SASKATCHEWAN – The Saskatchewan Rush are proud to announce that we have officially sold every seat in the SaskTel Centre for Saturday night’s game versus the Calgary Roughnecks.

Rush President Lee Genier said, “On behalf of Rush Owner, Bruce Urban and the entire Rush organization, we are incredibly excited to announce a complete sell out for the game tonight 14,941. We thank the amazing fans that have made this happen. The entire province has embraced the Saskatchewan Rush and it has been a fantastic journey. It is an incredible honour to be able to announce this figure.

Genier credits the amazing fans, the work of his entire staff and the commitment of owner Bruce Urban to this endeavour. “We look forward to many more sellouts and to make this province extremely proud of this team they have adopted and made their own.”

On the turf, Mark Matthews scored a hat trick as the Rush got past the Roughnecks 11-9.

Ben McIntosh and Robert Church both struck twice with Brett Mydske, Riley Loewen, Jeff Cornwall and Zack Greer rounding out the attack for the Rush (10-3).

Dane Dobbie and Curtis Dickson also had hat tricks for Calgary (6-9). Garrett McIntosh, Reilly O’Connor and Jeff Shattler also chipped in.

Aaron Bold made 36 saves for the win in net as Frankie Scigliano kicked out 37-of-46 shots in 50:37. Christian Del Bianco went the rest of the way and stopped the lone shot he faced.

Saskatchewan was 5 for 7 on the power play while the Roughnecks scored twice on seven chances with the man advantage.

(With files from the Canadian Press,

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8 years ago

"We are incredibly excited to announce a complete sell out for the game tonight 14,941. We thank the amazing fans that have made this happen. The "Entire Province" has embraced the Saskatchewan Rush and it has been a fantastic journey.
That quote does NOT include most Reginians who laughed and said that we would never support a Professional Sport.

8 years ago

As impressive as this seems it pales in comparison to the pat sellout as they move to the second round. Pats on their way to be saskatchwans team in the memorial cup.

8 years ago

lol these comments.
Seems nobody can be happy.

Doovy 49
8 years ago

15,000 seats sold "pales" compared to 6,000??????????Your logic eludes me!!

8 years ago

At least one team in Saskatchewan can sell out a game.

8 years ago

The sky is always falling and someone's always being slighted. It's the story of these message board comments, it's sad really.

8 years ago

Hey Anonymous. "most Reginians" do not care about Saskatoon and were not laughing and saying you couldn't support a Professional Sport. Get over your inferiority complex.

8 years ago

Mines bigger then yours lol.

8 years ago

being a pats fan I hope the best happens but don't think memorial cup is where this team is headed. fans just enjoy the ride and watch good entertaining hockey whatever happens

8 years ago

Saskatoon is and always will be bigger than Regina.

8 years ago

Saskatoon and Regina are both good sports cities. Saskatchewan is a good sports province. Argument over.

8 years ago

Great comment anon. It's unfortunate that some have to make it a city vs city issue all the time. Being in saskatoon of course we are very happy about how things have turned out with the Rush. I don't care if 100 or 1000 make it from Regina and other cities. We are glad to have you and your support . A word of advice is get your tickets early if you are coming to a game.

8 years ago

Other than the Riders … Regina is a sports desert

8 years ago

Other than the Riders … Regina is a sports desert

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You can at that again lol

8 years ago

Other than the Riders/Rush Saskatchewan is a sports desert.

Both cities are good cities. I never see the need for a pissing match. I live in Saskatoon but spend time in Regina quite often. Of course I'm partial to my home town, but Regina is a great place too.

Now that it has been said, we've got the last regular season game and a few more games to sell out, Saskatchewan.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The Rush are the doomsday scenario for the Blades…. would anyone care if they left?
Advice for the Rush. Avoid at all costs inviting Towriss and Carleton to home games. Thier losing mojo may be contagious.
The Rush are the best thing to hit this province since the inception of the Riders.
Go Rush Go Riders