1 – PAXTON LYNCH – I’m going to take the unpopular opinion here and say I WANT players here who feel the CFL or, more specifically, the Saskatchewan Roughriders are a springboard to get back to the NFL. Now, having said that, I hope Lynch never sees the field because I believe Cody Fajardo is a high-end starter and there should never be a concern about who the backup is unless Fajardo goes down with injury. In the event Lynch plays and it’s only for this season because the NFL came calling it means he played very well and the Roughriders probably enjoyed some team success to boot. He’s probably set for life with the millions he’s already made. I believe he loves the game and I want those guys on my team.

2 – RIDERS SEASON OPENER – I’m also going to take issue with people who think the season opener is going to be a dud due to the fact there are no preseason games. Here’s why: preseason football is often played without starters seeing much appreciable playing time and there are so many substitutions it’s challenging to get much of a rhythm going as a player. I think players are going to be so eager and hungry to be back at it that the first game on August 5th will be electric.

3 – AARON RODGERS – The future Hall of Famer is back with the Green Bay Packers and spoke candidly about why he’s at odds with the organization to the point that he contemplated retirement. As they say, the truth hurts and Rodgers told plenty of it during his media session. What really should resonate with management is when Rodgers said Green Bay isn’t a ‘vacation destination’ and players go there to play with him. If your marquee player is treated in a way that pales when compared to the other greats in the league, it only stands to reason your team isn’t going to attract other elite talent. 

4 – LOGAN MAILLOUX – Finally Justin Trudeau and I agree on something. Trudeau says he’s disappointed in the Canadiens for their decision. I’m disappointed in Canadians for their decisions. In all seriousness, how and when do we determine a second chance for Logan Mailloux? To me, if the Habs do their homework and feel as though he can fit into their dressing room and be a good teammate, go ahead and choose him. It’s nobody else’s business. Leaf fans passing judgment on this selection should read Steve Simmons’ book The Lost Dream and explain how their current head coach managed to get his second chance.

5 – TONY DeANGELO – I’d say the same thing about DeAngelo and the Carolina Hurricanes. In DeAngelo’s case, there is quite a bit more to dissect as there is more than just one act like there is with Mailloux and DeAngelo is also older. Furthering the problem for DeAngelo is that he’s an open Trump supporter and that never sits well with too many people (despite Trump’s sold out rallies indicating otherwise, but this is a sports column). Point being with DeAngelo is that there is definite baggage but some of what has been reported in the media about him is a flat out lie. I’m good with the Hurricanes giving him a shot as I trust they’ve come to the conclusion he can fit in and he will have a coach that will not tolerate any nonsense in Rod Brind’amour.

6 – RATTLERS – I’m officially a fan. I know this because they got some emotion out of me on Monday. I was so ticked off watching them race out to an 11-0 lead against Ottawa, only to be outscored 82-58 the rest of the way and lose a glorious chance to put themselves back into the playoff mix. Three point shooting should just be banned within the team altogether. Kemy Osse, Nervens Demosthene, Mambi Diawara, and D’Andre Bernard were a combined 0-for-14 from beyond the arc.    

7 – PITCHING DECISIONS – On Sunday, Yankee pitcher Domingo German was dominating the Boston Red Sox throwing seven no-hit innings. He gave up a leadoff hit in the eighth and he was, promptly, removed from the game because heaven forbid he go over 100 pitches. The Red Sox proceeded to erase a 4-0 deficit and won the game 5-4. I believe it was the same day Toronto took out Ross Stripling after 79 pitches (51 strikes) and a 3-1 lead after five innings. The bullpen wasted no time coughing it up and the Mets won the game 5-4. Here’s the correct way to handle a starter: San Francisco’s Alex Wood was pulled after 5 ⅓ and 91 pitches against Pittsburgh on Sunday but he gave up a couple of hits and walked the bases loaded in the sixth.  The human eye could easily see he was out of gas. The Giants pulled away and won 6-1. In the case of Stripling and German there was no reason whatsoever to take them out.  

8 – 18U BASEBALL – I’ve had the chance to take in a couple of SPBL AA 18U baseball games and I just want to give a special mention to the Estevan Brewers who are tearing things up with a 22-and-2 record.  They lead the Regina Blue Jays by 3 ½ games. The Brewers don’t give away many runs when they are on defense, and they’ve got a very productive middle of the batting order led by the likes of Kaleb Bechtold and Riley Niven. I was especially impressed with Niven at shortstop on Saturday. He ate up everything hit his way, exhibited a strong and accurate throwing arm, and was a tough out at the dish.

9 – OLYMPICS – Unfortunately, it feels like the focus has been on athletes standing up for their rights on what to wear or being brave for withdrawing from competition due to mental illness and the bravery it takes to confront those issues publicly or perhaps it’s a transgender matter. Yes, there are still great stories on actual athletic achievements but these non-sports issues have made it so that I’m not overly interested.

10 – JUNIOR FOOTBALL – Having a son in highly competitive sports, I’ve been introduced to an area that I’m all too familiar with as an observer but never that as a participant- politics. However, without going into too much detail I feel quite comfortable in saying that for every bad experience there is a good one that is waiting around the corner if you make your own breaks and to that end I have nothing but great things to say about coach Gavin Lake of the London Beefeaters based on the limited knowledge I’ve picked up in recent days. He’s a straight shooter who cares about the young men he’s in charge of leading. Another person I really want to mention here is Tim Kearse. The former Rider receiver is a man of great integrity and my son is extremely fortunate to have had him in his life for a year.

(Mike Stackhouse is a freelance writer/broadcaster. Follow him on Twitter at @Stack1975)

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Lon Stickhouse.
Lon Stickhouse.
3 years ago

I’m going to take the high road here and say I want Ricky Ray here on the Saskatchewan Roughriders roster immediately as the starting qb. He’s good to go after a little respite.

3 years ago

Beg to differ, after nearly a two year CFL layoff now was a prime time for exhibition games that would definitely have included the veterans playing for their jobs legitimately. Everyone needed evaluations including the coaching staffs.

3 years ago
Reply to  Roy

Oh I tend to agree that we may see a lot of players get replaced throughout the season for one reason or another but I still think the games are going to be highly intense and entertaining for fans.

3 years ago

Mr. Stackhouse, with the India virus (delta) case load climbing and climbing fast in Saskatchewan will you be going to Roughrider games soon? Your opinions are much appreciated on any subject, thanks.

3 years ago
Reply to  Roger

I will be attending the game on August 14 and am not the least bit afraid.

3 years ago

When you arrive at that game shoot me a message. You are a guy that got a lot of people through this and i want to shake your hand and say thank you.

You, rod, maybe 2 or 3 others were voices of reason in a period of lunacy.


3 years ago

In canada, you can sue a individual who infects you with coronavirus. You can also sue the organizers, organizations, the facility … blah blah blah. Didn’t know that until doing homework on this BS India virus (delta). You just don’t know who is sitting beside you, in front of you, behind you, who is touching the toilet handle, toilet door etc etc. Dang!!!! they could be contagious while highly infectious.

Jackie Moon
Jackie Moon
3 years ago
Reply to  Roger

and yet nobody bats an eye at the amount of STDs spread at the Calgary Stampede.

I’m vaccinated – pandemic is over, and those who die oh well. I got a football game next Friday night.