Welcome to Friday!  Here are the usual weekly thoughts running through my muddled mind, and as always they come in no particular order.

–  First off, best of wishes to former Rider Don Narcisse after word he has been diagnosed with Stage 1 of Prostate Cancer.  We are all pulling for you and hope this can be put in the rear-view mirror a-s-a-p. Rider Nation is behind you Narco!

– Was anyone surprised to see Kevin Glenn land on his feet?  Say what you will about KG, but he showed people last year he can still play.  The question now is can he stay afloat in the CFL until the Atlantic Schooners come on board seeing he has completed the CFL circle? I say Kevin has had a hall-of-fame career and will get there. 

In baseball, you go in wearing a team’s cap.  If KG had that, what team would he take?   My guess is Winnipeg! Would it be safe to say Glenn is the only athlete to have accomplished playing for every team in a professional league.  Considering the CFL doesn’t have the teams the other pro leagues have, the answer would have to be yes!

— I wonder what a sit-down would be like between Kevin Glenn and Mike Sillinger.  It’s not as if both wouldn’t have stories about travelling from team to team. Sillinger would probably look at him and say you ain’t done nothin’ compared to me kid.

— Was anyone surprised to see Darian Durant get released by Montreal?  I think we all knew what choice Darian would make after getting a take it or leave it ultimatum from the Alouettes.  In all honesty, Darian likely wanted out and to get away from that tire-fire as quickly as possible.  Does he have a CFL home though?

Darian will have to eat some humble pie and realize his days as a full-time starter are likely done and with that comes the big salary as well.  I’m guessing he could still command a six-figure salary, but it would be nowhere near the six figures he was making.  Winnipeg would appear to be the best landing spot for him and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind the opportunity to throw to Weston Dressler and be in a Paul Lapolice offence again.  I still think though if Ricky Ray retires that he ends up in Toronto backing up an unproven James Franklin and working with someone who has gotten older QB’s like Anthony Calvillo and Ray to have a renaissance in their careers—and that is Marc Trestman.

— Tell me there isn’t excitement for tonight’s tilt at the Brandt Centre between the Warriors and Pats.  The new-look Pats want to send a message to Moose Jaw.  The Warriors want to let the Pats know that rebuilding their team meant squat as far as they are concerned.  It should be to quote the great Ed Whalen “a ring-a-ding-dong dandy”!

— The Regina Pats solidified their hockey operations staff with the multi-year contract extensions signed by John Paddock, Dave Struch and Brad Herauf.  What these three have done for the organization simply can’t be measured in wins and losses.  They have helped make this organization the envy of many in the Western Hockey League and one of the flagship franchises.   This trio have worked together to devise a plan and vision for this team which is being met.  Yes, part of that plan was winning a championship—one they were oh so close to last year, but being oh so close was better than not having a sniff at one as we had seen for the last many years.  This is nothing but good news for Regina hockey fans.

— Will WHL fans be able to enjoy playoff hockey this year?  Thanks to the bone-headed decision by those at SHAW to get rid of sports programming, will we be able to watch the battle for the Ed Chynoweth Cup play itself out in our living rooms as it has for the past number of years.. Access has picked up the ball by having many Pats games, but will they want to go to Swift Current or Moose Jaw if that is where the final is this year and would they send a crew to whatever Western Conference team is playing.  It may happen in the East, but not in the West.  Here’s hoping someone steps in to fill the void because as we have seen over the years, the WHL final and the entire playoffs is must-see hockey.

— I don’t see the New England Patriots losing to the Jacksonville Jaguars at home on Sunday in the AFC Championship, but the Patriots will be dealing with their Kryptonite in a way. The man that beat them twice in the Super Bowl–Tom Coughlin– is the executive director of football operations for the Jags. He knows how to win, and he knows how to beat the Patriots. Do you think he has been sharing some nuggets of wisdom with the team this week.

For what it’s worth, this Jags D reminds me a lot of the young Seahawks D when they were starting to enter their prime.  Remember Richard Sherman coming up to Tom Brady after the Seahawks beat the Patriots in Seattle and said ” Why you so mad Bro?”.  That’s when guys like Sherman, Earl Thomas and Bobby Wagner were just starting to become household names.  Jalen Ramsey is the new Richard Sherman. He is as loquacious and as brash as Sherman and he is just as good as are several other members of that Jacksonville D.  Can they pull off an upset. It wouldn’t surprise me, but I still have New England by a touchdown.

— There is no way the Vikings game can be as exciting as last week’s.  They should have no problem in beating the Eagles right? That’s what we said about Atlanta!  The Eagles will have a distinct homefield advantage.  If the Nick Foles that beat Atlanta comes out again, Philly could very well ruin the after-effects of the Minneapolis Miracle.   I will take the Vikings though.

— If Pats hockey isn’t on your Friday night agenda, may I suggest U of R Cougars basketball?  They will be home to Brandon starting with the ladies game at 6 followed by men.   If that doesn’t interest you, the stars of High Impact Wrestling are doing their thing at the Hungarian Club.  It’s been a long time since I’ve been to Gronkville. Too long!

— Have a great weekend! I know I will!