The Saskatchewan Roughriders and 620 CKRM, a Harvard Radio Station, are proud to announce an extension of their radio broadcast rights agreement which began in 1983.  As per team policy, terms were not disclosed.


“We are delighted to extend our partnership with the Saskatchewan Roughrider Football Club,” said Cam Cowie Vice President and COO Harvard Broadcasting. “With the extension, CKRM will continue to be the football club’s trusted voice to Rider Nation, over the air in Saskatchewan on 620 AM and around the world via live stream on 620CKRM.com and directly on the Rider App.”

“Our entire broadcast team led by Rod Pedersen (16th season) and Carm Carteri (26th season) is dedicated to delivering an informative, professional and engaging game day experience second only to being in Mosaic Stadium,” Cowie continued. “Harvard’s commitment to Rider Nation and the football club goes well beyond the game day broadcasts with CKRM’s SportsCage – the daily Source for all things Green & White”.

“We are ecstatic to continue our partnership with Harvard Radio’s 620 CKRM,” Riders President and CEO Jim Hopson noted. “Rod and Carm are two of the best in the business and have become a staple on Rider Game Day.”


2014 will mark the 31st year and 32nd season that 620 CKRM has been the flagship station of the Rider Radio Network which includes affiliates GX94 Yorkton and 600 CJWW Saskatoon.

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10 years ago

Rawlco Radio sucks.

10 years ago

Rawlco couldn't handle a broadcast. They are good at open lines, wedge issues, and facilitating bitching and complaining. It really is the B team over there.

Lyle Pederson
Lyle Pederson
10 years ago

Jeez … Who are these 'nameless' commenters? These guys are great! Actually create drama and excitement.

This Fan
This Fan
10 years ago

How many years is the extension? I trust it will be for the year of the new stadium, but I also heard someone at work talk about an expiration in 2020.

Anywhoow, congrats and hope to hear John Lynch talking Riders in pre-game/post game shows for another 10 years!

10 years ago

No brainer. The rest of Regina radio sux.

10 years ago

Great news for the Rider Nation all around. Sponsor for training camp and a new broadcast contract. But TSN is reporting that the plans for a stadium for the Argos have been scrapped. I am so sick of Toronto dragging down our league. Why don't they just move the Bombers back to the eastern division and let Toronto fold.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


Read today's Globe & Mail article on the Toronto Argonauts, you just may get your wish of the Argonauts folding from the CFL. No stadium venue to play In after 2017, ownership question mark. The CFL just a moment away from Impending blow up crisis. League needs to address in advance franchise ownership now, not at the last minute as is being currently played out with the labour dispute. What's happening right now not good CFL leadership/stewardship from both sides.

10 years ago

Wow, Rawlco just can't get their foot in the door.

Nice to see a tradition stay in tack, growing up listening to ckrm for all things Riders. Been very good for both organizations.

Still wondering though, I haven't heard anything yet about the Flames play by play announcer, so will you be here this season Rod or will you be calling NHL hockey?

10 years ago

The majority of the nameless commentators are Rawlco Employees. They hate it there as it's a grinder. It is very difficult to work in an organization where the employees are pounded for not bringing results when in fact it is the Ownership and Management team that can't execute a business plan. What exactly is a Green Zone when you have no games to broadcast? Harvard should have stipulated all Rider Coaches/Players are not allowed to be on any local radio station (Rawlco) from preseason to Grey Cup, but they are not that mean. I hope John Gormley does a show… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

John Gormley is a management lawyer goon…a braggart that drivels on and on about "his book"…barf!

3RD and 1
10 years ago

Actually both CKRM and CJME are good stations. Both have their own style and both are entertaining. Plus they are both SASKATCHEWAN!!!
Man why all this "in your face" competition.
I switch back and forth and whom ever has the better story for my liking at the time will keep my attention.

10 years ago

CKRM/Harvard is a standard bearer by which all is measured. Rawlco gives you Celebrity Juice and the rest is crap. When the Pats were sold, I didn't switch to Rawlco as if SportsCage isn't carrying it then frankly it isn't news worthy. Then a couple of weeks later SportsCage gets the first interview with the new Owner. To me that's gravitas and the other station is crap. I do agree both have different styles. Rawlco makes you feel dirty after you listen to it. It has an aggressive little man syndrome style that is always trying to over compensate for… Read more »

10 years ago

Great to hear Rod and Carm are continuing on, they are the best in the business. Just listening to the Grey Cup CKRM broadcast again gives me the chills. Nobody better in the CFL calling games.


10 years ago

Great to hear Rod and Carm are continuing on, they are the best in the business. Just listening to the Grey Cup CKRM broadcast again gives me the chills. Nobody better in the CFL calling games.


10 years ago

Thank GOD. Has anyone actually tried to listen those guys at the other station? Someone told me Nye sounded good, then I actually listened!!!! I can read the stats off of the Rider webpage myself, thank you very much Jamie. Don't get me wrong , I'm all for competition but really? This wasn't competition at ALLLLLLL!!! lol and the fact that they were bad mouthing Rod around town to his own friends, then fabricating numbers saying that they had better ratings. Unbelievable really. When I heard that I thought, that's as easy to believe as someone telling you that cable… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

In what world are Cable Regina (now Access Communications) in a ratings war with NBC?

10 years ago

driving from Regina to Moose Jaw one evening, taking my mom to visit family and she changes the radio station and stops on the Green Zone

Me: why did you change it to the Green zone?

Mom: because when they talk about the Riders, it makes me think I know something about football

Me: but you don’t know anything about football

mom: I know

10 years ago

@Doug from Weyburn, You make a lot of sense, I think you would be a person I could hang out with….:) Here is what I'll tell the guys at Rawlco as this is a teachable moment. Watch and study Rod Pedersen and learn something. I don't have to toot Rod's horn, but I will. He started out and had Geoff Courier and Willie Cole to watch. Now Rod was blessed with God given talent, but he worked that talent and molded it. He did his job, learned his trade, and most importantly he did not crap on people along the… Read more »

10 years ago

You and Scruffy definitely share Douchebag of the day honours Pedersen. Congrats!

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

And when Parker leaked the story of the Pats being sold to you guys you were more than happy to rub it in Rods face. Karma is a real beyotch ain't it!

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

bey otch? ( be'otch !!!! )

10 years ago

Maybe the NHL should've done the same with being loyal to the best broadcast available by sticking with TSN instead of chasing the money. I bet they are not as successful in the long run because of Sportsnets lack of talent which will turn viewers off…which means lower revenue from advertising. The next 12 years of NHL on Sportsnet is going to see their ratings drop…just like it would've for Rider radio broadcasts if they went with anyone else. If it ain't broken…

Congrats Roddy…you can buy me lunch soon.


10 years ago

STROMBO………. that is all.

ratings will fall so fast and people will call for his head. I say he lasts till November.

10 years ago

Maybe I'm naive, but did Rawlco honestly think they had a chance? Seriously?

Their morning show insults my intelligence and the Green Zone features knowledgeable guys, who just happen to be painfully boring on the radio. No thanks!


10 years ago


The short answer is Yes. This is what happens when there is no self-reflection or analysis of current practices and how they'll relate to bigger scale projects.

This is an organization that continues year after year to lag in the ratings and marketplace. They never define themselves other than slagging their opponent and people don't buy it.

Rather than do that reflection they went great guns forward and made an absolute embarassment of themselves.