The Saskatchewan Roughriders are back at the IMG Academy in Bradenton, FL for their third annual minicamp here this weekend.  The invite-only camp features roughly 70 players which includes 15-20 veteran Riders along with dozens of CFL rookies straight out of the NFL, NCAA and CIS.  Veteran Rider QBs Darian Durant, Kevin Glenn, Tino Sunseri and Seth Doege are expected to be on hand along with tailback Anthony Allen and most veteran receivers.

Roughriders Assistant GM Jeremy O’Day outlined the minicamp on 620 CKRM’s SportsCage.

“It’s a lot of work that goes into the minicamps for the fact you’re travelling guys from all over North America to one spot,” O’Day reported.  “And you’re trying to get them all there at the same time.  It’s not like when you put a team all on one flight and they arrive at the same time.  They’re coming in from all over.  That’s the biggest challenge.  You’re watching the weather too to make sure everything pans out when you’re down there.  It’s all part of it.”

As it stands now, the forecast calls for sunshine and 31 degrees Celsius through the weekend on the Gulf Coast.

While the Riders will not make their minicamp roster public, O’Day provided a few details on who will be in attendance.

“You’re gonna see new guys on both sides of the ball but there will be a larger amount on the defensive side just because we’re not bringing as many veteran defensive players,” O’Day said.  “But we will have plenty of young guys on offense as well.  But we wanted to bring a lot of offensive vets.”

These minicamps have proved to be beneficial as the Riders have started the past two seasons 8-1 and 8-2 and it appears the rest of the league is catching on.

“All the other teams are starting to do it as well,” O’Day continued.  “I can’t say it’s a 100% why we started so fast but I hope it helps.”

All eyes will be on veteran quarterback Darian Durant who confirmed his attendance in the camp months ago and it’ll be his first on-field work since the 2014 season ended (he practiced indoors during the week of the 2014 WSF).  Durant’s season ended in September last year when he went down with a torn tendon in his throwing elbow.

It will be keenly interesting to see how things operate under the club’s new coordinators Jacques Chapdelaine (offense) and Greg Quick (defense).  However for his part, O’Day is just as interested as us to see how things take shape.

“The better part of my job is to stay out of that and let the coaches do the coaching part but I’ll be a lot like anyone just interested to see how the offense and defense shapes up,” O’Day revealed.  “You’re always interested in what new will come out of it, and what will be exciting about the offense and defense.  For me, it’s not much of my job to get involved with those meetings.  I do know the coaches have been meeting constantly and keeping us up to speed on what type of players they want to look for in certain positions and it’s our job to find those guys.”

620 CKRM will be broadcasting the SportsCage live from Florida on Friday, Saturday and Monday and we’ll have in-depth reports with Roughrider guests.  You can also follow our Twitter feed @sportscage and read up on this blog and 620ckrm.com.

The camp is open to the public however are asked well in advance of the workouts as they’ll need to clear security.


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9 years ago

Here's hoping that DD is fully recovered although I doubt he is. It seems to me that if everything was okay the Riders would have informed their rabid fan base. Instead they have taken the 'out of sight, out of mind' approach.


9 years ago

They dont need to tell us everything about him he is going to the camp because its good to start getting into game shape now after a long injury im sure he is fine

9 years ago

Yeh, right. Kerry Joseph was the answer last fall too.

9 years ago

Darian has been throwing the ball since last November and lives in the US for the off season. The Riders numerous times have said they expect him to be fine …and is participating in mini-camp. What more can they say?

Suspicious of your intelligence.

9 years ago

And introducing your Saskatchewan Roughriders 2015 starting quarterback …… Kevin Glennnnnnnn

9 years ago

Hope that we as fans can get some decent opinions on the new players at camp rather then morre excuses on why not !!!!

9 years ago

We'll see how it plays out with DD. I'm hoping for the best but want to see it for myself because when it comes to the Riders I'm not as gullible as some people in this province.


9 years ago

Riderville camp down south a blatant pathetic waste of money year after year. Main camp is where the off-season recruitment will speak volumes to the 2015 season and it's end result of failure or success.

Senator Dueffy

9 years ago

Mr. Dueffy, you are indeed a buffoon. You know nothing about football, specifically the way in which these min-camps help teams get a jump on their main camp and the play-book. You should tune into the Sports Cage and get educated.

Old Hank

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

@Old Hank,

Sportscage? I'm a senator, it would be below me to listen to a AM radio station from hickville. Better entertainment currently being played out in Ottawa, you'd be wise to learn and listen of a misguided deep bowls inner workings of a governing government on trial, I'm the feature star player.

Senator Dueffy

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

This sounds familier. Just like the former liberals.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

This sounds familiar. Just like the former divine" PCs.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

And like the Culvert lead ndps.

9 years ago

^ It's such a waste of money Senator, that's why all nine teams in the league have one!

9 years ago

Has Obama being appointed to the Senate by his idol, Prime Minister Harper, and now posts as Senator Dueffy? Seems so.

9 years ago

It will be keenly interesting to see how things operate under the club's new coordinators Jacques Chapdelaine (offense) and Greg Quick (defense).

Note to Jacques: Keep in mind the CFL QB's do have a helmet radio receiver, so likely you can do away with the time wasting and confusing hand signals that most QB's would prefer not have to know…

Do we want Darian Durant focusing on hand signals or do we want him focusing on what's going on – on the field.

Welcome to 2015 Jacques Chapdelaine.

Go Riders


9 years ago

It's "DUFFY" idiots!! Not Dueffy!

9 years ago

We need to get K down to Florida to teach the offense how it is done LOL.

9 years ago

Obama is in Ottawa this week.