know that I was watching a future Sk Roughrider to be. Not surprisingly a typical monsoon like rainfall and windstorm occurred as that is what Fall can be like in this area. As for the game, Keith Price looked strong and led his team to victory on what was an outrageous game due to the storm. In particular… Read more »

10 years ago

This announcement beats the crap out of trading for Hank.

Old Cuss

10 years ago

the seattle huskies are your favourite team hey…

10 years ago

Very much like the fact that the Riders are bringing in a young QB as a development prospect. The CFL needs to bring up new quarterbacks through its system. You just never know who the next star will be 5 years down the line, but Price seems to have a good set of skills.

10 years ago

The Henry Burris trade crap started in Winnipeg and on the TSN blogs. It was stupid and down right ridiculous. There is no way in Gods Green Rider Earth that the fans would want public enemy number 1 Henry Burris behind center. SK seems to get picked on more than all the other teams combined on the TSN blogs. Its lonely at the top but its a hell of a lot more fun than being the happy losers of the 90's and early 2000's

Reginald of Regina

10 years ago

Correction to my comment and trip to Huskie Stadium… The Washington Huskies are my favourite… thanks for the correction. (obviously thinking Seattle when mentioning Seattle vice Washington).

As for Keith Price… Let's just say that if we end up seeing him playing this year in a Rider uniform, likely not a good sign as that would mean that Tino as #2, and our #3 did not work out. Put another way, if we end our season with a 4th line QB who was not even in camp at the beginning, then something has seriously gone wrong.

Go Riders!!!


10 years ago

Thank Gainer the God that recycled Hank the drama diva isn't being recycled here.

10 years ago

After the initial shock and realizes he's not at Safeco Field anymore, he'll be fine on his "detour".

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You're saying he played for the Mariners….? Lol

10 years ago

Hank was never coming here and wasn't even considered. He makes $450k a year! With DD going on the 6-game is the only way we will be under the cap now. We couldn't afford to bring in Hank as it relates to the cap.

10 years ago

Is he mobile – can he run ???

10 years ago

Hey Rod – Maybe not the section to post this, but after listening to the cage the last while; about the comparisons of the two football leagues I found an interestingarticle by Chris Zelkovich. In his article, he has this to say " The 4 p.m. CFL game between Saskatchewan and WInnipeg averaged 1.1 million viewers on TSN. The 4 p.m. NFL game between San Francisco and Dallas averaged 683,000 viewers." Go Riders – Go CFL

10 years ago

I hope we don't see Keith Price this year but could well be a good signing in the long run, because as quarterbacks develop they get itchy feet (Drew Willy)and you can't keep them too long without a starting role. That's how Edmonton got Reilly from B.C. I'm hoping Tino shines and Darian gets healthy then we have the problem of two starter quality QBs and after the trade Price steps into the equation.

10 years ago

First of all I NEVER watch NFL however using a Rider game stats to compare who watches what when CFL overlaps NFL on televised games. Remember there are more Rider fans in the world than the other teams and they draw the most viewers every game.

All you assistant GMs out there don't start calling for Price to start the first time Tino gets sacked, throws an interception or doesn't lead the team to 5 touchdowns in a game – Tino needs time to develop just like all great QBs

10 years ago

Tomorrow's headline: The Price is Right!

10 years ago

We can't forget about Seth Doege as the #2 guy as well. I think Tino will be up to the task as starter, though. The team has faith in him, so should we. Should he falter, there are two other guys waiting in the wings for a shot. Let's not completely discount the possibility of the team bringing in a veteran QB if they feel a "rental" player could be the *temporary* solution should things go south with Tino. There is a miniscule % chance of Henry being acquired as a rental, but don't completely rule it out. There actually… Read more »

10 years ago

#5? Already starting off on the right foot!

10 years ago

This is a team built to win now so if Burris is available at a reasonable price then bring him in. With the Riders O-Line, receiving corps and Cortez at O-Coordinator, Burris could be instrumental in getting this club back to the big game. Sunseri would continue to have a role and learn from another veteran QB. A win the whole way around.

10 years ago

Time to go shopping!!

With DD's Salary outside the cap for the next 6 games — we can afford to go out and fill some holes.

There's got to be some guys out east that are sick and tired of losing.

10 years ago

Last anon… NO

10 years ago

Seriously, are their those out there that would honestly consider bring in Henry Burris as a viable option for the Riders? Are you high???
No way No how is Henry ever an option at this point in his career and besides his $400+/yr price tag, he's certainly no longer able to deliv er a "win now" option.
Good Lord – Henry Burris – wow.
Some of you are sitting way too close to the TV.