Mr. Bruce Urban, Owner/Governor, is excited to announce today that his National Lacrosse League franchise is relocating to Saskatoon and will be known as the Saskatchewan Rush.This move takes effect immediately and the Saskatchewan Rush will be part of the 2016 National Lacrosse League with their goal set on defending the Champion’s Cup title won this past June when the franchise was located in Edmonton.“This is certainly a monumental day in the history of the Rush, and we are immensely pleased with the reception we have already received in the City of Saskatoon and from throughout the entire Province of Saskatchewan,” said Urban.“Our entire franchise is delighted to be bringing the best professional lacrosse in the world to Saskatoon. We are enthusiastic about what is to come as the Rush defend the National Lacrosse League championship in our new home.”The Saskatchewan Rush will play out of the SaskTel Centre, home to the Western Hockey League’s Saskatoon Blades, and seating 15,100 for hockey and lacrosse. The SaskTel Centre also hosts numerous big-name concerts and will showcase the UFC’s first-ever visit to Saskatchewan.“On behalf of SaskTel Centre, the City of Saskatoon and the Province of Saskatchewan, I am proud to announce that the defending champions of the National Lacrosse League will make Saskatoon their new home beginning with the 2016 season,” said Will Lofdahl, Chief Executive Officer of SaskTel Centre.“We know full well that they will enjoy much success in Saskatchewan.”The Rush are coming off an outstanding 2015 season – their 10th year in the National Lacrosse League. After compiling a 13-5 record during the 18-game regular season, the Rush defeated the arch-rival Calgary Roughnecks in the best-of-three West Division Final to earn their spot in the Champion’s Cup.The Rush swept the league-leading and six-time champion Toronto Rock in the best-of-three Champion’s Cup series, taking Game 1 in Toronto 15-9, and then finishing off the Rock by a score of 11-10 before a crowd of more than 12,000 fans.“We’re excited to welcome Saskatchewan to the National Lacrosse League,” said NLL Commissioner George Daniel.  “We look forward to showcasing great NLL action at SaskTel Centre in 2016.”Genier joins Rush as new PresidentIn addition to announcing the move to Saskatoon, the Rush are pleased to announce that Lee Genier has been named the team’s new President.Prior to joining the Rush, Genier oversaw the Calgary Stampeders and his leadership guided the team to becoming the flagship franchise of the Canadian Football League. During Genier’s tenure with the Stampeders, the team won three Grey Cup titles and had the largest season-ticket base in the entire league.Previously, Genier was a board member of Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton and the Team Lead during its gold-medal performances at the Sochi Olympics.“I am very proud to be joining the Rush and being part of this exciting new venture in Saskatchewan,” said Genier.“Our intent is to bring the Rush and the National Lacrosse League to the forefront of the sports landscape in the City of Saskatoon and the entire Province of Saskatchewan. I am looking forward to working closely with the business community, developing a huge fan base, and making Saskatchewan proud of the Rush.”Genier, who is an avid outdoor sportsman, is active in the community as well as he sits on the Foundation Board of Directors at the Mount Royal University.
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9 years ago

Keep tickets at a decent price, be competitive and I think they'll be a loyal following.

9 years ago

Don't see this working out unless the seats are basically free. Saskatoon is not a sports city, and there is no crime in that.

9 years ago

Fantastic for Saskatoon and Saskatchewan, great enetertainment for usually reasonable prices.

9 years ago

the riders are collpasing in front of our eyes and we're talking about lacrosse. who cares about saskatoon getting a lacrosse team??

9 years ago

I am thinking absolutely positive on this one, so I will predict one season and maybe part of 2 seasons but that is it. THIS WILL NOT WORK.As I have said over and over,put an AHL team in Saskatoon get rid of the Blades and then we will finally have a Pro team here in Saskatoon.

9 years ago

LOL Edmonton's sloppy seconds of a lacrosse team. They couldn't make a go of it there but they are going to show up in Saskatoon and make a go of it? Folks are going to go watch a sport they don't care about in order to protect the city's reputation as a sports town? Sounds like a quality business plan. Maybe they could bring back the Saskatchewan Storm too since we are placing doomed franchises.

9 years ago

They won't last three years because Saskatoon won't support it. In two years, they will cry for a CFL team again and they constantly cry for an NHL team. I'm not wrong and Saskatoon knows that too.

John Q Public

9 years ago

This is just a start, Pro Lacrosse, to be followed by an NHL team.
CFL? Ya ok, a nine team joke of a league that is on the verge of collapsing, no thanks.

Tyler Welder
9 years ago

Great news. This will work, and they're instantly competitive. The fans won't have to suffer through the growing pains of an expansion team.

9 years ago

Great day for Saskatchewan lacrosse

9 years ago

Sour comments.
I live in yxe and could care less about Lacrosse. But I'll be checking it out with an open mind.

9 years ago

For all the expert nay sayers out there that say this wont work. Why don't you shut your yap and give this a chance. You never know. For all those that say they won't go to a game because they don't care, then don't go. For those who say it a second rate league as far as pro leagues go, well it's better than no league in the province at all. I for one will be one who will support our new team and will definitely be making the drive up to Saskatoon to watch just like Saskatoonians make to… Read more »

9 years ago

Sounds like your Drinking more than Water Derrick. One year Max and bye bye Lacrosse just like the Basketball Teams and Baseball teams. Hockey, Football & Curling pretty well says it all for this Province and that will probably be it for years to come.

9 years ago

Oh hahaha last anon. Like I haven't heard that one before. There is to many nay sayers in this province. Let's give this a chance with a open mind and hope for success. If we want any more pro teams in this province then we have to buy in to the ones that are here. Or else no one will put another one here.

Derrick from Drinkwater

9 years ago

The negative nellys on here are probably all from Regina, they think the Riders are the end all be all in this province.
How dare any other city support another pro sports team.

9 years ago

Derrick, I have a strong feeling that you excel at Knitting,sounds to me like that is your type of sport.Anyway,goDrink some more water and keep having fun.

9 years ago

Maybe this will help Saskatoon get over it's envy of Regina

9 years ago

The owners think they can get 11,000 people out for a game at 35$$ per adult ticket. Good luck, but they are dreaming and only fooling themselves. 5000 fans at 20 bucks each would be a stretch.

9 years ago

Pretty sure nobody in Saskatoon is envious of Regina, LOL.
Yeah, Wascana Slough is a real gem.

9 years ago

Typical Toontown response, so predictable lol