It’s the usual assortment of thoughts running through my muddled mind and as always, they are in no particular order:

— The Riders picked up some players they hope will be in the old venue and the new one on Tuesday night and I will admit I was surprised to see the team take Manitoba receiver Nic Demski ahead of Addison Richards of the Rams with the number 6 pick. How could you do that Brendan Taman? As you take a good look at it and digest it though, it is obvious Demski brings a little more pizzazz to the table and gives you some more flash and dash than what the rock-solid and steady Richards will bring.  In my mind (and yes I am biased), I think Addison is the better player, but the numbers will dictate that over the next couple of years. I do believe Demski will be exactly what the Riders were hoping for and he will be one of the stars when the team moves into its new digs. I also think Richards will make the Bombers a much better team which is what you want to do when you sit down at the draft table.

— Congratulations to former Rider and current 620 CKRM Sportscage/Rider analyst Luc Mullinder. He is going to work with the defensive line of the Regina Thunder this year as he puts his coaching hat on. If Luc is as good teaching the kids as he is informing you about the Riders on the old 620, then the Thunder d-line will be a very good group. Luc has said this job will not keep him from his Cage duties which is good news.

— What a fantastic picture on the right by Darren Entner of the new Mosaic (ITS GROWING!!) and the old Mosaic.  If you have not been to Regina since the end of last football season, you are going to be extremely impressed at what you see when you get a look at the new Mosaic up close. I think it is safe to say there will be a lot of gawking over the next few months as Rider fans get ready to make their trek to the old girl knowing the new facility is inching closer and closer to its grand opening.

— Congratulations to the Kelowna Rockets for completely disassembling a talented Brandon Wheat Kings team and winning the WHL championship. I don’t think many people thought the Rockets would win it in 4 straight. I certainly didn’t. It is a shame we didn’t see that team get to do their thing in Saskatchewan this past winter because of the stupid WHL scheduling situation. They will come east next year though, but it won’t be the same.

— Fans in the WHL East got to enjoy the likes of 16 year old Sam Steel and Nolan Patrick this year, but those who watched the final certainly got a chance to see 16 year old Dillon Dube do his thing with the Rockets. What a player he is and will be!

— Right after Wednesday night’s clincher, there were tweets sent at the Brandon Wheat Kings saying we’ll see you in Red Deer next year. Holy presumptious Batman!! There’s a lonnnnnnnnggggggg ways to go before we can even start thinking that and I think a lot of teams may have something to say about who gets their paws on the Ed Chynoweth Cup. Make no doubt about it, the Wheaties will be good, but lets not crown their ass (as Dennis Green would say) just yet.

— When Gary Bettman comes out to present the Stanley Cup, people boo. When Ron Robison presents the Ed Chynoweth Cup, there is no booing. Class and reputation mean a lot!

— Will former Regina Pat Jordan Weal get his NHL opportunity next winter? I certainly hope so! Weal leads the American Hockey League in playoff scoring with the Manchester Monarchs and is showing he is more than ready to make the jump. If the Kings aren’t going to do something with him, find someone who will and send him there.

— This past Tuesday night, Regina Pats president Todd Lumbard and Lukas Sillinger–Mike’s son came in to Access to speak with myself and Drew Dalby of the WOLF 104.9 about QCSE’s first year and Lukas being taken by the Pats in the bantam draft. I can’t tell you how much I was impressed by this kid and how much I want him to succeed. Its not fair to expect him to do what his dad did, but if all goes well, he will keep the Sillinger name alive and well in WHL circles in the next couple of years.

— Great minds must think alike! Rod mentioned in his Thursday column the Riders should steal the idea of Canadiens and many other teams and work out a deal to show Rider road games on the big screen at the Brandt Centre. What a great money-maker that would be! Could it be done during the Queen City Ex? I think that would be a lot of fun and hey who knows, maybe 620 CKRM could do the pre-game show from there one or two times.

— The Simpsons are apparently parting ways with Harry Shearer. Shearer does the voice of many characters including Ned Flanders, Monty Burns, Smithers and Principal Skinner just to name a few. If he’s done, the show will follow. You can’t have someone of his calibre not on anymore.

— The debates and talk around the Tom Brady suspension and the penalties imposed on the Patriots is the talk of US Sports Talk radio and I love it. There are so many different views of this story and the emotion is there as football’s golden boy goes through the wringer. The best comment so far came from someone who said you aren’t seeing quarterbacks discuss this situation because they are all doing it and Tom just got caught. That wouldn’t surprise me one bit!

— NBA fans have seen one thing in the past week—-don’t get the Golden State Warriors mad! You have to think that team which had the best regular season record in the regular season will win the championship. A Golden State-Cleveland final featuring MVP Stephon Curry against Lebron James would be compelling theatre.

— This world would be a lot better place if we didn’t have people like Khalif Mitchell in it.  The CFL would be a lot better league if Khalif Mitchell wasn’t in it!

— I love the fact they are naming a bridge after Gordie Howe that will connect Detroit and Windsor. Besides Gordie Howe bowl in Saskatoon, how many other places in Saskatchewan have Mr. Hockey’s name associated with it. There should be more!

— Get ready for what should be one of the most entertaining NHL series we’ve seen in  years when the Blackhawks meet the Ducks. I take Chicago in this one because of playoff experience while in the East, I don’t think Tampa has a chance against the Rangers. King Henrik is on the top of his game again and he will beat Ben Bishop in that goaltending battle.

— Jim Hughson and Paul Romanuk have the play-by-play assignments for the NHL Conference finals. Bob Cole has called his last game this season and he gets bumped for Romanuk,  I can only shake my head! There are people out there who like Romanuk, but there are many others who can’t stand his style of play of play and you know what boat I’m in. At least NBC will have games on Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

— The holiday long weekend is upon us. If you are heading out of town this weekend, keep it between the lines and be safe. Have a great one!

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9 years ago

I liked life better when Romanuk stuck to the Spengler Cup. Can't believe Sportsnet bumped Bob Cole. They should be letting him go out in a blaze of glory, not a whimper.

9 years ago

Gordie Howe Bridge isn't the only hockey themed piece of architecture being built.

A sewage treatment plant has now been named after the Leafs.

9 years ago

Unfortunately it is not called Gordie Howe Bowl anymore.

9 years ago

I don't know how you two fine gentlemen feel, but it seems to me as if morning radio in Regina is a little better these days and yes you do know what I am talking about!

9 years ago

And Sportsnet lamenting declining viewer numbers. Go figure, eh!!!

9 years ago

Why do I get the feeling Khalif Mitchell is one of those idiots who would walk behind Sarah Orlesky during a game and yell FHRITP!

9 years ago

Muting my TV and calling the action myself is better than having to listen to Romanuk. What a dumb decision by Rogers. Another dumb decision by Rogers. The latest in a long line of dumb decisions by Rogers.


9 years ago

Have no sympathy for Tom Brady and New England. Astrix this Super Bowl…Take the win from them. Ben Johnson lost everything when they caught him cheating and left the sport in disgrace. Why should Brady get any preferential treatment. Bottom line is he cheated….don't care if others did it before him and got away with it. Stop all cheaters. Give him the Super Bowl and the Riders deserve the 13th man Grey Cup. Play fair or go home.

9 years ago

Sportsnet just doesnt get it! Their productions have a low budget feel.I still go to TSN first for my information. Their personalities far and away exceed anything Sportsnet has. I like Friedman but Cox and Kypreos are terrible!!


Rally Driver
9 years ago

Gordon Howe Campground is located is the center of Saskatoon in Gordon Howe Park. There are some baseball diamonds and a football field in the park as well.

9 years ago

Ok I will be one of the odd people out here. I actually really like Romanuk as a play by play guy. He sounds like he is genuinely interested in the game. I have heard Bob Cole call a game and say "Crosby up the middle with a pass" and Pittsburgh wasn't even playing. Not only that he does four five times a game. Where did Cuthbert go?

If the Alouettes are smart they will let Mitchel go before training camp. I don't think anyone would touch that idiot after that.

9 years ago

Tom Brady will polish his 4 Super Bowls, and then sit in the sunshine with his super model wife, and not give a hoot what any of you think.

9 years ago

Who listens to the radio anymore? Lol!

I couldn't tell you who or what is on the radio other than rider games on 620. Dying medium.

9 years ago

I don't know Roddy, it seems that you have quite a few sponsors on your web page.

9 years ago

I think Red Deer may have a thing or two to say about Brandon being in the Mem cup next year. What a cocky bunch they are. They are the Calgary Stampeders of the WHL!

9 years ago

Red Deer gets into the MemCup regardless as the host. So the only way they "have something to say" is by winning the Eastern Conference next year and bringing along the West champ with them.

9 years ago

Uhhhhh, isn't that what's being said about Red Deer. Brandon can't get into the Mem Cup if Red Deer gets to the WHL final and to do that they may have to beat Brandon.


The Calgary Stampeders of the WHL! What a great line and its true!


Troy Souster
9 years ago

Gordie Howe Bowl is now SMF Field but Gordie Howe Campground still exists as well as Gordie Howe FASTBALL Park….not Baseball. To add to the complex, Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon honored Mr Howe before the Kinsmen Sports Celebrity Dinner in February, by changing the name of Kinsmen Arena to "Gordie Howe Kinsmen Arena"

9 years ago

I would heavily bet that if we're tracing IP addresses that at least 7 of the 20 comments on this post are made by Mitchell Blair himself.