The weekly assortment of thoughts running through my muddled mind and as always they are in no particular order.

–Baseball embarrassed itself on Wednesday by having a game played in an empty stadium. Why should the Baltimore Orioles and the many people who work at their games take a financial hit by playing a game in front of no one?  I won’t sit here and suggest what is happening in Baltimore is right because it’s not, but you can’t tell me there wasn’t another solution. They couldn’t have played in Chicago? They couldn’t have made the game up as part of a doubleheader later this season? They couldn’t have played it elsewhere like perhaps nearby Washington. What message did having that game in Baltimore have? How much money did the Orioles lose because of it? It looked horrible and you can’t sugarcoat it in any fashion.  As stated, what is happening in Baltimore is embarrassing to the city and is something that shouldn’t be happening, but taking it out on the Orioles is fundamentally wrong as far as I’m concerned.

–Who coined the term “good stick”? I’ve been told it was Jim Hughson, but I hear a lot of announcers use it. This might be the stupidest term I’ve heard. What exactly is a good stick? Is there a bad stick? Is there a mediocre stick?

–How do your hockey drafts look after one round?

–For what its worth, I had six of the eight first round series right getting the Tampa-Detroit and Minnesota-St. Louis series wrong. For what its worth, I am going with Anaheim, Chicago, Washington and Montreal in the 2nd round.

–Yes, I did take Montreal to beat Tampa, but if you are a Lightning fan, you have to like the fact Steven Stamkos didn’t score against Detroit and they still won. If he gets going, look out!

–Reason #2875 why I wish TSN still had the NHL contract. Game 7 of the Detroit-Tampa series ends and there is no sign of Mike Babcock leaving the Detroit bench for perhaps the last time. If Gregg Popovich was perhaps leaving the Spurs or Bill Belichick the Patriots, the camera would be on him for sure.  Reason #2876 is after having Hughson do the Calgary series in the first round, they are moving him to Montreal and moving Paul Romanuk who did the Montreal series to the Calgary series. Shouldn’t Hughson stick with Calgary and put Bob Cole into the Montreal series? I don’t understand. I don’t know if Rogers does either. Reason #2877 is the fact there is no great playoff montage before games like what Hockey Night in Canada had in past years. Those should be brought back.

–The popular consensus is Carey Price will be the NHL’s MVP this season, but my vote (if I had one) goes to John Tavares.

–What do the Toronto Raptors do in the off-season? Under Dwane Casey, the team has become relevant and I expect them to be a playoff team for many years with guys like Lowry, DeRozan and Valacunias leading the way, but there is no doubt this team is not a team made for the playoffs as they haven’t gotten it done two years in a row when they have had home-court advantage. Something happened to the Raptors after the all-star break as they were a different looking team. Is Casey a guy that can only get them so far and someone is needed to push them over the playoff hill? I don’t think the Raptors need to make a coaching change, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they think about it. Then again, perhaps they should try and sign Paul Pierce.

–As we inch closer and closer to the CFL draft, I have no idea what the Riders are going to do with their first round pick. Some have said with the depth and talent in this year’s draft, they should trade down and get two seconds if they can for their first rounder and then find a Canadian D-lineman and perhaps Addison Richards. I would be OK with that, but I’m not the one making the call. I have faith in what the Rider braintrust does. I would love to see them get Richards and after seeing the CFL rankings last week, he may not be a first rounder. That being said, if the green and white stand pat and don’t make any trades, I don’t see Richards being around in Round 3.

–Congrats to Noah Picton for having an opportunity to go to Riders training camp and learn from the pros. Wouldn’t it be great to see him throwing to Addison Richards at camp?

–The first round of the NFL draft went Thursday night and Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston went to Tampa with the first overall pick. Winston now joins other former Florida State quarterbacks like Christian Ponder, EJ Manuel, Chris Weinke, Charlie Ward, Peter Tom Willis and Danny MacManus. I might take Danny Mac ahead of all those guys because NONE of those guys had a solid NFL career. I don’t think Winston is going to be what the Buccaneers are looking for.

–The Regina Pats keep making off the ice moves with the latest one being local businessman Marty Klyne becoming the team’s new chief operating officer. The team also moved Chad Lang into a different position. Many feel Lang’s time in Regina didn’t accomplish much for the hockey team. Those people should remember it was Lang who engineered the trade to get goalie Daniel Wapple from Medicine Hat and it was Lang who was a big figure in the team winning the Eastern Division in 2013-14. The names of Adam Brooks, Austin Wagner, Colby Williams and Wapple can all be traced back to Lang. He wasn’t perfect, but who is in the hockey game? Don’t be surprised if teams come calling on his services in the off-season.

–It would be nice if the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight got people talking about boxing again, but I don’t think the fight will have a long shelf-life when it comes to discussion and the sport will just fade back into the limelight again.

–That’s all I got, have a great weekend!!

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9 years ago

Come on Scruffy the Orioles game was a no brainer. How would you like to come out of that Ballpark late at night in a very mad Baltimore and have to walk to your car where thousands of maniacs are out there protesting ?
Did you not see what happened Monday night ? a very smart move by all of Baltimore for not allowing people into that park.

9 years ago

It just seems like the brain surgeons that run Rogers are systematically trying to destroy anything that is Canadian.

9 years ago

This column sucks. Why should anyone care what is running through 'the muddled mind' of Mitchell Blair? What has he accomplished in life?

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

He accomplished the fact that you are 'the muddled mind' with anonymous stupid cave skull opinion and he had the courtesy to post it. Go back to bed, moron, your personal opinion not pertinent to this page, nor relevant to anything intelligent.

From the engine that drives In the 306, V8.

9 years ago

Danny Mac had a better pro career than any of those stiffs. Winston showed his immaturity by not going to the draft and then getting photos of him with crab legs. Those who know this kids background know he was snubbing his nose at a lot of people. We'll see who gets the last laugh!

9 years ago

The Orioles can afford to lose 1 game of revenue, compared to the mom & pop shops that were destroyed or the people's cars that were burnt or the cost of policing.Brining 40000 people to one loation in those heated times would be crazy. I'm sure the Orioles or MLB were not prepared to assume the risk. They did the right thing.
Beside 2 of your solutions offer the same result for the worker at the Orioles stadium.
The money the Orioles lost has been saved 100 times over in not having a wrongful death suit.

9 years ago

How did Danny Mac's NFL career turn out?

9 years ago

You're right on one thing Scruffy, your mind is muddled.

9 years ago

I feel like I'm reading my 7 year-old son's letter to Santa Claus. Awful.

9 years ago

I agree with Scruffy

How many times have games been moved to other places? Washington is just a hop, skip and a jump away and the Nationals were in Atlanta and their games this weekend have moved to Tampa. This should have been done here. The Orioles shouldn't have to play a game in front of an empty stadium. Why should they take the hit for stupidity going on around them?

9 years ago

I just love the Scruffy hate on here it's great!

What's even better is the two of you just laugh at every idiotic comment made on here!

9 years ago

Most MLB games are played with mainly empty stadiums. Take away opening day and generally nobody there. Take yesterday jays game , nice shots of Cleveland seats.

9 years ago

So let me get this straight, Major League Baseball can move a series between Baltimore and Tampa to Tampa, but they couldn't move a series between Baltimore and Chicago to Chicago. Doesn't make sense to me. That game was a black mark for baseball and professional sports in general.


9 years ago

To Anonymous #4… Winston didn't go to the draft because his grandmother can't travel and he wanted to spend the moment with her. Real immature.

I'm sure you're saying the same thing about Marcus Mariota, must be real immature because he stayed home from the draft to.

How does not going to the draft show that someone is immature?

The crap photo was hilarious, shows a sense of humour about a situation that was blown way out of proportion.

9 years ago

The story this morning is Tampa asked him to take the picture down. They weren't impressed.

Real hilarious!!

Get back to making your subs now. The lunch rush will start soon!

9 years ago

Lang will not get another job in the WHL at any Sr. Hockey Ops level. He fluked out in MJ and was placed in the position because of $ issues from former firings, after that his buddy Mcrimmon helped out and gave him some made up position for the Memorial Cup tournament. Then, his buddy BP brought him in as a GM because we all know how BP hated to bring in real hockey people to run things. Lang's deals were nothing great and better hockey people would have made better moves. As for Scruffy's comments on Baltimore, come on… Read more »

9 years ago

Only 3700 parking spots for the new stadium and only two ways in and two ways out released in the City's report yesterday. Why wouldn't we follow american cities and build these in empty areas in order to design proper parking locations, access routes and then allow for development of restaurants and business to grow into the area over time? This present location doesn't help the downtown core at all so why not place it off the ring road and do it right.

We are still very backwoods in this province and once again we prove it.


9 years ago

Here is a question Why does a baseball game in an empty stadium take just over 2 hours and a game with spectators takes over 4 hours???

9 years ago

Will just stick to the weekly drinking game Roddy, you gave us a lot of goodies this week. Thanks for the massage idea, think I'll pass this time.