The season has arrived! Yes, it is pre-season, but we will get our first look at the Saskatchewan Roughriders on Saturday night in a game situation since they walked off the field having lost the Western semi-final to Edmonton.

When I say we will get our first look at the Riders, I should say we will get our first look at guys wearing Rider uniforms.  The first pre-season game is an evaluation process as you know guys like Durant, Dressler, Chick, Emry, etc. etc won’t play much.  Some are upset over the fact TSN isn’t showing a lot of exhibition games and I ask why?

You are getting a chance to see the Riders and that is what you want.  The CFL season begins in earnest on June 25 and when they do, TSN will be right there giving you the CFL football that you crave.

I don’t think they are ever made available, but I would like to see a breakdown province-by-province as to what is watched. There is no doubt more Canadians will watch the Stanley Cup final on Saturday night, but what will the numbers look like in Saskatchewan. With a crazed Rider Nation salivating for football, I am guessing the numbers for CFL will be higher here than anywhere else. I think more will watch the hockey game in our province, but the bite will be bigger here than it will be in Manitoba and out East.

Many are asking where I think the Riders will finish this year and what their regular season record might be, I say they are fighting with Calgary and Edmonton for first place in the division and that their record will be 12-6. I also think Hamilton runs roughshod over the East as they are far and away the best team.


Remember former Calgary Stampeders quarterback Greg Vavra. His kid Tyler is a pitcher for the Regina Red Sox.


Speaking of the Red Sox, I had the pleasure with baseball guru extraordinaire and Sportscage baseball insider Craig Slater to call their game on against Moose Jaw Wednesday and Lethbridge Thursday. You couldn’t ask for better conditions at the ball park Wednesday as around 400 people would attest. No wind, no mosquitoes, entertaining baseball and cold beer. A solid equation for a great night out. I don’t know what Gary Brotzel and Bernie Eiswirth have to do to get some more butts in the seats, but I would think this team could and should average about 600-700 per game. I know there are challenges, but there is a solid baseball community in this city and I think many of them miss out.


Congratulations to Maryfield’s Kyle Bauml who was the 10th round pick of the Detroit Tigers in the MLB draft this week. The outfielder who goes to Northern Kentucky University is I think the highest Saskatchewan born player to ever be drafted.


The argument for Victor Hedman as Conn Smythe winner if the Tampa Bay Lightning win the Stanley Cup is a valid one, but my vote would go to Tyler Johnson! If Chicago wins the Cup, there are a lot of guys you could choose from Saad to Toews to Keith.

Why can’t Gary Bettman just see hockey in the desert is a failure and move the Coyotes? It has been a disaster since Day 1.  If the Thrashers could go to Winnipeg, put the Coyotes in Quebec City, move Columbus back to the Western Conference to take Arizona’s place and lets move on.


The head of NBC Sports wants NHL’ers to stop growing playoff beards. Yeah, OK!  NBC sports chair Mark Lazarus made the comment saying fans could recognize faces easier. Hey Mark, the guys have a name and number on the back of their jersey. I think fans know who these guys are and a little facial hair isn’t going to change it.  I wonder what Mark thinks about baseball players.


The Jays have won 8 in a row going into this weekend’s games and people are saying they have turned the corner. Wasn’t it last year around this time they won 9 in a row and how did that end? Let’s see if management learned anything from last year going forward. Acquiring Jonathan Papelbon from the Phillies and not giving up a lot would be a good start.


The wrestling world lost a true legend on Thursday as Dusty Rhodes died. The “American Dream” was a treat to watch. He was truly a common man!


That’s all I got. GO RIDERS!  Have a good weekend!

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9 years ago

the jays are teasing everyone the annual july collapse will follow

9 years ago

Bauml is from Marysburg not Maryfield .

9 years ago

mark lazarus can kick rocks.

9 years ago

The Red Sox and the WMBL are a good product. When you have some pleasant summer nights, the ballpark is a great place to be.

9 years ago

I was a huge Dusty Rhodes fan when he was in the AWA and WCW. The polkadot thing in WWF was dumb though. He was one of the greatest. Thumbs up for your boy Dalby plying his music on his show yesterday!


9 years ago

Paint drying, watching grass grow…two things much more exciting than the Friday column.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

womens soccer

9 years ago

I'll pick the Riders to go 13 and 5 this year. With Durant healthy , Dressler back for the full season, and many talented receivers and new players, we will be tough to beat. The Jays have enough talent also and they could be tough down the road. If not I think it will be time for a Coaching change next year.

9 years ago

Cole Bauml. Not Kyle.

9 years ago

Paint drying, watching grass grow…two things more entertaining than the previous idiot's post.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Women's soccer and soccer in general. I've tried watching the 2 Canada games and sorry I just don't get the appeal of the game. Just as you are going forward they generally kick it backwards. Good game for the school yard and for kids getting some exercise, but after that a total waste of time.

9 years ago

2015 Roughriders at best, 11 – 7, CFLWest Divsion.

9 years ago

Scruffy…. Are making stuff up or what? Get the facts straight, you're a news man first. Aren't you?!

9 years ago

I guess a sport being played worldwide and being watched by millions is just too much for your simple mind. That is OK, there are many out there with a better education than you! Thanks for comin out!

9 years ago

Another column from the muddled mind of the SCRUF D-O double G!

The FIFA scandal and the women's world cup don't make it into the column but Dusty Rhodes does. That sums up what to expect on Fridays.

Mitch, weren't you Dusty Rhodes' manager during his WWF run?

9 years ago

Good write-up Scruffdog. Haters gonna hate!

9 years ago

Comparing the quality of the Thursday and Friday columns is like comparing American Pharoah to

By the way Mitch, maybe the first triple crown winner in our lifetime could have made it into a sports blog instead of a guy who wore polka dots and pretended to fight.

9 years ago

the mouth breathing knuckledraggers of north america will never understand the beautiful game. sigh….

9 years ago

HORSE RACING?! I would much rather hear about actual athletes, which yes wrestlers are, then some animal running around a track. Holy crap, I thought Obama was the dumbest poster on here followed by the Woz. Those guys now take silver and bronze. Horse racing……BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

In case you didn't get that, BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

9 years ago

Soccer is so BORING !!! The media tries to generate a following but the sport is so lame it sucks. Who wants to watch a game were the most excitement is in the 97th minute where someone actually tries to score but doesn't. Jeez I would rather watch marble players or knitting.