By Arash Madani

With negotiations around a new collective bargaining agreement set to resume Wednesday in Toronto, the CFL and the players association remain far apart on the most contentious issue.

The players are insisting that the league’s salary cap going forward be tied to league revenues. But a member of the CFL’s board of governors told Sportsnet the owners have no intention of meeting their demand.

“There is zero chance the owners agree to revenue sharing. Zero. No way,” said the governor, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

CFL Commissioner Mark Cohon has threatened league officials with a $100,000 fine for making public comments about CBA talks.

“Players have absolutely no clue on the business of the league,” added the governor.

Last week talks broke down between the league and players, leading to mudslinging from both sides and economic proposals being thrown around like footballs.

“The players will have to climb down a whole bunch off their aggressive position to make something happen. I don’t see that happening,” said another league source close to the negotiations.

CFLPA president Scott Flory said his members aren’t planning to change their position any time soon.

“What we’ve stated all along, and we’ve been consistent with since the beginning, is that a revenue sharing model is what we have to reach – some way, some how,” he said. “That’s all we’ve said from the beginning. That hasn’t changed.”

The talks will resume at a Toronto airport hotel seven days after Cohon went public with the CFL’s economic proposal. The commissioner told Sportsnet last week the latest offer by the players is “unrealistic,” and one that would take the league “into the dark ages.”

On Sunday, Flory phoned Cohon in an effort to re-start the negotiations, with the current CBA set to expire May 30. Training camps are scheduled to open league-wide on June 1.

“A lot of what happens next is predicated on the talks (Wednesday),” Flory said.

The talks will once again centre around revenue sharing, with the players have insisting that the salary cap be tied to league revenues.

“It’s a model that’s set before us in pro sport,” said Flory.

A new television deal beginning in 2014 will place, on average, an additional $27.5 million annually in league coffers over the next five years. The league has offered the players an additional $5.5 million annually over the duration of the TV contract. Beyond revenues, adding player safety clauses in the new CBA remains a “major” focal point, said Flory.

Another issue—at least in the eyes of the players—has been Cohon’s role in the negotiations. The commissioner has yet to personally sit in on any of the talks.

“Some commissioners, in the past, have been very involved at every meeting,” said CFLPA legal counsel Ed Molstad last week. “I guess it depends on the commissioner, in terms of what he wants to do. And he has chosen to stay away.”

While they remain far apart, sources on both sides of the table have said they hope Wednesday will be a “long day” of negotiations.

Last week’s meeting lasted less than 10 minutes.

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10 years ago

The talks will once again centre around revenue sharing, with the players have insisting that the salary cap be tied to league revenues.

“It’s a model that’s set before us in pro sport,” said Flory

It’s a model set before you in major sports, CFL is not a major sport. CFL is comparable to AHL hockey and AAA baseball, how about using their “model” that has been set before you Mr. Flory?

10 years ago

Let's see, it could actually benefit the Owners NOT to have training camp start on time. That's less money out the door feeding and taping guys with no chance of making the team. So they can wait it out and then just go with veterans who already know the playbook. Maybe the first game gets missed, well that's an entire payroll that doesn't have to be paid out, and the money from season tickets is already in the bank. The Owners have cash from season tickets, sponsorship, and the expense get cut back all the way. Meanwhile Players with bills… Read more »

10 years ago

I have a poll question for you Rod

How long will the salary negotiations meeting go tomorrow

i) repeat of last week; 10 minutes or less

ii) between 10 minutes and an hour

iii) all day baby, this things getting done

10 years ago

That's strange, a CFL commissioner who threatens league officials with 100,000. fines for making public comments about CBA talks, then turns around and does just exactly that through the media. Stranger yet, the CFL commissioner has yet to personally sit In on any of talks, something amiss, training camp soon here.

From the engine that drives In the 306, V8.

10 years ago

I think this meeting ends very quickly. players get in position for a strike and then half the players cross the line and we start the pre-season games ON TIME without a deal in place.

10 years ago

Anon # 1 hit it dead on… apples and apples Mr Flory.

10 years ago

Just to show how little potential owners think of the CFL, MLSE group have decided not to purchase the Argos. MLSE group used the potential purchase of the Argos as a political chip to get federal, provincial, and civic gov’ts put money in renovating BMO stadium. These renovations are for Toronto FC and upgrades for the Pan-Am games. The throw in alterations to the field to ACCOMMODATE the CFL was in order toget gov’t $. How many NHL, NFL, MLB or NBA teams get used as leveraging chips in stadium renovations for Major League soccer and the PanAm games? But… Read more »

10 years ago

Flory, give your head a shake. You are out to lunch.

10 years ago

Where has Cohon been?

10 years ago

the cflpa are absolutely stupid to think they should get any revenue sharing ,especially with 3 community owned teams and a brand new franchise, let them strike and get no money ,go flip burgers at mcds and work for a living and when these owners were losing money did you ever see the players giving any money back to the owners never .so quit being so damn greedy and take what's offered and play the great cfl game,ID LOVE TO GET A 9% RAISE.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If it wasn't for the players there would be no gate revenues, the players are the people who put in the sweat equity that produces the on field product that people like you and I get to enjoy. Revenue sharing was in place in previous agreements and nobody complained, both sides need to adjust and compromise to get this CBA done.

Happy Gilmore

10 years ago

The teams are getting an EXTRA 3 Mil a year because we want to watch the entertainers … who will get 20% of that? I think the selfish are the fans who don't want to miss games. And for those who want to compare their job to a pro athlete … your boss just increased the price charged for you from $70 to $95 and offers you a 9% raise from $20 to $22 … your first raise in 5 years. Happy? Any business person worth their salt recognizes the business thrives or fails on having best employees and you… Read more »

10 years ago

The teams are getting an EXTRA 3 Mil a year because we want to watch the entertainers … who will get 20% of that?

So if the players get 20%, owners get 20% of it and the remaining 60% of that increase goes to cover Stadium upgrades and other increased costs that isn’t reasonable?

10 years ago

To Scott Flory and players, If the CFL teams are doing so well, and that there is so much profit to be had for those greedy owners, then maybe the players should pool there money together and buy into the CFL… There are two teams for sale – cheap – the Argos and Lions; due that there really is no great profit in the CFL the price is right. Yes the MLSE of Toronto would have bought the Argos but didn't even do so at such a cheap price. The reality is the CFL barely gets by in many of… Read more »

10 years ago

'Rumours Madani' at his best.

10 years ago

Madani is the Marty York of his generation.