Time for the usual weekly thoughts running through my muddled mind and as always, they are in no particular order:

— Congratulations to the Toronto Blue Jays for beating the Texas Rangers in a baseball game not many in Canada will ever forget.  Words simply can’t describe what we saw from the 7th inning on in Wednesday’s Game 5. From one of the more bizarre plays you will ever see to Toronto baseball fans embarrassing themselves on national television for their actions to perhaps the 2nd biggest homer in Blue Jays history by Jose Bautista to another memorable post-game interview by Munenori Kawasaki, the game had it all and then some.

– While it was great to see Toronto win even though the fan-base did make the team look bad in this series for their talk of a petition against the umps to a petition against the roof to throwing beercans onto the field, I was left wondering when all was said and done if Jose Bautista went a little too far with his bat-flip. Don’t get me wrong, I realize the emotion of the game and his life as a Blue Jay and his passion for the game, but this wasn’t a walk-off homer. If it had been, he could have done cartwheels around the bases, but technically there was still six outs Toronto had to get (realistically it was over) and if for some reason Bautista got back up, you can bet he would have been on his ass with a high inside fastball coming his way. One that may come when the two teams meet for the first time in 2016.

The homerun was a moment in Canadian sports history that won’t be forgotten, but it was just a little too all about me in a team game and I thought it was a little too much. Many don’t feel that way and that is fine.  I wonder how they would be feeling if Prince Fielder or Josh Hamilton had done it in the same situation and how they will feel if a Kansas City Royal or a National League team rubs it in Toronto’s face during a World Series. The precedent was set so don’t complain if a 180 happens before these playoffs are over.

As mentioned Bautista’s fire is something you don’t see a lot of these days and I realize that had a lot to do with it. He is a powder-keg and the Kansas City Royals know that. Remember what happened in the last game between the two this year and the comments that followed. We could see some explosives starting tonight. It will be fun!  More baseball in a bit!

— Like it or not Rider fans, Jeremy O’Day put his stamp on the future direction of the Saskatchewan Roughriders Wednesday with the trades of Kevin Glenn and Jerome Messam. Whether or not, O’Day gets the job on a full time basis is yet to be known, but he has started this rebuild or “refocus” as he told Rod and I in the Sportscage on Wednesday. The Glenn trade makes me wonder what Plan B is if Darian Durant isn’t ready to go and it seemed in talking to O’Day that Glenn wasn’t in the plan for next season which makes me wonder if this team wants Brett Smith to be the #2 guy or if another experienced quarterback will be brought in and if so, who?

As for Messam, as good as he has been it sounds like didn’t want to be a part of this “refocus” so O’Day is getting what he can for him without seeing him go elsewhere for nothing. If that is the case, I am all for it. I also had the chance to ask Jeremy whether or not it was tough making these moves when his future with the organization isn’t known? He is trying to do what he feels is best for an organization that could throw him to the curb in the off-season, meaning what he did was all for naught.

The response: “I have no problem in trying to earn the position because I am a competitor. I like to be challenged so I am not overly worried about that. It didn’t make things any more difficult because I am the interim general manager. I truly want what is best for the organization and I hope to here for the long term. I am trying to show that I can prove myself and show I can handle the job and excel at it. At the end of the day, I just want the trust of an organization that means a lot to me because I have been part of the Rider family for years. It isn’t just me making these decisions, there are a lot of people whose opinion we value so no, I didn’t have any thoughts about my future when making the deals.”

— Was it because of the Blue Jays game that neither TSN or Sportsnet had all day coverage of the CFL trade deadline? Who’s kidding who, there were more trades to talk about in the CFL on deadline day than there usually are in the NHL!

— What I wouldn’t give to see Buck Martinez in the Toronto clubhouse after a victory celebration to see champagne and whatever else get poured onto that mop that sits on the top of his head. Would it just be like water on a freshly waxed car and just bead up?

— In the wake of Harold Reynolds’ comments, did anyone check to see if Rangers shortstop Elvis Andrus was actually Canadian. That was an inning he will never forget for allllll the wrong reasons.

— If the Blue Jays win the World Series, Munenori Kawasaki must be front and center at the parade Of course, this blogger is hoping that parade happens in Chicago and it involves the Cubs. I knew this team was going to be good, but I thought it would start next year.  The reaction I had Tuesday afternoon to the Kyle Schwarber homer which went over the scoreboard was very similar to what many of you did when Bautista crushed the Sam Dyson offering to left center field on Wednesday.  I never dreamed of this year’s team being in the playoffs much less 8 games from a possible World Series win.  As a sign said at Wrigley Field, “Next year is here”!

— Back to the Bautista homer and a question for all of you Jays fans who have been Jays fans since before August 1, 2015.  Where does that blast rank in all-time club history. I say its number 3 behind Carter and Robbie Alomar’s blast off of Dennis Eckersley in the ALCS.

— Week 6 NFL Lock of the Week (5-0)  Packers over Chargers
    Week 6 NFL Upset of the Week (1-4)  49ers over Ravens

— By this time next week, the election will be over! Thank god! Whatever way you lean when it comes to your politics is fine with me, but just get out and vote. By the way, best of luck to two good men who are not in my riding, but are both looking to gain a seat to Ottawa and that is Trent Fraser in Regina and Kevin Waugh in Saskatoon—both are outstanding individuals and I would say that no matter what political banner they were carrying.

— Playboy will no longer publish photos of naked women.  The terrorists have won!

— Big playoff game for the Regina Thunder as they take on the Calgary Colts in a PFC semi-final. The Thunder got tripped up in this spot last year, so here’s hoping they don’t stumble this weekend because it isn’t the PFC if the final isn’t between Saskatoon and Regina.

— As for the Regina Rams, they will once again look for their first win under Mike Gibson as Manitoba comes to town in a game that starts at 4 o’clock. I will have the call alongside BK Woldu on Access 7 and SHAW across Western Canada.  It has been pretty dark on Compete Street this year, but a win over the Bisons would certainly brighten things up.

— The Oilers have started the  year at 0-4. Is the Auston Matthews watch on yet? That team desperately needs a number one defenceman and they need to give Taylor Hall a roadmap in his own zone. He looks lost in his own end.

— With the Argos having played home games just about everywhere except Rogers Centre, can we just give the CFL Coach of the Year award to Scott Milanovich. The job he has done with that team considering the circumstances is amazing.  If the Argos were to win the Grey Cup, it would have to go down as one of the greatest stories in the history of the CFL.

— If Kevin Glenn plays one snap for the Edmonton Eskimos and ends up in the CFL Hall of Fame, he has to go with a helmet featuring all nine teams!

— That’s all I got.  Have a great weekend!

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8 years ago

Your comments on Throwing Things on the field is Hogwash. Look at the times when Henry Burris went to Calgary from Saskatchewan and when the Stamps came to play at Taylor Field, how the fans would throw beer and junk at Burris.
Bautista was showing the Texans that they were still in it when he tossed his bat and the fact that what had happened in the inning before with the runner coming home when Martin hit the bat and the run was allowed. (Which was the right call by the way.)

8 years ago

It's kind of funny Scruffy, you were on the cage a while back saying that you thought Nic Demski's taunting hotdog touchdown was just fine, and yet you have a problem with Joey Bats celly?
You can't have it both ways pal.

8 years ago

Four recent #1 picks and the oilers are getting worse. I find it hilarious.

8 years ago

I stopped reading after the Bautista bat flip section. Mitch actually got that one right and I wanted to end reading this column on a high.

8 years ago

There's no business on Compete Street. Shut it down!

8 years ago

The terrorists have won and I won't have the pleasure of my boy finding that shoebox in the closet. Although the wife might still find them GULP!

8 years ago

Scruffy, you are absolutely right when you say Canada will go off on someone if they rub it in the face of the Jays before the playoffs are over. With the heat between the Royals and Jays, I can see it happening. Jose went WAYYYYYYYYY over the line with that celebration because there was still game to play. If he does that in the bottom of 9 to steal a line from one Mr. Pedersen ….GO CRAZY CANADA, GO CRAZY!!


8 years ago

Anon 2.

Football and baseball are two different games. Seeing the fact you probably only started watching baseball 6 weeks ago because everyone else is, I will excuse your stupidity.

8 years ago

Bisons hang up 50 on the Rams as the post-McCrystal era continues in fine, fine fashion. What a great thing to see in Saskatoon!

8 years ago

It's safe to say that it's mostly RP and Scruffy's relatives that post on here because andbody that knows anything in the sporting world is pumped about the Joey Bat toss, baseball is evolving folks, wish the neandrathals around here would too.

8 years ago

I noticed when Obama went away to that great blue yonder the commentary stopped or was curbed significantly on here. Every wrestling territory needed a heel and he was ours.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Great blue yonder, what? Did he change his stripes and join the blue Tory Conservatives? Or did he pass on, literally?

8 years ago

The only complaints I hear are from people who are not fans of the Jays. You being a Cubs fan, I got exactly what I expected.

8 years ago

If you know anything about the codes of baseball Bautista will be getting his eventually. It's no secret that's why he gets thrown at. My guess is 2 years from now in a meaningless spring training game Dyson will put one right in his ear and rightfully so. He's darn lucky you don't have Roger Clemons or Jim Palmer in the game anymore.

8 years ago

If think more of it, the bat flip was more towards the umpires, for how they were pissing off the team, THAT homer was just to say "call that one wrong" That's how I see it.

8 years ago

Pretty sad when a player can't throw a bat to the ground , or pitcher stare down a batter !! Let's all throw sunshine and lollipops for these little boys !!
And as far as the fans go ! Glad no one was seriously hurt ! But it is Toronto and they know they suck as well as all they're sports teams ! That's alot of built up fustration

8 years ago

To the anonymous just above the Palmer/Clemons comment, you've probably been a Jays fan for all of six weeks now right or is it eight?

8 years ago

Damn right I would be pissed if another team did what Bautista did…but you should be pissed, he hit a god damn three run dinger when the game was on the line. The bat toss was awesome!!

Dyson needs to grow up. He made himself look like a sore loser after the game.

In the words of David Price "if you don't like it, pitch better"

Oh, and I don't think Batista is too worried about being hit by a pitch.

8 years ago

7th inning – wrong call – the umpire had called timeout when the runner was half way home. How can you undo timeout and allow the run?

8 years ago

The words I think a vast majority of Canadians are hoping to hear on the night of October 19 from Stephan Harper are: "Tonight I am announcing my decision to resign as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada."
Then he can be free to get on with writing more dry books about hockey in the 1800's.

Old Hank

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I dosent make sense that you would step down after you have just won an election…

8 years ago

There is no "code of baseball" anymore you idiot, get with the times, i'm sure you vote NDP too.