I don’t know why but expansion drafts always freak me out. Countless people have asked me to put together a mock Rider protected list for Monday’s CFL Ottawa Expansion Draft however I’m simply not comfortable with it. I’ve seen firsthand how players react to learning they weren’t protected by their teams.  Also the Rider roster is somewhat of a moving target (take for instance last week’s signing of four players to extensions).

I’m sure the Roughriders are having a big ole laugh at everyone trying to do their job by putting these lists together right now.  BUT I also know this is one of the most enjoyable things for fans of pro football to do.

So I got our good friend, CFL Joe, blogger Ryan Mulligan of Ottawa (pictured), to put together a pretty good mock Rider list for this blog.

Here goes:

OTTAWA — It’s not easy making a Mock Protection List. The Canadian side of the draft is the toughest simply because the Riders have so much Canadian talent. Great drafting and free agent signings have made their non-imports the envy of the league. There has been quite a bit of talk already about the Riders nucleus but by in large, you can protect a nucleus and it will only be a select few (3 to be exact) who leave the team.

We’ll start with QB:

Durant is the man. Any other option is ridiculous. He’s Rider royalty now.

Who I didn’t protect: Drew Willy. A great QB future ahead of him. He’s a pending FA and if he does get picked up by the Redblacks, he may not resign unless he can have a legitimate shot at starting. Does he have that shot?

Protect 10 Imports:

1) Xavier Fulton: One of the best offensive tackles in the league. Fulton quietly does his job and rarely gets penalized. He also faces off against the best pass rushers in the league and most of the time, keeps Durant upright. Protect Fulton.

2) Weldon Brown: Brown was a big offseason signing for the Riders and clearly impressed coaches because he moved all around the defence. 3 sacks, 3 interceptions, and 3 fumble recoveries. Keep him.

3) Renauld Williams: Rey Williams still has a couple good seasons left in him. He was also a big part of the Riders’ defensive success this year. He’s a leader and without him, the Riders leave a big gap in talent up the middle. I’m not convinced the team have a replacement ready to go at middle linebacker. He’s someone the Redblacks would like to have and worthy of protection.

4) John Chick: The Riders were in tough to replace him when he left the first time and won’t want to give him up for nothing. Chick has everything you look for in a defensive end and showed in 2013 he could still get the job done. Stevie Baggs left the Riders for an NFL try-out and then re-signed in Hamilton. Chick on the other hand came right back to the province that he loves and loves him back. Keep Chick.

5) Tyron Brackenridge: Voted one of the hardest hitters in the league and became a fan favorite. This was the break out year from Brackenridge. You could tell Richie Hall loved working with him because he put him in the position to make plays. By having Craig Butler and Brackenridge to both play safety, the Riders had a one two punch at safety and can you name another CFL team with that luxury? The safety position was rock solid for the Riders, and Brackenridge was a big part of that.

6) Weston Dressler: I’m torn on Dressler. Dressler will be getting NFL tryouts and might even stick with a team for a few months. Many believe he’ll eventually return. Do the Riders risk him returning to the CFL as a Redblack? I doubt Desjardins would pick Dressler because of his NFL ambitions but he’s worth protecting if you’re the worrying type.

7) Jermaine McElveen: A solid defensive linemen that can play interior and outside. Was huge in the playoffs and on his playoff performance alone, showed his worth. He’s smart and a veteran that has loads of talent. He’s a pending free agent so the Riders should do a resign and protect.

8) Rod Williams: One of the best offseason pickups from free agency. My sense is the Riders love this guy and why wouldn’t they? Chamblin and Hall have been prioritizing guys who are versatile and can play all over the field, and Williams has that. He could be a mainstay in Saskatchewan for a while.

9) Terrell Maze: Tough because he’s going to be an FA in February but proved to be a shut down corner this year. Maze had a great playoff run and the Riders need his talents going in to next year. Seems that this year Maze really “got it”. Why let him go now?

10) Taj Smith or Jock Sanders: This is a toss up. Smith and Durant have a great connection on the field and the Riders searched a long time for a wideout that Durant could get the ball to. Appealing case to keep Taj Smith. Sanders on the other hand, has explosive potential. I see the Redblacks picking up Sanders if he’s unprotected. Anyone who has watched tape on Sanders knows he is an impact player. He’s a joy to watch and a great receiver/running back combo. I’m leaning towards Sanders.

Who I didn’t protect:

1) Kory Sheets: What a season! He’ll have some NFL time. Maybe even for a few months. However, seems to have no desire to return to any other team if he does return to the CFL. Leave him unprotected because Desjardins needs a running back in June not next September.

2) Geroy Simon: Although he was a great pick up for Saskatchewan, they just can’t protect a player this age, unfortunately.

3) Tearrius George: It seems clear that the Riders prefer McElveen more than George at this point. If the Riders do protect an interior guy, I see McElveen getting the re-sign and protection.

4) Diamond Ferri: Age & attitude. Too many penalties and too many guys who can replace him.

5) Carlos Thomas: Originally he was on my protected list. I think he’s a guy the Redblacks would be happy to have. If he stays with the Riders, he’ll still be a starter.

Protect 6 Canadians:

1) Chris Getzlaf: Although I am not convinced Getzlaf is a better receiver than Rob Bagg, those knees make me nervous and will likely make Mr. Desjardins nervous. I’m also guessing there is some contract smithing that will take place after the draft. Now that Bagg is resigned, they may re-jig some stuff once the expansion draft is over. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

2) Best: This O-line, needs to stay intact. We all noticed the added punch the run game had when Best was back. Protect the meanest and most educated guy on that O-line.

3) Heenan: Again, keep these guys together. Heenan is young and could be one of those guys in a Rider jersey his entire career. Being around these vets will just make him better.

4) Shologan: The term ratio buster is over-used. In the case of Shologan however, it can’t be overstated. He’s allowed the Riders tremendous flexibility and would be exactly the kind of guy the Redblacks would want to snag. Protect him.

5) Picard: Finding a good centre is ridiculously difficult. A centre needs to be smart, tough and quick. Picard is likely the best centre in the league and the Riders’ offensive success relies on this position. Lock him up.

6) Labatte: Remember how much was made of the Bombers being unable to resign Labatte. Well, Taman made it look easy. Ideally he’s signed to a long contract. No one will be disappointed by the Riders keeping this O-line together for a long time.

7) Butler: I know, I know there is no #7 in this scenario but let’s be honest, this guy is a beast. He is a pending free agent in February. Maybe Butler can have a Kory Sheets deal. If he gets picked, come on back to the Green and White. Taman wouldn’t be happy if Butler ended up on another team. Do what you need to do to keep this guy.

Who I didn’t protect:

Ricky Foley: Sometimes you just need to lose a good guy to keep the better guys.  Foley did his job this year but I don’t see the Riders prioritizing him for their few Canadian spots they can protect.

Scott McHenry: Up against Getzlaf, he just doesn’t compare.

Tristan Black: Just hasn’t worked out to get him in to a starting role over some import players. Great on special teams though.

Zach Evans: On and off the roster. I like Zach Evans and I think Desjardins will as well. He may go.

Rob Bagg: We’ll see what happens to Rob. Either Taman gave Bagg a big extension to reward him for all he’s done or he wanted to scare off the Redblacks from resigning him. We’ll see. As I said earlier, I think Bagg has a nudge, nudge, wink, wink contract.

Levi Steinhauer: Seems like he has loads of upside. I see Steinhauer as someone who might leave the Riders for Ottawa.

(Follow Ryan on Twitter at @CFL_JOE and check out his website at www.cfljoe.com)

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Chase Dobson
10 years ago

This is pretty much the list I would've made. It is tough making a mock draft for the expansion since there are so many variables. Personally, I find it better than Jamie Nye's list who selected Hilee Taylor, Brian Peters and Chris Garrett over Rey Williams, Jock Sanders, and Jermaine McElveen. But that's all opinion. I'm both excited and nervous for the expansion draft but we will see what happens next week.

10 years ago

I don't know why the Riders renegotiated the contracts of some of these guys right before the expansion draft. If any of these guys are wanting to come back I wouldn't extend any contracts until after the draft. Let them get picked then welcome them back when they're free agents in February. That being said, I wouldn't have extended Picard, Bagg or Labatte and I wouldn't protect Butler. If they are wanting to return sign them afterward and protect 4 other guys on your list. I don't get it. Am I missing something here?

10 years ago

No mention of non-imports Sam Hurl or Cory Watman players who are not starters but have shown some potential. Will RedBlacks (hate the name) look for proven starters or guys like these too?
I am convinced , however, that no matter who we lose Taman should be able to find quality replacements.

10 years ago

Bagg got a huge contract because we dont win without him. So go Nudge nudge wink wink yourself. lol

10 years ago

Cap, those guys weren't free agents. They just signed extensions. They were under contract next year already.

10 years ago

@cap all those guys u mentioned were not free agents this year, thus they would have had to protect them anyway.

10 years ago

What's your take on #33 Anderson? You didn't mention him in any category. Are you just going to leave him out on Dewdney?


10 years ago

The reality is we will lose 3 quality ball players…..No more and no less…..3 Grey Cup Champion calibre players gone…period. I agree with Rod on this. There are so many variables on this that doing the arm chair GM thing is impossible. Whoever is taken will be a lose and there will be argument for each of them that they should have been protected, but that would just mean someone else would have been picked. I trust our management team to do their jobs and provide a list that has the least risk to the long term success of our… Read more »

10 years ago

Tearrius George not protected in this mock draft ? Riders will rue the day if they don't protect. Tearrius will viciously tear his former teammates apart on the field of play if he comes back to Regina as a REDBLACKS player verifying and vindicating his status as among the CFL elite at his position. Mc Elveen ? Old and susceptible to ongoing disruptive injuries.

Mack Donald

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Check the roster Mack, Mcelveen 29, George 31. Who' older? Tough decision though.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Mc Elveen, old body for a 29 year old. Terrius George, ripped, healthy, valuable team contributor, mentally/physically.

10 years ago

We won't be so bad off following this draft. We will lose about the 18th / 19th best import on our team when you factor in the amount of free agents we won't protect and the 10 guys we do protect. My prediction for the import round, is we lose George, Ferri or Garrett. For Canadians, yes we will lose one of Foley or Shologan as we only have room to protect one. Then the second go-round for Canadians, we will lose Black or Watman. So not the end of the world. We loose better players in free agency every… Read more »

10 years ago

Shologan is going no where he will be protected I guarantee it.

The Woz
10 years ago

Here are my two cents: For the import they will take Carlos Thomas. He can start right away and is still relatively young and under contract. We will protect the four starting o lineman plus sholo and getz. First Canadian will therefore be Watman. The guy was picked in the first round, can play both guard and centre. Also centres are the quarterback of the line so you need someone good. He is only 23 so lots of upside there. And they know that the key to success on any team starts with the o line. The guy also grew… Read more »

10 years ago

The Riders will lose at least one of the kickers, no?

10 years ago

Sam Hurl is gonna to beast playing MLB someday which will allow the Riders to open up import spot somewhere else, I'm going to be pissed off if the RODBLACKS end up taking him on Monday.

The Woz
10 years ago

Oh forgot about Hurl – I only had ten protected in the second round when we could protect eleven so he will also be protected. No way they take Hurl in the first Canadian round. I bet that of the eight picks they have in that round they will take at least five Canadian offensive lineman. Watman will be one of them.

10 years ago

I agree with 5/6 on the non-import list. I think they may leave Picard off the 1st round protected and protect Watman (or even Foley, but probably not). Picard is pretty old and pretty expensive, although a risky maneuver, I think the team may play chicken with Ottawa and risk losing Dom.

If our receiver depth wasn't so poor I wouldn't have re-upped Getzlaf and left him unprotected, despite it being wildly unpopular.

10 years ago

Everyone seems to be forgetting about Chris Milo. If he's not protected, he'll be gone and I'm not sure we can afford to lose him.

There's really no reason to protect any free agents. Ottawa has already said they won't take them and I'm sure they would rather play with a proven winner than a brand new team so we would only have to wait until February to resign them.

10 years ago

Ottawa may draft a couple of free agents but I don't think they'll draft any Rider FAs simply because the Riders are the only team that can defend their title and that is big for a FA, they'd want to come back.

Old Cuss

10 years ago

Both Milo and Schmidt are free agents.

10 years ago

I pretty much agree with the Canadians. Hate to lose Foley or Bagg but the others simply are more essential. Hope Ottawa doesn't take FAs (or that we can sign Butler and/or Milo back – those would be real losses). I suspect Ottawa will sign a LOT of FAs on February 15, because they have so much more buying power than anyone else.

Nonetheless, it's nice to know that we have such good Canadian depth compared to other teams. More kudos to Taman.

Lewis Grant