The weekly set of thoughts running through my muddled mind, and as always they are in no particular order.

— The 103rd Grey Cup is quickly becoming a nightmare for both the CFL and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Fans are not buying tickets, the Bombers have reportedly lowered the attendance at Investors Group Field and at this point, there is no way the Bombers will get the reported 4-7 million dollar profit predicted. The game is usually sold out by this point and as of last count, around 26-thousand had been sold. An article from the Winnipeg Sun says the Riders record can be to partly blame for this (which I’m not buying) because Rider fans aren’t buying up seats the way they normally would. It has seemed to me over the years as if win or lose, Rider fans always go to the Grey Cup! If that is what the Bombers are trying to make some believe, they are doing a poor job.

— With all apologies to Kevin Glenn, I hope the Saskatchewan Roughriders continue on with Brett Smith as their starting quarterback. He deserves it and in the long run, the franchise will be better. The chances of the Riders making the playoffs at 0-8 are minimal. Smith has shown improvement each week he has played and as the LP’s Rob Vanstone correctly stated this week, the Wyoming product was the first Rider QB to throw 3 TD passes since Darian Durant in the 2013 Grey Cup. He needs to continue getting reps and getting experience. Sitting him on the bench will just hamper that development. A progression plan for Durant has to start and Smith is a pretty good start. This is not to suggest Durant won’t be quarterbacking the club come game 1 of the 2016 season because he will be if that Achilles is fine, but a guy is needed to take over one day because Durant won’t be around forever. Keith Price and Blake Sims can’t be ignored either as both may or may not have a future. We need to find out and putting Kevin back in is not the answer. This isn’t a condemnation of Glenn either so don’t make it out to be. If this team was 3-5 or 2-6, I would be calling for Glenn to start immediately because the team would be in a playoff fight. One could say the team should put Glenn back in when he is ready until the team is mathematically eliminated which is something I can’t argue, but this needs to be Smith’s team the rest of  the way.

— Congratulations to Weston Dressler and his 500 career catches that he established against the Stampeders. For the sake of Rider fans, lets hope he has another 150-200 catches if not more in him.

— Peyton Manning has thrown for 131 touchdowns over the past two seasons and he says he has no feelings in his fingertips. Considering the position he plays, that is simply amazing.

— The talk of the Green Bay Packers winning the Super Bowl this year took a huge hit with Jordy Nelson going down. Fantasy football players who have Nelson in keeper leagues can’t be happy these days, especially if their team also had Kelvin Benjamin on it.

— Playboy is suggesting Saskatchewan’s own Kaylyn Kyle might be the hottest athlete in the world. Who am I to argue with Playboy! Kaylyn plans on having some soccer camps in both Regina and Saskatoon this October. Just another example of a Saskatchewan athlete giving back.

— Speaking of Saskatchewan athletes giving back, Jon Ryan and his foundation came through with a 75-thousand dollar donation to equip Regina Minor Football with what is needed for the brand new “Mighty Mites” Division. I don’t have to tell anyone about how much Jon loves Regina and vice-versa. Perhaps another Jon Ryan or two are starting their quest thanks to this donation.

— Question asked in the wake of UFC Saskatoon that had an attendance of 72-hundred from a blog reader. The question was “Would the event had been better at the Brandt Centre”. The answer I think is NO! When organizers decided they were coming to our province, they wanted to go to the best venue and the best venue is SaskTel Centre. Was there any guarantee that type of crowd would have showed up at the Brandt Centre? That is a question UFC officials will have to ask the next time they come into Saskatchewan whenever that is. If what I hear is any indication, the next time the UFC comes to Saskatchewan, the venue will be a Graham DeLaet three wood from the Brandt Centre. If that is the truth, I hope the UFC isn’t expecting an attendance of 30-thousand plus because I don’t think that will happen as much as I would love it too.

— Once again while on a trip to Saskatoon, a trip to Fuddruckers had to be had and once again, I saw several people from Regina. Does the Saskatoon Fuddruckers know how much business they will lose when the Regina one opens its doors in the future and where will Reginans go for their dining experience in Saskatoon if they don’t go to Fudds because its in Regina.

— The Toronto Blue Jays are not the best team in baseball right now. That distinction goes to the New York Mets.

— The way the Blue Jays are playing, it will take a complete collapse for them not to make the playoffs and have Josh Donaldson named the American League MVP.  Donaldson’s hustle on a routine grounder to 3rd that ended up being an error because of that hustle ended up turning a loss into a win in Texas Tuesday night.  The guy does it all.  Jose Bautista could certainly learn a lesson or two from this guy, but instead he decides he is going to boycott Sportsnet and not talk to them because they won’t reimburse Devon Travis for a suit.  Cmon Jose! Your act is wearing thin amongst some. This isn’t the time to act like this and why are you seemingly on a solo mission because no one else has squawked about this. It was interesting to note Bautista did talk to SNET’s Barry Davis the day after this story came out. I have to wonder if he was made to do so by the Blue Jays brass. We will see how many more interviews he does this season.

— When you are winning a bad pitchers pool, you bemoan the fact the Blue Jays sent Aaron Loup (the worst of the worst this year) to Triple A and hope to god Toronto calls him back up in September.  He can turn a 12-3 game in the 8th to 12-6 just like that.

— The Regina Pats start training camp this weekend.  It means hockey is slowly coming back. Soon, fantasy football drafts will be replaced by hockey drafts as the NHL season is right around the corner.

— Why did it take the Ti-Cats so long to retire Angelo Mosca’s jersey!

— Why did TSN take time out of their programming schedule to give us the Coors Light Games after the CFL game? That bubble soccer and volley pong games were beyond fierce! It was bad enough one of Canada’s Sports Networks was showing a repeat of Amazing Race Canada on one of the channels the CFL game wasn’t, but the three letter made a bad decision by giving this publicity stunt any air time.

— That’s all I got. Have a great weekend everyone. GO RIDERS!!

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9 years ago

The 2014 Grey Cup in Vancouver was not a sell out and the 2013 Grey Cup did not sell out until AFTER the Riders won the west final. I know because I looked on Ticketmaster during the west final and there were tons of tickets still available. So next time you want to play reporter at least get some of your facts right.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The 2013 cup was sold out earlier. Tickets were held back until closer to the event. I'm pretty sure this is the case in most big events.

9 years ago

There were thousand's of tickets available before the Western Final last year. If the riders didn't get to the Grey Cup, they would've remained unsold because no one could get a hotel room in regina.

9 years ago

Scruffy…I disagree with most of this blog post of yours.
Straight trash homie.

9 years ago

maybe not that many people care to sit outside in -20 to watch a bush league's championship game when you can watch real football in the comfort of your own home.

9 years ago

If the CLL is predicated on one team to draw fans for ticket sales than that's a losing venture.

9 years ago

So what the Bombers are basically admitting is that without the Rider fanbase, the CFL is nothing. That's pretty impressive if you ask me. I'll be in Winnipeg and I could care less what the Riders record is because GC is always a party!


9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You could care less? Then exactly how much do you care?

9 years ago

Holy crap Scruffy is sticking up for Saskatoon, that's a first! I doubt that Fudds will lose much business from Regina opening one, I'm sure out of their lineups out the door there's not too many Regina folks. But they are the best burgers in the world for sure. Wonder how much business the new Canadian Brewhouse is going to snipe from the PB and the Four Seasons. That place is amazing! Plus it's not located in a sketchy area with sketchy customers. PB made a big mistake on UFC nights by not throwing those customers out. Hope things have… Read more »

9 years ago

Parkside, can we all check out your blog to see how good it is.


I guess you think the Riders should keep with an old dog at QB even though the season is over, you don't congratulate Weston Dressler on a milestone catch, you don't think its cool what Kyle and Ryan are doing, etc. etc. etc

Definition of Moron = Parkside

9 years ago

What the hell is with all these anti CFL, pro NFL jerks these days? Is the NFL or Sportsnet paying these dumbasses to come on sports blogs and trash the hell out of the CFL? "Real Football", give me a break! Football is football, dumbasses! I'm sure you also spout off on how proud you are to be Canadian. Obviously you're not with that garbage. Also notice how they all post anonymously, bunch of Internet tough guys. Same ones that constantly give Rod a hard time. If all you have in life is to go on a sports blog and… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

yeah people who can recognize a inferior product and call a spade a spade are "anti" canadian ok, and watch the potty mouth.

9 years ago

I couldn't believe TSN actually aired the Coors Light Games nationals after the football game. I bet that had a viewership in triple digits. Who would care about something like that!

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

it probably out drew the cfl game.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Eugenie Bouchard 's twin sister is pretty hot.. just saying.. she definition looks like she likes to party

9 years ago

Sorry Scruffy but it is called a Succession Plan not a Progression Plan. But having said that, I agree they should continue developing Smith, Price and Sims.

9 years ago

OK, this is the first I've heard of these 'Coors Light Games', but a five second google search, and common sense, would indicate that the reason TSN aired them, is because there was a financial arrangement between Bell and Molson-Coors. You wouldn't think this would be that big of a mystery. —– I like what Bautista did with this whole suit situation. He stuck up for his principles, quietly, and with dignity. My guess is, that what really got his goat, was that Travis wasn't told how this whole thing was going to go down, ahead of time. The money… Read more »

9 years ago

I completely agree on Smith. I would like to see Price and Sims in game action, but lets put our chips down on Smith and see where it goes.

As much as I hate to say it, Darian is becoming a band-aid so Smith might be needed for next season as well.

9 years ago

NFL is king. I can't wait until the CFL folds in 3 years.


9 years ago

The reason Mosca's jersey wasn't retired sooner was because the needed some assurances from him. He has been known to use that cane of his against other former players and others..LOL. They needed assurances he wouldn't get mad and do that insurance thing..LOL

9 years ago

"One could say the team should put Glenn back in when he is ready until the team is mathematically eliminated which is something I can't argue, but this needs to be Smith's team the rest of the way."

If you cant argue against it then you agree with it. Glenn should go in until the team is mathematically eliminated.

The Woz
9 years ago

Kaylyn is right up there but Ines Sainz is the hottest woman on the planet

9 years ago
Reply to  The Woz

Wut???? Kaitlyn Jenner? I knew it I knew it, something funny bunny about The Woz.

9 years ago

I am not saying Mitch is wrong … but you can't have it both ways. If you want Smith to play you can't be mad whenever the team loses. Kevin Glenn will give the team the best option to win when he is healthy.

When did Mitch write this article, Monday? Bautista settled the fued mid-week.

9 years ago

The anonymous NFL/American wannabe's are out in full force this time of year. Bashing the CFL makes them feel like they are a knowledgeable football fans. I'm sure they are proud Canadians, when we win.


9 years ago

Who the hell are you Knocking Jose Bautista? He,s forgotten more about the game than you will ever know. Regina Fuddruckers will Not do a bit of harm to Saskatoon's Fuddruckers so thats out. Sakatoons crowd of 7250 for the fights, not bad when you consider the crazy price of $250.00 per pop. Regina might fill their Barn at $100.00 per ticket . Why would Winnipeg fill the stands when the Bombers haven't shown up for years and The Riders will not even have a chance of being in it ?