1 – CFL FOLD? – Every day is like a month with this pandemic and things are always changing. With those changes, I find my opinion on what may occur also changes. Today, I hate to be the bearer of potentially disastrous news but I wonder if we have all witnessed the last ever Canadian Football League game. Earlier this week, British Columbia’s top health official said there would be no large gatherings for, at least, a full year. So that knocks out the 2021 season too. BC is doing better at dealing with the virus than most other provinces, so one has to figure Ontario and Quebec are also going to ban any large gathering for, minimum, a year. Hard to have a league with Saskatchewan, Winnipeg, and Edmonton. The rate Calgary is going, I suspect they won’t be allowed large gatherings for a long time either despite the fact Calgary Stampede is yet to announce they are toast.
2 – MULTI YEAR HIATUS? – I also wonder about the other professional sports leagues and what will be their future. If health officials say you have to social distance for, minimum, one year and, likely longer, then you can’t have them on the playing surface. Anything involving teams results in people getting within close proximity. Dr. Fauci, in the States, says it’s possible to have games with fans in the seats but all have to wear masks and be spaced apart so you are looking at ⅓ capacity in a lot of instances. If you are wearing a mask, forget about food and drinks. Not to mention the closeness when you are in line. How’s going to the bathroom going to work? Maybe nobody will have to go since you are not drinking. There’s just too much risk here so I think it’s done. Last week I felt baseball was going to come together and get organized quickly. Today, I think it’s all toast. Baseball. Hockey. Football. Basketball. It’s done for 2020 and 2021 for sure and who knows after that. There is, simply, no avenue to playing unless there is a 180 degree change in advice from health officials or from politicians that listen to them.
3 – INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL – In the case of MLB, NHL, NBA and CFL there is a lot of cross border travel involved. In my mind, I just don’t know how you allow for international travel at all during this pandemic. I said from the get go that airports were the haven for spreading this virus and I stand by that as of today too. When you take into account the madness of each American state, seemingly, doing their own thing with no real direction…I just don’t think it would be wise to open our borders to American people. Therefore, how do you have a Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Raptors, Canadian NHL teams, imports on CFL teams, etc. You can’t.
4 – FREEDOM OF CHOICE – Now there is a very simple solution to all of this, of course. Let’s pick Major League Baseball as the example. Teams request their players and staff to report for work. Anyone who is uncomfortable and feels as though they will get the virus and die is allowed to be excused and stay home in the basement. They don’t receive any private money and will, immediately, go on government programs. Tickets will be sold to fans as always with the understanding that you could show up, sit next to an infected person, get the virus and die. I know, personally, I’ve attended hundreds and maybe even thousands of sporting events, concerts, festivals, etc. and not a single time have I been made to go against my will. Be self-responsible. If you think it’s safe to go watch a game, then go. If you don’t, stay home. It’s that simple. And, if Mike Trout wants to be home for the birth of his baby, then let him do that and he can come play when he feels safe without penalty.
5 – FREEDOM OF CHOICE BAD IDEA – I’ve mentioned my example above to a few people and I’ve been told that I’m very insensitive. What about the poor popcorn vendor. Well, I’m including the popcorn vendor in my list of people that can stay home, without penalty, should that person so desire. Nobody should be forced to report to work but if you want to go to work, you shouldn’t be blocked from doing so. And, if you want to watch a game, you shouldn’t be blocked from that either. If thousands of you get sick and end up in the hospital and are unable to be treated because it overwhelms the system, well that’s part of the risk in playing/watching. Harsh? Well, so too is bungee jumping and having the chord snap after you launch yourself off the ledge. See, I am not okay with the risks of bungee jumping so I use this incredible ability I have of making a decision to not do it. Just apply the same rationale to team sports and away we go.
6 – CORONAVIRUS PERSPECTIVE – Earlier this week, I looked at the death numbers in Quebec and they had 1000 people pass away from the virus. Of those 1000, only 14 were under the age of 60. I’m not sure how many of those 14 were considered to be of good health and no underlying issues. Which brings me to another thought – why not allow young people like those who would be playing junior and university sports to just get together and play? I get that this is the most contagious virus of our lifetime, but the risk to someone who is in tip top health is low, low, low. How many athletes play through various forms of illness over the course of the season? Why can’t this just be another one of those things like strep throat or the flu? I know it’s not strep throat or the flu. But for young athletes who are in terrific shape, yes it is.
7 – RICH GET RICH, POOR STAY POOR – I think one of the most disgusting things about this pandemic is how much money is lost by Joe Citizen and how much is made by companies who are already filthy rich. Your Walmarts, Canadian Tires, and Home Depots of the world are thriving. The independent restaurant, small town clothing store, hair salons, etc. are on the verge of going under. These big box stores should all drop their prices and do their part. Lose some money. Banks should be forgiving payments and not charging a penny of interest. Crown corporations should be allowing people to not pay their bills and just let it go without ever having to repay. Yes, money is lost but then every person and every company shares in that loss and not just the little person. When this is finally over, the little person is going to be so far in debt and the taxes are going to be through the roof more than they already are. The rich will still be rich. In fact, they’ll be richer for this. A good many who have put their entire lives into being successful to the point they reached an upper middle class lifestyle and it’s poof, gone. Stolen from them really. And, it’s wrong. This social distancing stuff would last about one week if you took profits away from those box stores I mentioned above. As far as they are concerned, this can go on forever. It’s great for them. There’s no incentive at all to loosen restrictions. Federal politicians even gave themselves a raise a couple of weeks ago. It turns my stomach.
8 – NOT AN EITHER/OR SITUATION – Somehow this whole virus issue has become an ‘economy vs senior citizens’ issue and I don’t know how that happened. You mean I have to choose one over the other? Why can’t we find some sort of a balance? It doesn’t have to be equal, but nobody talks about the fact there are teenagers locked in their home who can’t hang out with their friends. This may not seem like a big deal to many, but it is. Huge. These are the developmental years of their lives and having no real interaction with peer groups is devastating. No, Facetime doesn’t count. How about the folks who are admitted to nursing homes and may never ever see their loved ones ever again? It’s just beyond comprehension what we are okay with accepting as a trade off for ‘until we get a vaccine’. It’s madness. It must end.
9 – FIRST TO OPEN – PEI is going to begin opening it’s economy late next week with elective surgeries set to be one of the first things to return. I wonder why that was tops on the list? If they loosen restrictions and there is a surge in cases, won’t the fact that there are people in the hospital recovering from these elective procedures only going to put more strain on the system? Travel to New Brunswick may be allowed in July. New Brunswick has, basically, no active cases of the virus so if a trip to a safe place is 3 months away, just imagine how far away a trip to North Dakota may be for those of us who live here.
10 – NOVA SCOTIA – I lived in Nova Scotia for about a year and a half in the mid-1990s. My dad lived in Elmsdale (very close to Enfield) for a period of time and my roommate’s mom lived in Elmsdale as well so I have been to this area where this past weekend’s mass killings occurred. I’m very familiar with it actually. I’m quite sure I’ve been to the Irving gas station where the killer was finally put out of his misery many times although the building would have looked a lot different back then. It’s hard to believe such violence could happen anywhere let alone there. I don’t even know what to say. You couldn’t write a script to a horror movie that’s as bad as what happened. Thoughts, prayers, condolences, etc. just seem too hollow.
(Mike Stackhouse is a freelance writer/broadcaster. Follow him on Twitter at @Stack1975)
Saskatchewan_ social distancing since 1905.
Them hillbillies self Corn-teen all the time no problem. Lol
You need hills to have hillbillies.
Lumsden, Craven, Maple Creek …. Ketepwa etc etc etc ….
So your plan is to let people choose and therefore let the health system get overrun. What happens to the people who chose to stay home and self isolate? What if they have a medical emergency and can’t get proper care because the health system is overrun with people who chose to go to hockey and football games.
Your weekly blogs are all bad but this is easily the worst.
Thanks….with time being precious, you shouldn’t spend two minutes or whatever it takes to read these weekly blogs. But on the off chance you read this comment, what I’m saying is that if you wish to stay home….stay home. If you have a medical emergency like choking on a chicken wing or something like that, by all means you would get preferential treatment over those who engage in risky behaviour by attending mass gatherings. You didn’t read the article close…which is okay because you feel these are all bad and so you shouldn’t be reading close….but part of the risk… Read more »
Hey Mike, Good points, I would just encourage you and others to stay positive and adjust. If we have to don’t speak moistly. What I think will happen: 1) CFL will not fold – now it may adjust to scale so you’d have teams, but you will always find guys to play football. You will also find people who are not what Reg Dunlop called Ned Braiden on the bench and we’ll show up to watch the games. 2) There will be no multi year hiatus, because the people who run those teams/leagues are Billionaires who essentially dictate and it… Read more »
Your comments are better than anybody’s blog.
Thanks, but not true. I could never carry a show or a blog. Think of me as the Miller Segment on Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin Zone Show. I show up do my dog and pony show, answer questions, and give my opinion which frankly nobody needs to care about as it’s an opinion and I’m not unique or special.
In other news, sports news! Former CFL commissioner Mark Cohon bang on in his assessment of the CFLeague moving forward (3 DownNation) with players playing in empty stadiums to get the ball rolling on the season. An affordable reasonable pay-per-view system would be a start. Making it accessible to all homes across the nation without gouging the fanbase. Just maybe it’s the wave of the future. This could and would provide the game globally were it’s never been before. Current CFLeague commissioner Randy Ambrosie, what’s he been doing lately … not much but sitting back waiting as per his news… Read more »
Pay per view is an interesting concept and one that maybe could work. But, remember….we got a $70 million or so budget for Saskatchewan. The TSN deal is worth…what? $6 m per team? That’s a lot of pay per views. There’s still the issue of international travel not to mention the health officials insisting on social distancing….and they don’t seem to want to come off that social distancing stance at all unless you are going to test those people every single day.
Cfl_ got to start somewhere.
Woah! Hold the horses back. If the CFL season gets canceled outright, wait for the kaos to happen as all players become free agents. It will be one big entertaining calamity show, stay tuned CFL fans.
1. I think that may be overstating it a bit. Germany, Denmark & Australia have taken baby steps towards reopening some businesses. There’s a lot of money & urgency put into finding a vaccine & this is part of a family of viruses we know & have dealt with before. Next season is a long way away. Keep the faith. 3. Totally agree.. 4. It’s not that simple. Healthy persons can & do contract the virus & may not know it. But healthy people unaware they are carriers don’t isolate. That’s a huge problem. There IS no simple solution. And,… Read more »
We absolutely under any circumstance should NOT be mandated by the feds. There is a shopping list of reasons why this federal government wants us to maintain this lockdown and because of that political motivation, we need to ignore them. The provincial leaders are who we need to take the best advice from as they are also getting advice from their top health officials. You can bet that if Quebec and Ontario had 200 cases and the rest of the country had 30,000 …. Quebec and Ontario would be open and there’d be next to no help for the rest… Read more »
Good point Mike, Carolyn Goodman is the Mayor of Las Vegas. She had a good point with Anderson Cooper and essentially said why everything needs to be reopened. It should be noted her husband is Oscar Goodman the former Mayor and he was the Mob’s Lawyer. If you ever want a fascinating read – go look at his autobiography. He lays out in fact just how the government works when they truly and I mean truly want to get an outcome. I don’t believe them for a second, and I fully admit I WASTED an adult life voting Liberal/NDP and… Read more »
I don’t trust the Trudeau government any more than you do, Mike. But we have a clear example to the south what happens when individual states do what they see fit to do. The lunacy is plain for all to see. You can’t all set your own rules. The particular reporter who posited this approach came at it from the viewpoint of letting individual provinces open up earlier than those most afflicted under certain guidelines – in other words, a way out for some provinces. I’m not sure Saskatchewan, for example, could go it alone without Ottawa stepping in anyway.… Read more »
With respect, first it’s not a war and it’s not national crisis. Who told you that and on what authority? Bad flu bug going around and we had a guy in Nova Scotia take out more people in a day than Covid-19. Where is the national crisis on that? Oh wait it was a lone misanthrop that got up in the morning hating the world. I could give you a lot of statistics on various calamities and say it’s a crisis. Not really, I never felt I was in a war when I had coffee and walked my dog this… Read more »
President Trump fired the first warnings today against Iran, might a war be imminent again if things escalate. We’ll wait to see who fires the first shot.
Nobody is talking war but you bring up a very valid point. I’m also waiting for Russia to lose their shit on someone for this too….their cases are on the rise and they are a month behind everyone else. They may blame the US…they may blame China. They may not blame anyone. They are a wildcard country.
With respect, Jerry, who says it’s war? The comment was with regard to whether or not provinces could opt out, go their own way in certain situations. It’s what is known as an “example” to illustrate a “point”. And if the top health official in Canada asks all citizens to isolate themselves & keep a respectful distance between each other to prevent deaths, that is a national crisis in itself without even going into the economic impact. Mr Bettman who’s league is desparate to recoup some of the hundreds of millions in expected losses may be interested in your cheery… Read more »
With respect….I honestly reject your hypothesis. Stay classy.