BOSTON (CP) – The Boston Bruins end the season as losers. Rubbing salt in the wound, Bruins winger Milan Lucic has been labelled a sore loser in some quarters.

The hulking Bruin didn’t abandon his prickly game when the best-of-seven series ended in a 3-1 victory for Montreal in Wednesday’s Game 7 at the TD Garden. Lucic had words with several Canadiens during the traditional post-series handshake on the ice.

The 25-year-old from Vancouver aggressively shook hands and had words with fourth-liner Dale Weise and defenceman Alexei Emelin.

#WhatLucicToldWeise was trending on Twitter in Canada on Thursday.

An animated Lucic held onto Weise’s hand as he had his say and then had words with Emelin. Montreal forward David Desharnais, who was behind the defenceman, put his hands on Emelin’s elbow during the exchange, as if to guide him past.

“Milan Lucic had a few things to say to a couple of guys,” said Weise, who declined to go into specifics.

“You look at a guy like Shawn Thornton who has been around the league and he plays hard and he plays that role and he had good things to say to everybody. He won with class and Milan Lucic just couldn’t do that. Well, I won’t get into what he said, it’s just a poor, it’s just a poor way to lose.”

The Bruin reportedly said: “I’m going to kill you next year,” with an F-Bomb thrown in for good measure.

Lucic, clearly still feeling the emotion of the loss, was unrepentant in the locker-room.

“It’s said on the ice so it’ll stay on the ice. So If he (Weise) wants to be a baby about it – he can make it public.”

Asked about allegations by some Habs of Boston disrespect during the series, Lucic was agog.

“Disrespect? I don’t know what they’re talking about. Disrespect? Having a goal celebration, what kind of disrespect is that? I’m not going to say anything. I’ve got nothing to say about that.”

Lucic’s behaviour during hockey’s time-honoured handshake line, seen as a mark of respect, drew a quick response.

“All he can do now, though, is apologize for his error in judgment,” Adam Kaufman wrote in boston.com. “Or he’ll be known as another guy who disrespected arguably the greatest tradition in all of sports.”

“Milan Lucic probably won’t be up for Sportsman of the Year,” tweeted Sports Illustrated in the link to its story.

Others were more forgiving.

“Seriously? Lucic says something mean to somebody? So what? Time to move on everybody. Sticks and stones and all that,” tweeted Damien Cox of Rogers Sportsnet.

But Lucic wasn’t the only one talking tough after the game.

“Great to see a Canadian team finally take out the Bruins in a game 7,” tweeted Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

The Bruins beat the Vancouver Canucks in seven games to win the Stanley Cup in 2011. Boston has also taken out both Toronto and Montreal in Game 7s in recent years.

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10 years ago

damien cox just proved he is as intelligent as lucic is, stephen harper well hes just a dork.

10 years ago

Harper is a dork… But the best prime minister we've ever had so I will take that trade.

10 years ago

Lucic is a big classless loser and a baby. Never steps up to anyone bigger than him or even his same size. He's the true definition of a bully. A complete embarrassment to the gamne.

10 years ago

Lucic is a joke who picks his spots and delivers a spear or cheap shot from behind. Maybe if he had actually done something productive on the ice in this series other than try to prove how tough he is all the time then he and his fellow tough guy Bruins wouldn't be booking tee times! Weise actually scored some goals that helped his team win some games Milan, unlike you. If Lucic wants to show us how tough he really is then he should pick on someone in his own weight class for a change. I won't hold my… Read more »

10 years ago

Lucic reminds me of the cat fights that happen after a dirty girls rugby game.

10 years ago

To be a great Prime Minister you need to keep your promises.
1. Resourse revenue will not be included in the equallization fomule (broken)
2. Income trusts will not be taxed (broken)
3. I will not appoint senators (broken 57 times)
need I say more

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Sounds like pretty much every leader/politician/liar.

10 years ago

Yeah what a loser only has a Stanley Cup and Memorial Cup and tournament mvp on his resume.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

And likes to spear people in the "groin"…what a classless bum!

10 years ago

Yeah, to be a great Prime Minister you need to screw over one region of the country just so you can help the other region where most of the votes are. Don't worry, it would be like father like son. And we all know about Mulcair's bias against the west despite his claims to the contrary.

10 years ago

Dale Weise should take off his panties and put his big boy pants on! Whiner

10 years ago

Milan Lucic never challenges anyone his own size. If not for hockey he'd be in jail. He's nothing but a thug.

10 years ago

The only guy whining is Lucic. I'm surprised he didn't threaten to kill Carey Price next year as well because he didn't let him score a goal. Oh well he did manage to snipe one on the empty net in Game 5. What a joke he is and his buddy Marchand is a piece of work also.Take away the instigator rule and suddenly Marchand and his cheap shots disappear!