For the first time in franchise history, the Saskatchewan Roughriders headed up to Prince Albert, SK for a training camp workout.  It’s hard to believe that in their 105-year history the Riders haven’t visited the Gateway to the North as a team, but no one from P.A. nor the franchise could recall it ever happening before.

It was a walk-through rather than a practice, but the P.A. chapter of the Rider Nation was happy to see their heroes nonetheless…

The back-up QBs watch as Darian Durant runs the offense…

 Count the Dressler jerseys!  Clearly Weston is the most-popular Roughrider up here…

Hold on!  Maybe not.  There are plenty of Durant fans too…

The Albert Jenkins Centre is an impressive facility located on the west end of town…

Former Prince Albert Raiders defenceman Dylan Kemp was on hand, and I’m shocked he remembered me from being voice of the Raiders from 1993-95.  The P.A. product works with youth in the city now…

Three buses carried Canada’s Team to Prince Albert for the afternoon…

The Rider Store was on hand, selling tons of merchandise…

And to wrap the day we had the pleasure of broadcasting 620 CKRM’s SportsCage live from the patio at the Prince Albert Boston Pizza.  It was nice to have former SportsCage regular Trevor Secundiak join us for the show.  The former Yorkton Terrier is at Candle Lake Golf Resort now.

Thursday also marked the debut of the SportsCage on three northern Saskatchewan radio stations: 900 CKBI Prince Albert, 1050 CJNB North Battleford and 102.3 FM CJNS in Meadow Lake.  The SportsCage has achieved syndication, and we’re happy to be spreading the word of the Riders to another area of the province!

Before the walk-through I took SportsCage co-host on a brief tour of Prince Albert which included the Diefenbaker Bridge and the Federal Pentitentiary.  Luc’s jaw hit the floor when I told him that’s where his former teammate Trevis Smith spent two years of his life.

Several P.A. friends dropped by the show including Angus Hemsworth, a long-time guard at the penitentiary.  “Gus” told me Trevis was “a great inmate, as inmates go”.  What a sad situation that whole thing was.

I absolutely loved my time in P.A. between the ages of 19 and 22.  It’s a very special place and it was great to be back.

Roughriders 2015 Training Camp hits Day 6 on Friday with workouts scheduled for 8:30 AM and 3:00 PM back at Griffiths Stadium.  I’ll be taping next week’s In The Huddle episode for Access on Friday morning before heading back to Regina to host the SportsCage in studio with Scott Schultz at 4:00 pm.

As always, thanks for checking in.

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9 years ago

Didn't know that Trevor was working up in the bush now. Bet he loves it, all the golf and nature he can handle. Just like at Crystal Lake haha.

Perhaps GX94 should get on the Sports Cage bandwagon. It's no secret the amount of Yorkton area folks that listen in is huge. That's why you hear Yorkton area companies advertising during the Cage cause of the listenership. Oh well, they're too busy airing songs of long-forgotten Star search contestants. Lexie T doesn't count though, she's awesome.

Gunderson's Yorkton

9 years ago

In the photo of the backup QBs it looks like Tino is wearing knee braces. Is that a concern or is it preventative?

9 years ago

I had no idea that there was a mobile Rider's store! What a great idea!

9 years ago

Tino's knee looks very fine indeed!


9 years ago

Should the Riders now bring in Paul McCallum for a look-see, put some heat on Milo?

9 years ago

Great having you in PA Rod. Hope to see ya back next year.

Bring Mrs. Sportscage next time and show her all your old haunts. I'm sure she will still love you after the stories that will be told.

9 years ago

Any kicker would put heat on Milo.

9 years ago

The Lions should look for another Canadian kicker – I would suggest giving Kaylyn Kyle from the Canadian Woman's Soccer Team a try. Her 45 yard field goal was impressive.

9 years ago

The City of Regina caught a break with the Rider camp up in Stoon this year, given the on-going water crisis. Imagine the amount of water used by 94 players, coaches, media etc throughout these couple weeks – showers, toilets, drink, food prep, laundry etc.

Old Hank

9 years ago

Thanks for the update on Kemp, I haven't seen him since him since playing junior with him in the late 90's
