Roughrider GM Brendan Taman was on 620 CKRM’s SportsCage on Tuesday discussing a variety of issues but he did brush on the current labour negotiations between the CFL and the CFL Players Association.  The two sides are meeting for another round of talks today in Toronto amidst the threat of a strike.  We asked Brendan about it.

“Well I know about as much as you guys,” Taman said.  “I don’t really get a lot of information nor do I want it because I leave that to the higher-ups.  I know Jim Hopson is heavily involved in that so out of respect to Jim, I don’t really want to test him on things I shouldn’t know.  The information will flow down accordingly when it’s due so we’re planning on getting our Grey Cup rings on May 30th and training camp beginning June 1st.

“Quite frankly all I can think about is the night of the 30th because we want those rings!”

So as far as the Roughrider staff goes, it’s business as usual.  Strike or no strike.

“We have to and the people in the office, (Executive Assistant) Cheryl (McLean-Kiel) and the like, even Chris Milo helped out today, we just want to make sure that everyone is contacted and they’re all scheduled to be in for the 30th and we’re all systems go that way,” Taman said.  “All I’ve been saying is until we know differently, this is how we’re acting.  The coaches are ready to have camp and are ready to go to Saskatoon.   I have no reason to believe we’re not even though I know there’s stuff going on behind the scenes.  But again, until I’m told differently we’re gonna go.”

Meanwhile SportsCage CFL Insider Arash Madani of Rogers Sportsnet is on top of this ugly story and he chimed in with the latest on Tuesday’s show.

“That’s the biggest thing – what’s going to happen (Wednesday)?” Madani said.  “A lot of people are now anxious about it.  The behinds and lips of folks involved are getting quite tight at this point.  The realization is beginning to hit home of just how tight it is between now and the start of camp.  There are a lot things happening right now.

“There was a little bit of progress last week when the two sides met.  I’m told that there was a new proposal that was pitched to the league.  The league is still not willing to tie revenue-sharing into the whole mix.  On and on and on.  So Wednesday, when these sides meet, it will be very intriguing to see where these two sides are.  I have a hard time believing that after the meeting in Toronto an agreement will be reached.  But there’s a lot to lose for both sides here and it’s only now that it appears that they’re really beginning realize how much there is to lose.”

So what are the chances of the season starting on time?

“It’s so hard to know because you have no idea what the league will counter back with,” Madani answered.  “I have a hard time believing training camps will start on time but if we’re going to be real about this, players get bonuses for reporting to camp and passing their medicals.  The players now have their strike ballots in front of them and they will send them back.  If the majority agrees to strike, the players won’t strike until they get that bonus money.  So the first day of the strike could be June 1, 2, 3 or 4 if they execute the strike vote.”

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10 years ago

Usually I think the unions are all greedy and want all the money for nothing in return, however in this case, the owners be it private or public are WRONG. The players gave up a lot to keep the league viable and now it is time to give them a REASONABLE settlement seeing as how the league has this large influx of cash. Revenue sharing is a very reasonable request. I don't like strikes and hope it doesn't materialize but the players deserve a good settlement.

10 years ago

Scott Flory is a Bum. He proved that when he reneged on his signing in Riderville. That's how he lives up to his commitments. If he leads the players into a strike he will create the end of the CFL. They have enough trouble getting people with money to be owners and accept massive losses of revenue. The owners should be first in line to get back their compensation……sorry players I love you but most of you were not even born when the massive losses occurred. The CFL is on the brink of collapse……yes the sky is falling with what… Read more »

10 years ago

Is it all about money or is the Canadian/import ratio also an issue?
I'd like to see a raise in the cap and status quo on the ratio.


Rider Fan
Rider Fan
10 years ago

Scott is not a bum. He is the elected leader of the CFLPA and his players deserve improvements in their old CBA. If there is a strike it will be the collective decision of the players. It is their only means to get the teams to provide a fair deal. The one they have offered is an insult. If the CFL knows that the players are serious, there will be a settlement. If they smell weakness, they will dig in their heels and hope the players capitulate. I support the players in this dispute. Too much of the money in… Read more »

10 years ago

How does Rider Fan know that they were offered and if it was an insult? Do guys like Braley who have lost millions over the past 5-7 years get to recoup their losses before this supposed revenue sharing? Do the players feel it's acceptable for owners to run teams at losses just to provide them with a place to play? Revenue sharing makes no sense when the majority of clubs run a ta loss. Beyond a fair and reasonable raise like most folks get, I support the owners for trying to recover lost money. Financially they would be better served… Read more »

10 years ago

both sides have offered insulting proposals in relation to the cfl's financial position, playing the traditional low/high ball, meet in the middle game. read glen suitor's open letter on, he sums it up perfectly.

10 years ago

raise the salary cap for a fair % to reflect the increase in revenues and lower the cdn ratio as that artificially holds up salaries for cdns. quality of play will go up with more imports and there is lots of supply.

10 years ago

Keep the Canadian numbers where they are. That's what keeps the league competitive. Throw it open and Toronto buys the championship every time.

10 years ago

Don't cry the blues about Sen. Braley. He's been given 3 out of 4 Grey Cup festivities.

10 years ago

Scott Flory is a bum. Made a deal and signed with the Riders, next day calls Montreal begging for them to find a way to break his deal. Its how he does business and leading the CFL is now his role. Wake up and understand how business works. These players were no where to be found when the losses in the CFL were happening. They get the benefit of playing football in their own country, getting paid at a wage they negotiate and 98% of them would not be playing football anywhere. As fans we are being asked to pay… Read more »

10 years ago

Can we agree I tend to side with Labour? If we are all in agreement then shockingly I am going to let you know I am taking the side of the Owners. Football is supply and demand. In the grand scheme you can literally find a Football player anywhere and these guys will do anything to play. Everyon is concerned about the low salary? Put this in context that salary is for a CFLPA mandated 4 hour work day for a 6 month season. If anyone heard Calvillo speak at the Thunder dinner he said he puts in way more… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

obama@sk. blowhard big mouth.