Michael Sam is taking some time away from the football field.

The 25-year-old defensive end announced through his verified Twitter account that he will be stepping aside from the CFL’s Montreal Alouettes for personal reasons.

“The last 12 months have been very difficult for me, to the point where I became concerned with my mental health. Because of this I am going to step away from the game at this time. I thank the Alouettes for this opportunity and hope to be back on the field soon. Thank you all for your understanding and support.”

The Alouettes organization confirmed in a press release that Sam has left the club for “personal reasons” and that he has been added to the team’s suspended list.

Sam became the first active pro football player who is openly gay after making his CFL debut for the Als in their loss to the Ottawa Redblacks on Aug. 7. He was used sparingly and only took part in a handful of plays, finishing with no tackles. He didn’t dress this week and was put on the injured list when Montreal played the Edmonton Eskimos Thursday night.

The Texan was a former SEC co-defensive player of the year in his senior season at the University of Missouri. He was drafted by the St. Louis Rams in the seventh round of the 2014 NFL draft, but failed to make their lineup. After a short spell with the Dallas Cowboys on their practice roster, he signed a two-year contract with the Alouettes.

Sam also missed part of Montreal’s training camp to attend personal matters but returned June 29.

(Canadian Press)

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9 years ago

Coming out as gay in pro sports takes guts but doubt he had any idea what he would face.

9 years ago

This guy is bipolar. I know, so is my wife.

Don't laugh, I'm serious

9 years ago

He just figured out he was in over his head so left before he got cut.

9 years ago

The sporting world and other businesses in general seem to be getting a better understanding of the need to support those struggling with anxiety and depression and other mental health issues. Used to be a time when this to was kept in the closet by players and employees.

9 years ago

Time for the media to leave him alone. He is not a hero.

9 years ago

The promotion and glorifying of the gay lifestyle by the media is truly sickening.

9 years ago

Exactly. It's the LGBT zealots and the politically correct media who are sensationalizing everything and doing more harm than good. Here Sam a year ago comes out as gay and the world goes nuts. It should have been left alone at that point. Nope, the media follows his every turn so he gets all the publicity and the "preferential treatment". Leave the guy alone! Maybe if he didn't have all that scrutiny he could have instead focused on becoming a better football player. Unfortunately it's going to take something tragic for people to wake up and quit doing this. LGBT… Read more »

9 years ago

Media made this a bigger story than what it really was. Every sportscast about Sam began with " first gay player ……….." Who cares. Leave the man alone for goodness sake. No wonder the poor guy has mental health issues. – media has no conscience nor are they held to any form of moral standard that I can see…. Shameful !

9 years ago

I'm going to tell you something and I want to be very clear on this. Michael Sam is 25 years old. If any of you had empathy you could not imagine the amount of pressure this man has been under starting in childhood and now into young adulthood. He comes from Texas where similar to here the overzealous father's who did nothing with their lives hope to live vicariously through their children. I'm certain Michael Sam had a football in his crib and a little pair of cleats when he was 3 years old. This is a lesson that if… Read more »

9 years ago

Is Obama gay?

9 years ago

There is no such thing as a "gay lifestyle", just like there is no such thing as an "African American lifestyle" or a "Chinese lifestyle", just individual human beings who may be "different" than a neighbor somewhere due to sex, race, culture, religion or sexual orientation etc. Diversity is here and it is a good thing! Stereotyping people is the sign of a closed mind.

Old Hank

9 years ago

Now there's something, after hundreds of postings belittling others Obama is criticizing people for being mean.


9 years ago

Obama the zealous racist hater of white people who hides behind a cloak of intellectual superiority, but is in fact a left wing extremist idiot.

9 years ago

This guy invited the media into his life.

9 years ago

You had me until the last paragraph Obama. Don't use Michael Sam of all things in your anti-Brad wall posts.

9 years ago

….tell you what. The next time Stephen Harper or Brad Wall have a meeting of the party faithful on say a farm within a toolshed or whatever it is. If you can get a question passed because they won't answer questions without fist being vetted, ask them about gay rights or protection under the law. These guys will look at all the bib overalls, John Deer hat wearing rednecks and take a big gulp before they answer. Their base is the "Git 'er Done" crowd and that don't play in Harperland. I've long said Stephen Harper and his Alliance-Reform Party,… Read more »

9 years ago

Obama, you are one of the meanest people on this blog. You suffer from low self-esteem. That's why you belittle other people. Don't call anyone names before you take a good look at yourself in the mirror! There you may find the answer!
Patrick f

9 years ago

Come on Patrick! Obama is a guy that looks at himself in the mirror all day, everyday, poking at his zits and greasing back his hair, telling himself that he is the best looking guy in the room and with a brain unlike no other. They did not break the mold when Obama emerged from his ma's tummy. The Obama's walk among us everywhere…

Old Hank

9 years ago

Als considered 6 gaming him for a 'sprained' sphincter, but had second thoughts.
Oh yeah?…. suck it Obumhole!

9 years ago

Well put Old Hank.