The usual weekly assortment of thoughts running through my muddled mind and as always, they are in no particular order:

– Should I even bother talking about Riders camp? Not really! Like I said on Monday, Saskatoon deserves a slice of the pie as well and we Reginans need to realize that. We have the team right here for all but the first two weeks of the season, but yes, listening to Rod Pedersen and Luc Mullinder do a 1st class job in bringing you all the information on Saskatchewan’s #1 sports show–the Sportscage just makes me get more excited for when the green and white return to Mosaic.

– Speaking of Mullinder, have you checked out his blog yet?  It is some Grade “A” work!

– Another CFL website you may want to check out is because it is one that, if accurate, is one a lot of CFL fans will go to. I don’t know who is responsible for it and I don’t know how he got the numbers because it seems the CFL really doesn’t want them made public, but I applaud whoever is behind this for the work they are putting in

– I feel terrible for Addison Richards. The Bombers receiver hasn’t even gotten out of the gates and he is injured. That is not the way to start a CFL career. I had someone ask if this could end up seeing him wind his way back to the Regina Rams for one more season. I doubt it!  Get better Addy!! There are many here rooting for you despite the fact you are now wearing blue and gold!

– Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton gets a 5 year, 103 million dollar extension this week making me wonder just what Russell Wilson’s new contract will look like. The Seahawks quarterback is one yard and one bad pass away from leading  his team to two Super Bowl championships in three years under centre. His resume is wayyyyyy better than Newton’s. As a Seahawks fan, I am curious to see what he ends up signing for. I am guessing 6 years at about 130.

– Jeff Petry signed a 6 year, 33 million dollar deal with the Canadiens this week. I couldn’t stand that turnstile when he was with the Oilers as he made more bad plays than good. Sorry Montreal, I don’t think that contract is a great one.  Have fun with it!

– The Stanley Cup final started Wednesday night and the team that scored the most goals in the regular season looked more like the 1995 New Jersey Devils and other trap-teams. Do what got you to the dance gentlemen!!! This is not the time to change up your game!

– Duncan Keith may indeed be Batman!

– The Toronto Blue Jays have not lived up to expectations two months into the season, but where would this team be if it weren’t for Josh Donaldson. The trade to get him for Brett Lawrie was outstanding.

– Sportsnet’s Jamie Campbell and Gregg Zaun are getting their heads shaved for cancer this Monday before the Blue Jays game. Why isn’t p x p man Buck Martinez involved in this promotion. With that mop Buck carries, he should have done what so many others have done over the years and get the razor out. I wonder what the donations for that would be if Martinez had said he would do it. Cmon Buck!!!  #disappointed

– If Game 1 of the NBA Finals is any indication of what we are going to see than get ready for what should be one of the best series we have seen in the NBA in a while. What a tremendous contest!

– Is it too much to ask for a little bit of rain? If we have to conserve water, it would be nice to see the region get a solid soaking.

– One last thing…..

It was one year ago this week that Anthony Marquart and his Queen City Sports and Entertainment Group bought the Regina Pats from Russ Parker.

It wasn’t the easiest of transitions for the new owners, and perhaps they are still learning some things as they go along, but I think the Regina hockey fan realizes 365 days later the organization is in much better hands and the future is bright.

Don’t get me wrong, the Parker family did some good things for this franchise, but QCSE has taken the ball and is doing what good ownership does and that is raise the bar.

A much needed scoreclock gave the team some legitimacy and the on-ice performance led by WHL coach of the year John Paddock brought respectability.

The Pats have shown they are no longer a team that is content with just trying to make the playoffs so that some extra dollars can be had and they have shown they are more than ready to start being a contender perhaps as early as this year with plans to stay in that contender like mode like the WHL champs from Kelowna and the WHL runners-up from Brandon have been for the past few years.

QCSE has a plan….a plan that the former regime seemingly never had. They have a vision and that vision is to bring Regina its 2nd Memorial Cup and perhaps its 3rd and maybe its 4th.

Has the new ownership group done everything right in the first 365 days. I think they would answer no, but when you have something new you are going to see just what your new acquisition can and can not do. You’ll experience some bumps in the road, but the key is to smooth those bumps out and make that ride an enjoyable one.

It took a while for Regina hockey fans to warm up to the Pats, and it took a lot of work from QCSE to make that happen. I think a solid regular season has started them on that path as many who did not want to return to the Brandt Centre under the old regime  have come back liking what they see with more likely to hop on board as we inch closer to next season.

One has no idea how the 2nd year of ownership will go for Marquart and company, but if year 1 is any indication, Regina hockey fans should get ready for some entertaining winters at the Brandt Centre because the plan and the vision has been set and if what I have seen is any indication, it is a plan and vision that through hard work by many will get achieved.

That’s all I got! Have a great weekend

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9 years ago

Couldn't agree more with you on the Pats!

These guys know what's going on while the Parker family had no plan. If they did, it was a damn bad one.

9 years ago

No Way that list is accurate. 51K is the lowest salary by most players. T Geoorge just resigned and he is listed as 51k????? Not a chance.

9 years ago

Best thing the Parkers did with the Pats is THEY SOLD IT!

9 years ago

I tried, I feel stupider for reading his stuff.

9 years ago

Not related to anything that was posted here but let's not forget that the Women's World Cup of Soccer starts on Saturday in Edmonton. Our ladies have a great chance to do wonderful things.

We even have one player from Saskatchewan on the team. GO Canada Go!

9 years ago

I hear ya Rod. Why bother having a site with less than 3% of players salaries though. Funny.

9 years ago

Scruffy Regina has won the Memorial Cup 4 times. The Regina Monarchs in 1928 and the Pats in 1925, 1930 and 1974. The next win will be the 5th for Regina.

9 years ago

Not to mention our SK girl on the women's World Cup team is incredibly gorgeous and a down to earth role model for everyone. She should be the new cover girl. Thies, you're fired!

9 years ago

If you read capgeek's tweets, he said he had 20% of players updated, and that was over 16 hours ago. So far, I've only taken a quick scan of the site.

9 years ago

To anon talking about feeling stupider. That's OK, I feel stupider reading your comment. Good write-up today Scruffster, I agree on the Pats. Better times are ahead, much better times!


9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I'm not the original poster you are talking about but unfortunately, I feel stupider after reading your comment. Sorry 🙁

9 years ago

I think it's admirable Rod held a contest for fans to enter to be the Friday blogger. So happy this 12 year old boy with ADD who writes this was able to fulfill a great memory for his childhood. You're doing great work for the community Rod. And tell this young blogger to keep plugging away! What a little trooper!

9 years ago

Her mother is sure a big piece of work though.

9 years ago

Another great read Scruff D-O-double G. The anon above is obviously a disgruntled CJME worker jealous of what is going on with you guys. You can tell he is stupid since he used the word stupider. Definite CJME'er. What an idiot.

The Beav

9 years ago

The SC covergirl is not Thies! Take a good look at her. Where is Thies anyhoo?

9 years ago

Stupider? Is that a word? Stupider is as stupider does.

Have you boys seen the Kaylyn Kyle video where she hoofs one through the uprights from 45? Imagine that in football pants. She can kick better than Milo and would look better too!

The old Scruffdog would probably be getting his first post-game interview with her every game! I would be!

Loved the shows from Stoon and PA Roddy. Your competitors must be silently crying knowing their fanbase is diminishing with every show.

9 years ago

I'm sick of this folksy nonsense that where camp is placed is based on what Saskatoon needs. Camp goes where the football people want it. If Corey and company feel that there are advantages to going on the road for camp and staying in Saskatoon, then bless 'em, go ahead and have camp in Saskatoon. If coach sees value in keeping camp at the home base then that's what matters, not public relations. There's a point where PR becomes secondary, and that's any time PR clashes with the wants/needs of the club. And when the new stadium is up and… Read more »

9 years ago

That cap geek is embarrassing. CFL contracts aren't public knowledge so all they are putting out there is what's been rumoured. It has zero credibility in my books. Not sure who's doing it but they should get a real job or pastime. #useless

9 years ago

QCSE saved junior hockey in Regina. Russ and Brent were slowly killing this team on and off the ice. It took a while, but I think people have come around.
