While the Edmonton Eskimos already named their starting quarterback for Sunday’s CFL Western Semifinal – Matt Nichols – the Saskatchewan Roughriders are in no rush to do the same.

The Riders moved Wednesday’s practice indoors to the Credit Union Eventplex to better install the playoff game plan rather than freeze in sub-zero temperatures outdoors at Mosaic Stadium.  Kerry Joseph and Darian Durant both threw a lot of footballs and it wasn’t immediately evident who would start Sunday’s game for Saskatchewan.

“I can’t answer that right now.  It’s too early in the week,” Durant said after the workout.  “As of now it’s Kerry and I’ll back him 100%.”

Joseph was reluctant to confirm he’ll be behind centre to start Sunday’s game.

“You know what – coach makes that decision,” Joseph said.  “As players we just prepare.  My main focus is to make sure I’m assignment sound and be ready to go.  We leave that decision to coach.”

Joseph said their margin for error this time of year is razor thin.

“That’s the way you have to approach it,” Joseph offered.  “You just have to make sure that you dot your I’s and cross your T’s.  You have to be mentally and physically focused and ready to go because there’s no tomorrow in this one.  You don’t get any do-overs when it comes to playoffs.”

Thursday’s practice at Mosaic Stadium is closed to the public and media.

Sunday the Riders visit the Edmonton Eskimos in the 2014 CFL Western Semifinal at 3:30 pm on the Cooperators Rider Radio Network.

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9 years ago

I think our running game would be much stronger with Durant in there . Where is Messam lately ? He was so good at the beginning of the year and now he has almost disappeared . I think we could use him more against Edmonton as he is a horse when he gets going.Durant hands the ball off much better than any other QB that we have but I think Joseph can throw the ball a little better with the way Durant's injury is. I will pick Sask. to win this one by a score of 23 – 19.

9 years ago

this is the best week of the year, because I know next week at this time the riders will be done and this blog can actually have something to do with things that matter. Esks by 24

9 years ago

If Nichols plays the whole game and Reilly cant play Esks will lose.

9 years ago

If Reilly plays the whole game and Nicols cant play Esks will win.

9 years ago

Tough times in the City of Chumpions when you don't have a real blog of your own to do your chirping on…marginal chirping at that.
-Hot Carl

9 years ago

Man, you sure can't argue with the fact the the Riders are CANADAS TEAM.

When all the other fans come on here to stir the pot because no one cares about football in their cities, kind of proves the point doesn't it.

That's really sad when you think about it. Nobody cares to talk football in Hamilton, Edmonton, or Calgary. Oh well, we'll welcome you with open arms.

9 years ago

Good times in Edmonton for all you chirpy Chumps from Saskybush. Come on in and see me some time.

Hot Sally

9 years ago

The Hot Carl is an Edmonton speciality i believe.

9 years ago

I have to laugh at all these Eskie fans. They finally make the playoffs and now they start trash talking like they are world beaters. It makes me laugh. We will do our talking on the football field.

9 years ago

One thing, perhaps the only thing we know for sure, is that after Sunday's game it will be either Edmonton or Saskatchewan headed to meet Calgary in the final on the following Sunday. You heard it here first folks.

Harry Dunne from Rhode Island

9 years ago

Ditto with my friend Harry!!

Go Riders,
Lloyd Christmas

9 years ago

It's Joseph

9 years ago

Hi Joseph, hows it going?