Facing a long week before Monday’s Week 16 game at Montreal, the Saskatchewan Roughriders held an extra day of practice on Wednesday.  Quarterback Kerry Joseph did not workout with the team as he arrived in Regina late Wednesday afternoon.  However his signing with the team is expected within the next 24 hours and the plan is for him to be on the field for Thursday’s workout.  Head coach Corey Chamblin was asked the reasons behind bringing in the 41-year old former league MVP.

“A lot of it is part of the process,” Chamblin explained.  “There’s still faith in the young quarterbacks but like anything else, they need time.  When we look at the depth of it, we need someone with veteran experience.”

Some observers feel the move could be viewed as a slap-in-the-facte to the team’s young stable of quarterbacks but sophomore Tino Sunseri said that’s not the case.

“It’s a blessing,” Sunseri revealed.  “Whenever they bring in a guy that’s had success, won a Grey Cup, been in the league and seen all the defenses, has all the experiences, it’s something that adds to our quarterback room.  We can pick his brain and see what he’s thinking on certain things to help us as individual players and help our team be better.”

Chamblin said the team has not yet named a starting quarterback against the Alouettes and Sunseri said he’s content to compete for the starter’s job each week.

“I feel like every single day you have to go out and prove that you’re the person,” Sunseri shrugged.  “I was watching football the other day and they were asking for Tom Brady to get benched down in New England.  For them to say that, I think that’s pretty ridiculous but that’s just the mindset you have to have as a quarterback, that you’re always evolving, getting better, to produce and play to the best of your abilities and get your team the win.”

It’s unreasonable to assume Kerry Joseph would be given consideration as the starting quarterback on Monday given the short time frame.  In fact Chamblin said they’re still in the evaluation stage.

“It’s really once we see him, see what type of shape he’s in and what he can do,” Chamblin continued.  “We don’t have any initial plans on what he’s set to do.  We need to see him move around and go from there.”

The Riders could be looking at a handful of roster changes for the Montreal game.  Veteran offensive guard Chris Best has come off the 6-game injured list (thumb) and Chamblin said he may suit up this week.  Meanwhile veteran CFL linebacker/DB Diamond Ferri was added to the practice roster on Wednesday and Chamblin said he could be activated since he knows the team’s defensive and special teams schemes.

Chamblin also said after the team’s second half offensive success in Friday’s 31-24 home loss to Calgary, they have a renewed sense of optimism and the “gloom and doom” attitude from their recent spate of adversity could be behind them.

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9 years ago

Remember what happened when Chris best came back last year? Things just started to click.

9 years ago

And they will …..!

Go Riders!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome back KJ

3rd n 2 will become a given!

9 years ago

The move to acquire joseph should create only optimism among players, coaching staff, fans, etc. He's a great guy and a proven winner. If you don't like him then you need to stop cheering for the riders as you clearly don't have a winning mentality.

-Darren Black

9 years ago

As long as Diamond "Penalty Flag" Ferri can keep it clean. Dude could hit!

9 years ago

I'm of the opinion that the Joseph acquistion means that Durants return may be more protracted than originally anticipated ( or published)

9 years ago

good move to bring back KJ. If Sunseri can play consistent KJ will never see the field. But obviously they are fearful of Doege as he is not a realistic alternative at this satge.

9 years ago

Anom # 3 … Who the hell are you to tell anyone what to say or do? Talk about mentality it sounds to me like you are sitting on yours.

9 years ago

You've got tongues wagging somewhere this morning! Why must you be such an irritant to someone who is so below you?

9 years ago

Hey Darren Black, you said, "If you don't like him then you need to stop cheering for the riders as you clearly don't have a winning mentality." It's not so simple as you phrase it. Many Rider fans love KJ, but the fact that he was eventually a 3rd string in Edm, then eventually let go and no other team picked him up (including Sk) was for pretty normal reasoning. Because people have an opinion or that they recognize KJ's limitations by both being out of the league for some time, as well his age, does not mean that the… Read more »

9 years ago

I am really glad he is back. K.J is not the answer for 18 games, but like Toby Keith sings, he's as good once as he ever was.

2007 Championship flat out doesn't happen without this guy, and for some reason he just doesn't have that aura attached to him like Lancaster, Austin, and Durant have. Joseph was as good as any of them. Darian is the greatest, but Joseph has his place on the mountain.

If you're 40, you should be bowing down to this guy.

Y'er Welcome

9 years ago

Chris Best is the key to everything in my opinion… take a look at the Riders record with him in the line up and with him out of the line up as well as our rushing game when he is present and when he isn't. Clearly everyone is overlooking the importance of him in our line up and focusing on the QB situation more than is needed. The worst outing by Sunseri was on a short week with one day practice and playing on the road in Edmonton. His numbers are very comparable to Durants, the key is Best. Need… Read more »

9 years ago

Obama, the 2007 championship doesn't happen if Kevin Glenn didn't break his arm.

9 years ago

For me, bringing in KJ is simply only insurance. Seth clearly showed that he is not ready, tons of up side, but not ready. So we are one play away from losing Tino and then holy crap we are in BIG trouble….so the hope is KJ is a safe bet, vs the young guys tossing interceptions…

9 years ago

Yeah well the 2010 Grey Cup doesn't happen if some dippoop can count how many guys to put on the field. No, no, and no. Kevin Glenn would not have made a difference. You play the players you have and it's the guys on the field. The 2007 Grey Cup is with the Riders, and 2010 goes to the Alouettes. You got to get it done with who you have. That's a b.s excuse, like 2001 doesn't happen for Calgary if Westwood makes three FGs for Winnipeg. He missed them, Riders can't count, and Glenn broke his arm. To bad… Read more »

9 years ago

Sorry, we couldn't count in 2009 not 2010.

In 2010, we just needed a kicker who could make a field goal over 35 yards.

Y'er Welcome

9 years ago

Actually 2009 was the too many men call

Yer welcome

9 years ago

The 2007 Grey Cup happens with or without Kevin Glenn. Im tired of hearing people say we only won because Glenn was injured.

In 2007 we lost the most man games to injuries, so by your logic they get Glenn back, then we get all our injured players we had for that game back.

Mike D.

9 years ago

Alot of we talk from a guy that doesnt sound like a real fan

9 years ago

Lord God Almighty. Some Rider "fans" are a weird. There's a whole lot of posting but nothing being said.

9 years ago

Damn; I liked it better when obumma got his knickers in a knot and left. I guess now we're stuck with him. Oh well. Time for and "F" bomb and a beer (or six).