As part of Red and White Day festivities, the Calgary Stampeders are pleased to announce that the team will visit Varsity Acres School (4255 40th St. NW) on Thursday, Nov. 13 from 2 to 3 p.m. to take part in a playoff pep rally.


A group of Stampeders players along with Ralph the Dog and members of the Stampeder Outriders will visit the kindergarten-Grade 6 school. The students will be decked out in red and white as the excitement and anticipation build for the Western Final on Nov. 23 at McMahon Stadium.


“Red and White Day and the playoff rally have quickly become a wonderful tradition in recent years and we’re expecting a great afternoon with our friends at Varsity Acres School,” said Stampeders president Gordon Norrie. “We can’t wait for Red and White Day and we can’t wait for the Western Final. Go Stamps Go!”


Media are invited to attend the rally in order to interview the participants, take photos and film the festivities.


The Stampeders will host the Western Final against either the Edmonton Eskimos or the Saskatchewan Roughriders on Sunday, Nov. 23. Kickoff at McMahon Stadium is at 2:30 p.m.

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9 years ago

That many Stamps fans who visit this site that you post Stamp Team Events ???? Rod, Very nice of you to accomodate our brethren (sisters too) from the West.

9 years ago

Go Stamps Go ! Go Stamps Go ! Go Stamps Go !

CFL Rushing KING !
1-2 QB PUNCH !
BULLdozer Nic Lewis !

What more can you ask for on the way to the 2014 Grey Cup Championship.

9 years ago

Stamps 'Last Game of the Season' rally??


9 years ago

After the pep rally debacle a few years ago in downtown Calgary where one Rider fan showed up and zero Stamps fans, they now have to hold these things in schools and force kids to attend. Stampeders fandom is alive and well.

9 years ago

Will 'Gainer' be allowed???

Mike from Vita, MB
Mike from Vita, MB
9 years ago

No green allowed!

9 years ago

Funny how the pep rally is this week. I think they are having it this week because they are afraid of having it next week and avoiding the possibility of the kids wearing Rider gear if the face the Riders in the West final.