It’s late Thursday and I don’t have time to provide captions for ALL of the photos from Thursday’s Rider Pride Night and pregame Tailgate Party at the Westgate Plaza in Glendale, AZ.   However here’s some photo evidence of what went down …

Ducks assistant coach Rich Preston of Regina stops by the SportsCage …

Coyotes President & CEO Anthony Leblanc …

The Ducks spanked the Coyotes 5-1 … Ryan Getzlaf didn’t play for Anaheim … Max Domi of Arizona pulled a Todd Bertuzzi-type act in the third period. Watch Sportscentre for the highlights.

Heading to the ice for the postgame photo …

Rider great Ray Elgaard with the Coyotes’ Boyd Gordon of Regina. Classy move by the Riders’ Gregg Sauter and Andrew Craig to do up a Rider jersey for Boyd.

Thanks to all who attended!  See you next year in Phoenix …
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9 years ago

Typical riders fans desperate for attention

9 years ago

Looked like a great time! Hope to make it down one of these years!

9 years ago

Riders fans are best fans in the world!

9 years ago

Ryan Getzlaf didn't play??! BUST!

9 years ago

Great job by Riders to organize such an event and good on Coyotes to partner.

Hopefully it continues to grow.

9 years ago

Wow, look at the empty seats. There is no way that team survives the next ten years. They need a 15,000 seat arena like Winnipeg.

9 years ago

Looks like you had to be 40+ to attend these games… Jersey etiquette 101 is to never wear a jersey from a different league to a game. If I wore my coyotes jersey to a riders game they'd ridicule me out of mosaic. Not that I'd ever buy a coyotes jersey but you get the point.

9 years ago

Just another example of how 'special' Rider fans are

9 years ago

I would love to see the looks of people at Mosaic if fans came to games wearing hockey jerseys or baseball jerseys or whatever. It just adds to the "yokels" characterization so many in the CFL have of Rider fans.


9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

And you really just add to the "a$$hole" characterization Rider fans have of certain people. Namely yourself.

If you were part of an event sporsored by a specific organization, and happened to wear some article of clothing connected to that organization to Taylor Field (I refuse to use the name Mosaic) most people wouldn't even look twice.

Except for other loud mouth, idiot a$$holes like yourself.

But their probably friends of yours anyways.

9 years ago

The smallest dog always barks the loudest.

9 years ago

Some people lead very sad lives when they have to insult Rider fans.
get some help or get laid trolls

9 years ago

It's OK Rod. It's just envious fans from fringe teams

9 years ago

I'm with Rob and I am a Rider fan! My jerseys come out on game day and that is that. There seems to be some little fetish people in Saskatchewan have of trying to think they are something by wearing a Rider jersey to events. It makes them think they're a somebody! Wear a t-shirt or a golf shirt or a jacket if you want with the logo on it, but you wouldn't go to a Rider game wearing an NHL jersey so why would you go to an NHL game wearing a Rider jersey. It is ridiculous.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Friend of Rob, see the comment directed at him and his friends above.

Your complaints are groundless, your fears are moronic.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Rob and his friend,While I do agree with you both that it's wrong/odd to wear the apparel of a team to a game that team isn't participating in, the issue has more to do with self righteous a$$holes who think they have the right to tell other people what to wear. I agree with you both, however I will never be such a knob as to tell adults what clothes they can wear and when it is appropriate to wear them. You two sound like fashionistas on E! only a lot more whiny. Oh, and fans from every other CFL… Read more »

9 years ago

First of all, great turn out of Rider fans in Arizona, I was wishing I was there. Good to hear Ray Elgaard on the radio and I have to say he does a really good radio interview, great voice and very relaxed on air. I just want to say that the vibe going on in Arizona is starting to rise up in Saskatchewan once again. Being in Regina yesterday I couldn't help but notice all the Rider logos, license plates, flags, jerseys, t-shirts, hats, blankets, etc. All these have been around for a long time of course but I am… Read more »

9 years ago

As sure as Sunday follows Saturday the trolls come out from under their bridge to attack anything Rider be it team or fans. These are some very emotionally damaged people. They are scary enough to wonder aloud whether or not they should be institutionalized for their own good. Jersey etiquette? (ever see Montreal Canadiens or Toronto Maple Leafs caps at sporting events) 40+ crowd, assortment of profanities etc seems to suggest people with serious issues. It's great that people who have worked hard for 25-30 years, asked for nothing, lived within their means, are rewarded. People who lived ordinary lives,… Read more »

9 years ago

Some people should just mind their own frickin business.

worry about yourselves and leave everyone else the hell alone.

Why do you care who wears their Rider jerseys and where they wear them?

They paid for them and can wear them wherever they want.

Good lord.

Lyle Pederson
Lyle Pederson
9 years ago

Obviously Coyote fans haven't taken 'Jersey 101' yet. At least not those many we met as they gave "welcome" "thanks for supporting the 'yotes" "your team and fans must really be special" (3 or 4 of those)"this it great" etc. No end of 'positive' attention. But yes … overheard one guy say "Those f####### Canadians come down here and take all the bar seats". Guess he doesn't have a dog to kick either.

9 years ago

In one photo you see the backs of the fan's Rider jerseys and the names all – without exception – take you on a walk down memory lane.

9 years ago

Guess Gary Bettman doesnt see the need to step in to put a stop on another league Imposing itself on the NHL brand.as its probably deemed a non entity In the world of professional sports, just a bunch of dreaming yokels looking for attention.