Welcome to Friday! Here are the usual weekly thoughts running through my muddled mind, and as always they come in no particular order:

— The weekend is here, and what a weekend it will be for the Regina sports fan as the Pats, Rams and Riders are home — albeit two are playing at the same time. Why is that anyhoo?

Can teams not converse with one another to see if there are going to be conflicts?  Never mind, I know the answer to that because it happens more than once.

— Despite the forecast, I am hoping to see a solid turnout at Mosaic Stadium tonight for the 2-1 Rams vs the 3-0 Calgary Dinos in a battle of top 10 teams.

How is Steve Bryce doing in his first year as head coach of the Rams? Look at their record and you will see.  I think all of us knew this team would be a lot better than last year, but I think a lot of us also thought they would win 2 games and maybe get a break go their way to win a 3rd game. Let’s throw that out hypothesis out the window.

— The job Bryce and crew are doing is fantastic, and that was seen with the first top 10 ranking the team has had since 2012. It will be very, very tough for Regina to stop a very good Calgary team, but as the Rams showed in Vancouver against the defending Vanier Cup champs, it can be done.  Bryce and crew has re-generated some excitement and enthusiasm towards the Rams. It’s great to see! If you can’t get to Mosaic, it will be on Access/SHAW with yours truly doing sideline work. Lee Jones I am not.  With the forecast being the way it is, I may have to get some waterwings before heading to Mosaic.  SIGHHHHH!!!

— Let’s stay on the football front and talk about the Riders game Saturday night against Hamilton. The green-and-white are feeling good about themselves after last week’s overtime win over Edmonton. They should be feeling good about themselves, but a loss to the Hamilton whether it be by 1 or 51 means they are spinning their wheels. A victory over the Tabbies will really send some shockwaves out across the CFL as we will see that Chris Jones has finally gotten this team’s act together. On paper, Hamilton has the better team, but the Riders are somewhat choked after what happened in Hamilton and are coming out wanting to atone for that tilt. I’m thinking we will see a ring-a-ding-dong dandy.

— As for the Pats, they are ready to take a run at the Ed Chynoweth Cup! How long has it been since the Regina hockey fan could say that! Too long! This might be the best team they have had since the mid 80’s. Oh how that 84 final still burns a hole through me. The team you see on the ice tonight won’t resemble the team you see in a month as 5 players (Brooks, Steel, Wagner, Zborovskiy and Hobbs) are still at NHL camps. Once these 5 return, this team should start making some noise that will hopefully last all winter and go into the spring. Regina hockey fans are long overdue!

— The Blue Jays are coming off a series where they played two of three home games in Seattle against the Mariners. If you watched the game, you know half the fans at Safeco Field for the three game set were Canadians as many flocked from BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan to see Donaldson, Bautista, Edwin, Sanchez and company.  It had Jay and Dan wannabes (and never will be’s) Tim Micallef and Sid Seixeiro salivating over the fact they had never seen that before. This just in boys, you might want to go to a Riders game in Calgary and see what that is like.

— MLB commissioner Rob Manfred was on TSN Vancouver this week and suggested Vancouver could someday be a spot for expansion. I don’t know if that will happen considering the proximity of the Mariners and if Canada is to be home to a 2nd MLB franchise, it must go back to Montreal before Vancouver, but I would be all for it. Would you play in BC Place? Would you build a new stadium and if so, would it be covered because of the rainy climate. I think baseball in Vancouver would be a hit. You see how fans flocked to Seattle for the Jays.

— A great question from TSN’s Dave Naylor. Why is it the Jays are referred to as “Canada’s team”, but the Raptors are Toronto’s team. Is there a difference? Of course, all of us know Canada’s team resides at Mosaic Stadium, but I digress.

— Who would you rather have—Carson Wentz or Dak Prescott. I think the Eagles and Cowboys are in good hands for many years with these two guys calling the signals.

— Week 3 NFL Lock Of The Week — Tampa over L-A
    Week 3 NFL Upset of The Week —Eagles over Steelers

— The New England Patriots destroyed Houston with their 3rd string quarterback. I am positive Tino Sunseri could start a game for New England and win. That team could very well go 4-0 without Tom Brady. How do ya like that Commissioner Goodell?

— Back to the CFL in a second, and yes, this NFL fan finds it hard to believe that for the first two weeks of the season, the NFL is beating the CFL in Canada when it comes to viewers.  Should we be surprised though? Monday night I was at the Great Canadian Brewhouse. As was the case last year, the Brewhouse is giving away a helmet every Monday night and a chance to go to the 2017 home opener of your choice. If you go on Thursday, you can win a jersey of one of the teams competing. Go to Boston Pizza, Brewsters, Birminghams, the Press Box, the Four Seasons and you will find Monday night giveaways.  What do you get at those locales when you go for a CFL game—cheap wings and beer and the wings may not be on special!

 —  Once again, the CFL doesn’t get it and Commissioner Bozo — I mean Orridge — is apparently too dense to see it.  Get on board with some of these places—especially the national ones like a Boston Pizza and offer some schwag and a trip to two for the Grey Cup. Give that person 55 yard line seats, free tix to the events that make up Grey Cup week and ideal hotel accomodations. I am guessing you would have some fans coming in to watch games in venues across this great land of ours.

 Instead of thinking of ideas to grow this league, they would rather sanction writers like Rod Pedersen, Justin Dunk and Jason Gregor for writing articles critical to the league. Add the term “thin-skinned” to our friends at the CFL office who seemingly don’t like the repeated reality slaps they are getting. Suck it up boys because it isn’t even close to being over.

— There is so much this league could do yet doesn’t for one reason for another. One of my pet peeves has always been why isn’t there CFL players in advertising campaigns. Yes, perhaps that is the fault of the Players Association, but if Marks is a corporate sponsor of the CFL, shouldn’t players like Bo Levi Mitchell, Weston Dressler and Naaman Roosevelt be involved in some kind of ad campaign—even if it is just modelling some apparel. It’s not that hard, but the CFL wants to make it look as if doing something like this is like climbing Mount Everest.  As I have said before, I don’t like bashing the CFL, but when the CFL keeps making idiotic moves like the ones they have been making week after week after week, you can’t help but ask why as you point out their glaring mistakes.

— Team Kid or Team North America as it was more formally known have been the story of the World Cup of Hockey. McDavid, Matthews, McKinnon, Gostibehere and others have dazzled. Sadly, they won’t play Canada in a game that I think the entire country wanted to see. There were a lot of comparisons from long time NHL personnel about the kids reminding them of the 80’s Oilers. I don’t disagree. If these guys are the face of the NHL moving forward, the league is in great shape with some great young stars to lead the way. If the league can give us games like the North America-Sweden game on Tuesday on a consistent basis, the interest will sky-rocket on both sides of the border.

— That’s all I got.  Stay dry! GO RIDERS, GO SEAHAWKS

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8 years ago

Uhh….I believe the Riders beat the Eskimoes in OT last week.

3RD and 1
8 years ago

Paragraph 7 row 5 word # 4 should be "win" over the EE. Instead it says OT loss to the EE. I know it's been loss after loss this season. Since we only have 2 Victories. We should correct that.

8 years ago

It would seem that Orridge is trying to get on the good side of Rider fans without Rod's help. First he appears on Nye's show and then yesterday the Piffles Podcast. He obviously doesn't like the fact that Rod, Dunk etc have been so critical of the direction the league is going. Listening to his interview on the podcast, he did acknowledge the many challenges earlier this year being a problem but he didn't seem to be leaning to getting rid of challengeable plays and the stupid PI rule. That is a huge mistake. Furthermore, when asked about low attendance… Read more »

8 years ago

Orridge was on Nye's show? It's too bad he wasn't on a show where the only listeners are Rawlco staff, family and friends. Attaboy Jeff. Get the message out to the 70 people who listen faithfully.

8 years ago

Riders Canada's team ? Lol. You mean Canada's loveable losers . 2-10 lol

8 years ago

Considering the salvos thrown at Orridge from you and Pedersen, I am guessing Nye threw nothing but big fat softballs at Jeffy boy. I haven't listened to that show for years. There's no reason to listen to it when Cage is on at same time. Better content, better talk, better everything.

On another topic, I know first impressions mean a lot, but if the Pats lose tonight and lose by a couple, don't walk away disappointed. With guys being at NHL camps, they are a weakened squad. The first 6-8 games may be tough-sledding, but then look out.

Christopher Evans
8 years ago

The CFL League office is a disgrace!! They have been on the defensive for a while now, but I see it as their own fault! It appears that their priorities are backwards, the left hand often doesn't know what the right hand is doing, and either a lack of leadership or too many chefs in the kitchen?!?! Back in May, Darrell Davis made some comment about how the league went about promoting new jersey unveiling right at the time of the draft… timing was poor, two hours before the draft comes down they decide to issue a press release?!?! I… Read more »

8 years ago

Q: Is there a reason why Rams couldn't have played at 1 PM Saturday afternoon?

With Pats playing at 7 tonight, Rams could have had a crowd all to themselves.

With game being over by 430 at the latest, would it not be enough time to get ready for Rider game at 730?


8 years ago

Orridge is a disliked goof…and that's from all corners of the league. He needs to be "gone" ASAP.

The rams have played reasonably well so far. Isn't it great the previous coach stocked the team so well?

The Pats are the 10th rated team in preliminary rankings. There are three other teams in the WHL ahead of them. They may be OK but there are still considerable holes in this lineup.

8 years ago

Name calling – "Commissioner Bozo" – is lazy, juvenile and generally the tactic of last resort for those lacking the mental capacity to form a strong argument.


8 years ago

Lets us hope that Rod Pedersen will get to shout into his mic more than once:


8 years ago

Commenting on Nye's show: I never listen to this show because of one person( Darrell Davis). This guy has cut down Jones and the Riders to no end, yet he has not said a word against this commissioner. GO figure.

8 years ago

The key to victory on Saturday night will be who wins the coin toss.

With possible 80 K winds blowing, forget stats and the passing game. Special teams and field position will rule the day and whoever has the wind in the 4th quarter will win the game, as was the case last Sunday. One thing about the Riders, although they have not won many games, they have done well in winning the coin toss. Lets hope it happens again Saturday night, because it will really matter.

8 years ago

The CFL's idea of marketing is a joke. Scruff talked about the restaruant promotions with you on Wednesday. I agree completely. Orridge is clueless. He hides his head in the sand, and the league gets mad when people like Pedersen, Dunk and Gregor are critical. Have you gotten your wrist slapped by the CFL today Scruff?


8 years ago

Ah, that 1984 WHL final, when the Pats swallowed the olive so splendidly and were punked by the Kamloops Jr. Oilers in Kamloops. I was there for Game 6, faceoff in the Regina zone with 20 seconds left in the game, Pats up by 1, and Bob Strumm and the boys were CELEBRATING on their bench. 20 seconds to go, boys, 20 seconds. So sweet to see Dean Evason score with 12 seconds to go and shove it down the throats of Derkatch, Hall, Odelein, Trapp, Byers, etc. Maybe wait until the end of the game to celebrate next time,… Read more »

8 years ago

So the CFL is to blame for the lack of promotions at local watering holes. Does the NFL supply the Great Canadian Brewhouse,Boston Pizza etc. with helmets and Jersey's? Get real local management is responsible for these promotions and maybe have a sponsor supply product!
Jay's have great support when they are winning, that's how Canadians roll.

8 years ago

I would love to see a few "Down goes Collaros" calls by our play-by-play legend and I hope that Eric Norwood is the guy who triggers the statement, and maybe even better, to once again hear Carm say "What eight sacks?? … lets add one more!" (Although with our O-line and with John Chick now on the enemie's side of the ball, it could be the Ti-cats who reach the nine sacks.)

8 years ago

All those pi and interference challenges have ruined the great CFL game. Just get in the red zone, throw the ball in the end zone and challenge the play and you will win the challenge because their is interference and holding on every single play.
Orridge is incompetent to not see this and correct it.

8 years ago

My guess is Rams can't play at Mosaic on Saturday at 1 as the Riders play at 7:30. Needs to be a buffer for practise and on-field warmups, game day staging etc. Not saying it can't be done, but everybody has to be on board when it comes to sharing a stadium in a single day (hence the Thunder being at OLD Mosaic next weekend while the Rams are in NMS). Hamilton did a double-header. Winnipeg is doing one later this season. It's a good idea. Lots of logistics involved especially with different TV/Radio coverage teams as well. Here's hoping… Read more »

8 years ago

Can't think on anyone who would want to sit in the rain and wind for TWO football games on the same day. Better the Rams play tonight than Saturday for sure!