BOISBRIAND, Que. – The dream of playing in the world junior hockey championship is over for five players cut from Canada’s team on Wednesday night.

Goaltender Michael McNiven of the Owen Sound Attack, defencemen Guillaume Brisebois of the Charlottetown Islanders and Samuel Girard of the Shawinigan Cataractes, and forwards Sam Steel of the Regina Pats and Zach Senyshyn of the Sault Ste. Marie Greyhounds got the bad news from Hockey Canada brass shortly after the team’s 8-0 victory over the Czech Republic in a pre-tournament game.

“It’s always difficult, especially this year and especially after this game – those guys pushed it down to the wire,” said coach Dominique Ducharme. “The part that’s not fun is to meet the five guys and tell them they didn’t make it, but we’re really happy with the 22 guys we have and we look forward to moving ahead with those guys.”

There were 31 players when the team selection camp opened on Sunday. Four were cut on Tuesday – defenceman Victor Mete of the London Knights and forwards Brett Howden of the Moose Jaw Warriors, Nick Merkley of the Kelowna Rockets and Austin Wagner of the Pats.

The final roster for the Dec. 26 to Jan. 5 tournament in Toronto and Montreal has two goalies, seven defencemen and 13 forwards.

The surprise cut was Girard, a skilled, attacking rearguard who looked good in camp.

“I think it was a question of fit for them,” said Girard, a Nashville Predators second-round draft pick who should get another chance to make the world junior squad next year. `”I’ll go back to my junior team and perform there and be ready for next year.”

McNiven was in tough from the beginning, but made it a close battle with Carter Hart and Connor Ingram for the two goaltending jobs.

“I was the underdog but other than the first game I was pretty impressed with myself,” said McNiven, a Montreal Canadiens prospect. “I just hope the boys have a good time and bring home gold.”

Senyshyn, picked 15th overall by Boston in 2015, said he was disappointed but “I got to play with a lot of incredible players. I won’t forget the experience.”

Steel, picked 30th overall by Anaheim in June, looks forward to getting another chance to make the team next season.

“It’s tough now but I’m sure I’ll get through it and hopefully learn from it,” said Steel. “I thought I played a decent game, but there a lot of good players here.”


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7 years ago

I'm sure it'll be a talented Team Canada, but it would have been nice to see Sam Steel show the rest of the hockey world what we're enjoying here in Regina.

7 years ago

So now the Pats are "Canada's Team" huh? You need a good long rest, Pedersen. Hey, How 'bout retirement?

7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Loser!!! Rod has forgot more about hockey than you will ever know. I can't believe how many jack a$$es post $hit on this website who are disrespectful, unintelligent clowns. There's my rant. Have a good day Roddy

3RD and 1
7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Misread, Misinformed and charges to accuse. The ridiculous "Canada's team" being team Canada post sure sounds like an out of Province fan. The amount of jealousy that surrounds our humble Province of just over a Million people is astounding.
If you ever want to make yourself look like an instant TOOL. Use your jealousy to look for anything in an article that you can jump on. By doing so, read the article improperly. Then attack a person that didn't even write the article about something that doesn't even exist.

7 years ago

As the Iron Sheik would paraphrase E-Ran #1 – Canada hock phatooey – he's better off playing for Regina with Paddock and keeping his eye on the prize a Memorial Cup. I cheer for the USA in this tournament anyway. When you have resources poured into this and our indigenous people living in third world conditions forget it.

7 years ago

Ah, out of the cold and back to the lowlifes on the blog hey Rod. I'm sure that guy wishes his blowup doll was half as good looking as your beautiful wife.

7 years ago

Let's have a game between the Pats and Team Canada and see who does what in that tilt. Pats lose 5-4 in a shootout!

7 years ago

I'm sure there are kids all across the CHL along with their fans who are holding the nose again this year! It's little wonder why Canada can't bring home the gold anymore with this group of bafoons in charge. When you look at some of the players kept and some of those released, it's not hard to see why Canada is becoming an also ran at this tournament.

7 years ago

It makes teams wonder I'm sure why they even send their elite players to this camp knowing the Hockey Canada mentality.

7 years ago

LMAO and American resources don't get poured in to elite American sport programs while poor people in America suffer???? Get a clue!

And why the focus on only "indigenous" (protip: indigenous means 'originating or occurring naturally in a particular place'; as all humans are indigenous to Africa and no humans are indigenous to North America, First Nations can't possibly be indigenous to this land) when there's a wide demographic of people in this country who suffer from poverty?

Could it be because you're a racist??

7 years ago

This team was picked with Montreal market in mind. That's an irrefutable fact and probably the reason this team will once again fail to win gold.

7 years ago

Anon thought the "Canada's team" reference in the article referred to the Pats? Wow, that's a special kind of stupid. Reading comprehension fail.

7 years ago

Wow! In the article, the team that they're referring to when they say "Canada's team" is the actual Canadian jr team.

7 years ago

BAHAHAHAHHAHA! An annon was ACTUALLY dumb enough to state that indigenous people are all from Africa and none from America!!!!!!!!!! Bahahahaaaaaaaaaaa! You can't fake that level of stooooopidity!!! Rod, another idiot thought you called the Pats Canada's team when it wasn't said and it wasn't you writing it. More stooooooooopid!!! Side note, team Canada should have had Steel on it 1000000% but with the Easterners calling the shots as usual we will once again have a no ballz team of premadonna's who have all been handed everything their whole lives just like the spots on this team were. We will… Read more »

7 years ago

Love to see a second Team Canada entry of players the coaches didn't think were good enough.

7 years ago

On a good year the Quebec League is lucky to have three or at most four players on the team. This year they have six or seven…kinda tells you all you need to know. And the leading scorer in the WHL can't make the team…again…Sure! Pretty sure team canada will all be home in time to watch the finals on the tube..

7 years ago

Uh ya so we know for a fact that humans evolved in Africa and migrated everywhere else.

Including all humans who ever lived in the Americas.

You might want to read some basic information on the history of humankind.

7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

no you no for a fact we "evolved". your gramps was a chimp right? lol The deluded masses…lol

7 years ago

Only time will tell if the right choices were made in terms of the players who made the final cut. Sam Steel is obviously a first rate talent in not only the WHL but also the CHL. The issue I have with this team over the past few seasons is an apparent need for Hockey Canada to have certain players fill certain 'roles'. Think back to the years we were clobbering people, winning five gold medals in a row; we didn't have a designated face – off guy or defensive forward, we rolled out four lines that scared the s$%t… Read more »

7 years ago

The Republic of Western Canada sounds better to me everyday.

7 years ago

Football experts in the summer and fall, hockey experts in the winter. Makes you think.

7 years ago

So smilin Hank may be returning to Regina. How bout them Roughriders!

7 years ago

We have one guy who never read the article and two guys fighting over evolution. Priceless gold this blog is. It makes me laugh every time.

The other comments are informative. thanks

7 years ago
Reply to  Dean

Why read all the goobly gluk b.s. when the article title says it all? Sam Steele cut, that's I want to know. Pats can now resume on their path.
