Lord Earl Grey has been busy making the rounds since being captured by the Saskatchewan Roughriders nine days ago.  Here he makes a visit at Friday night’s Regina Pats-Prince Albert Raiders game in the Brandt Centre….

Before that, the Grey Cup stopped by Earl’s courtesy Rider safety Tyron Brackenridge.  Here they pose with our good friend – and former Pats coach – Al Dumba….

Rider Ass’t GM Jeremy O’day with Al Dumba, Rick Turchet and the Cup…

Weston Dressler on Dan Clark’s shoulders at the Legislature on Tuesday.  Sent in by Bill Maguire….

Some evidence of Rider Pride all across our province.  Arcola school principal Kevin Hengen sent in this shot…

A display in a grocery store way up in Buffalo Narrows, SK…

And Rider Pride around the world.  From the blog mailbag:

My wife and I hiked to Machu Picchu on the Inca Trial and I carried my Durant jersey for 43 km of rugged mountain terrain, over steep steps, huge drop-offs and thousands of feet worth of elevation changes just so I could get this picture.  Go Riders

Jason Burns

How about that Darian!?!

This is from Grey Cup Week and it is NOT photoshopped!

My niece Sydney and her horse Moonshine…

St. Jerome school in Regina.  Fantastic photo!

This nice lady sent in this photo from her office in Winnipeg….

Blog mailbag:

Here some pics from last Sundays game.  The first is our Rider ‘shrine’ that we assembled. Note the Grey Cup poster from 2007 – made my Francine Tillman for her daughter’s preschool class (our daughter was the teacher). The second pic shows the crew that came over to watch the game – it was very loud in our basement – can’t imagine the noise at the game.

Thanks for all your excellent work and efforts on your blog – appreciate it so much.  Keep it up….


Thought I would send u a pic of the brothers pie shop in salmon arm! One flag found a lot of rider fans in the bc interior! Rider pride is everywhere!

From John Donnelly in Vancouver….

So we finally had time to go back and watch the 101st Grey Cup game again on Saturday afternoon on DVR.  Of course it ended with the Roughriders routing the Hamilton Tiger-Cats 45-23 to capture their fourth league title.   The magnitude of that championship is definitely starting to sink in and it took a comment from Rider fullback Neal Hughes at the end of the game for it to hit home.  But here’s how it looked to me on the TSN telecast:

– For starters, it almost didn’t look real.  It looked like a movie!  The added lights from TSN made the Riders’ jerseys appear brighter and the field sparkled.  The sunset behind the stadium was amazing.  Can we keep those lights all the time?  The setting for the 101st Grey Cup looked absolutely fantastic.

– Ticats coach Kent Austin to TSN’s Sara Orlesky just before kickoff: “We’re ready for the noise”.

– TSN’s Chris Cuthbert welcomes viewers to the “heartland of the league and the nation”.  No wonder the critics were calling them The Saskatchewan Network by the end of the week.

– At the coin flip the crowd is chanting HENNNNNNRRYYYYYY, HENNNNNNNNNRYYYYYY!  Can you believe they were chanting that exact same thing in Bonzinni’s this past Friday night?  Amazing.

– 32 cameras were deployed for the broadcast.  The angles were spectacular.  It looked big time.  In fact my American friends watching on NBCSN were blown away and have a new-found respect for the CFL.

– While watching this again on Saturday, Mrs. SportsCage asks why our defensive coordinator is upstairs in the press box while our offensive coordinator is down on the sidelines?  I had no answer.

– Coming back from commercials, the aerial shots makes Mosaic Stadium look like an oasis on the prairies.  An absolute jewel.  But don’t get too attached.  It still needs to go.

– We learn that with Sunday’s victory, Darian Durant is now 4-0 in home playoff games.  #dariansfault

– At 5:58 of the opening quarter, Durant fumbles the ball into tailback Kory Sheets’s arms who advances it for a 39-yard game.  Teammate Weston Dressler would later admit that’s when he knew his team was going to win the day.

– I finally have John Lynch convinced there indeed are football gods.  However it’s going to take some more convincing of Alan Ford.  I told him when things happen you can’t explain, blame the football gods.  He still doesn’t agree.

– My apologies for what I wrote last week. It WAS LOUD!  Still not as loud as the 2007 Western Semifinal, but loud nonetheless.

– The “new” Rider green jerseys looked fantabulous.  We’ll never likely wear retros in the Grey Cup again, considering the team is 0-2 with them in championship games.

– Trying to watch this game, and my phone’s going off like crazy.  Country singer Johnny Reid is performing at the Conexus Art Centre and he’d like to have the Grey Cup on hand.  Can I get it?  Sheesh.  I’m gonna have to send out a bunch of texts while this game is on, to check on Earl’s availability.

– At 6:53 of the second quarter Marwan Hage snaps the ball right past a startled Henry Burris.  Cuthbert says, “Chalk this one up to the crowd!”

– Noticed Dan Farthing on the Rider bench after the Sheets touchdown with 5:30 to go in the half.  The Rider strength coach will get a Grey Cup ring which he likely thought would never happen after he was heartlessly dumped by Rider GM Roy Shivers over a decade ago.

– With 1:56 left in the first half Geroy Simon scores his second touchdown of the Grey Cup.  Someone asked last week if I thought THIS game would be the one in which Simon makes an impact.  He recall saying, “Why start now?”

– “Green Is The Colour” rains down from the speakers after the Simon TD.  Someone, a Rider fan, said to me they didn’t think this was right since it was supposed to be a “neutral” game.  Whatevs.

– Hedley was SENSATIONAL at halftime.  Some are saying the best ever Grey Cup halftime act?  They were certainly better than Shania Twain’s lip-synch job in 2002 in Edmonton.  Nickelback was tremendous at the 2011 Grey Cup in Vancouver although I couldn’t catch much of it because I was busy arguing with Bryan Hall on the national radio broadcast.

– Second half begins with a stunning helicopter shot of the Legislature lit up in Rider green.

– Great shot of George Reed as the Riders take the field for the first series of the third quarter.  George was in a luxury suite, which looked really good.  NFL-ish.

– At this time we’re told the Grey Cup is NOT available Saturday night, so too bad for Johnny Reid.

– CFL Commissioner Mark Cohon and Prime Minister Stephen Harper watched the game together, outdoors.  Mark looks cold and the PM looks stunned.  What happened to Mr. Harper?  He seems to have lost his mojo.  He needs some Vigr elk antler.

– Rider linebacker Weldon Brown picks off Burris on a pass intended for rookie WR Greg Ellingson.  Where was Ellingson all game?  He was invisible.

– Rider LB Craig Butler with a knockdown on the next Ticat series.  He was my Top Canadian in the game.

– John Chick with a knockdown on the last play of the third quarter, although he’s not recognized for it on the telecast.  That was his best game as a Rider.  He’s a big game player.  Had sack in the 07 Grey Cup too.

– Got tingles when the RCMP brought the Grey Cup into the stadium with 5:02 to go.  With the Riders up 38-16, we all knew who was getting the trophy.  Very exciting!

– With 4:33 remaining, John Chick forces a Henry Burris fumble.  Suitor: “John Chick’s had a big game”.  Cuthbert: “Has he ever”.

– The Riders are up 43-16 with 3:40 to go.  Wouldn’t it have been nice if it had stayed that way?

– Cuthbert’s eventual call when the clock hit 0:00, “The 13th Man can celebrate in 2013!  The Saskatchewan Roughriders are Grey Cup champions!”

– Neal Hughes tells TSN’s Farhan Lalji, “You’ve gotta be from here to understand what this means to this province”.

– So that’s why it’s been so hard to put into words what this means!!!!!!!!!  You would have to have been here to believe it and although 45,000 were, millions more were not so it’s hard to describe.


* Vancouver’s News 1130 radio reported over the weekend that the BC Lions have asked for, and receiver, permission from the Riders to speak to offensive coordinator George Cortez about their vacant O.C. job.

* Two weeks from today is the CFL’s expansion draft for the Ottawa RedBlacks and I’m told the league will NOT make each team’s protected list public.  Some are scorning that decision, saying it would be great fodder for the media and fans but believe me, I’ve been through expansion drafts in the WHL and CFL and players get very upset when left unprotected by their teams.  It’s better this way.

* It’s looking more and more like Henry Burris WON’T be back with the Hamilton Tiger-Cats in 2014.  At least, that’s the word I’m getting.  Fear not Hank — I’m sure he’d be welcomed in Winnipeg or Ottawa.

* There are rumblings Lyle Bauer is interested in potential Presidential openings in the CFL.  Winnipeg was filled but one day the Roughriders’ job will be open.

* Waiting to hear back from the Chicago Bears whether or not they have interest in Rider free agent receiver Weston Dressler.

* The rubber chicken circuit is starting up soon.  Rider guard Brendon Labatte along with NHL great Tiger Williams (both of Weyburn) will be speaking at Milestone’s annual sportsman’s dinner on Friday, December 13.  The SportsCage will be broadcasting live from the Milestone Arena and I’ll be the MC of the event.  On January 18 I’ll be hosting the Weyburn Red Wings annual sports dinner along with Kory Sheets, Curtis Joseph and someone else.  I can’t remember right who else is coming!  You can get your tickets at the Red Wing office.

* The Pats had some epic games on the weekend.  We televised Friday’s meltdown where the Pats were up 6-2 with 10 minutes to go against P.A., only to lose 7-6 in overtime.  On Saturday Regina trounced Moose Jaw 6-1 in a fight-filled affair.  There was even an exciting “Third Man In” incident.  I watched the game with four guys from Moose Jaw and they said everything was great except the crowd.  It was sparcely attended.  The Pats open the week in 7th in the East Conference, and it appears in a real good spot.

* Longtime NHL’er and former Regina Pat Nevin Markwart did colour with me on Friday night’s TV broadcast.  I’ve never seen a guy eat popcorn and do colour at the same time but he got away with it.  Usually it gets lodged in your throat.

* We’re leaving Thursday for Tampa Bay and the SportsCage Marlin Travel Ultimate Sports Trip III.  On Friday and Monday we’ll be broadcasting live from Hulk Hogan’s Beach Bar and we’re scheduled to be joined by former Riders Dan Goodspeed and Yo Murphy.  It’s going to be spectacular!  And just in time too – it’s supposed to get real cold this week.

* That’s it for this week!  Don’t miss Monday Night Football at the Press Box Sports Bar featuring the Saints and Seahawks from Seattle.  You’ll have a chance to win a jersey from each team, plus get a full rib dinner for just $9.99!!


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10 years ago

Boy I sure hope to hell that Lyle Bauer never becomes prez of this football team. We all saw what a gongshow he created in Winnipeg so if he thinks that he's going to come in here and do the same, forget it. I'm not much of a Hopson fan but credit must be given where credit is due. He's won two Cups and learned his lesson from the disaster that was 2011. When he retires it would be good if Mayor Pat could assume the role. Or even Taman could so Jeremy O'Day stays here instead of taking off… Read more »

10 years ago

I noticed them play green is the colour after the riders touchdowns, but they also played Hamilton's fight song after the Hamilton touchdowns. It just took so long for Hamilton to score and the game was already all but over that it wasn't as noticable.

10 years ago

I recall you saying you didn't like Johnny Reid a while ago. How hard did you try to get him the cup?

10 years ago

I knew you would, I was just giving you the gears and proving I listen once in a while.

10 years ago

Rider pride is alive everywhere. No pictures but I attended a Rider Grey Cup party here in Mesa AZ. At least 20 people with everyone wearing Rider Jerseys,cheering and enjoying the game. Golf carts still driving with their Rider flags today. We went to the NFL Cardinal game (1st half only) and saw at least 50 Rider fans wearing their jerseys. A Cardinal fan asked me about the Riders as he said there seems to be a lot of people wearing green
Funny.I just can't get enough stories and pictures about our Riders. Great article and pictures.

10 years ago

Am I ever torn on the Chicago Bears/Weston Dressler thing. I'd love for him to go down there and become a Wes Welker which I think he's capable of, if given a true shot. But the selfish part of me wants Weston to be a Rider for life.

Old Cuss

10 years ago

The attendance at Pat's games is still a work in progress, and will be for a while. A while back they had a crowd of around 5000 for the Edmonton game. They promptly laid a real egg getting hammered like 7-1. They came back from a reasonably successful road trip for the first home game in a while. They promptly choked big time and ended up losing a game stupidly. There were around 3900 fans but by the next night there were 3300 or a 20% drop in 24 hours. All the love the Riders are getting is because they… Read more »

The Woz
10 years ago

Bauer is the reason Taman left Winnipeg….when Bauer hired the nut job Kelly despite Brendans objections that was it and Taman quit. So if you want to gaurantee Taman leaving and a return to the 2011 Riders then go ahead and hire Bauer.

We all love weston and the talent he has. But God made him 20 pounds too small. From looking at current NFL rosters he would be the smallest guy in the league….and stop with the welker comparisons he is 185 and weston is 165 soaking wet

10 years ago

Just curious – 2003 and 1995 provided over 50,000 in seating capacity. Is the fact that the seats were used for the entire season the reason that 2013 only accommodated about 45,000?


10 years ago

Thanks WOZ I would imagine you are real close to Marc Trestman and you probably straightened him out right after he said he'd give Weston an invite. That's the end of any speculation folks, WOZ has spoken.

Old Cuss

10 years ago

Woz – He's one of the smallest guys in the CFL and one of the best… what's your point?

10 years ago

No offense, which usually means someone is about to get offended, but Dressler can be the best in the CFL, he can't survive in the NFL. Have a look at the corners he'd face, rules out deep and out side. The alternative? The middle. MMM, bad idea. I get it, we love him, but he'd get killed down there. And isn't it better to play every down and be a perennial all star than warm a bench? And if the NFL is no better than the CFL, why does EVERYONE want to play there? *disclosure, Rider season ticket holder, not… Read more »

10 years ago

Trestman likes size and he has the best receiver duo in the NFL going for him right now.

WR B Marsh 6’4 230lbs

WR A Jeffry 6’3 220

TE M Bennett 6’6 265

and like Fantuz, Dressler benefits greatly from the waggle.

Trestman may have tremendous respect for Dressler and the way he plays, but there is no way Dressler becomes anything more than camp fodder with the Bears. Even if he does go down there and happens to make it somehow, he’d never play. It would be strictly a financial decision.

10 years ago

Oh great. Here we go again. Woz has made an appearance & so begins another episode of "I'm right and you're wrong stupid". All we need now is for Blowbama to make an appearance and we should have a ring-a-ding-dong-dandy.

10 years ago

Just a quick point regarding Dressler. Woz says he is too small and a previous anonymous poster said he would get killed going over the middle. When you really think about it, a lot of people probably thought that about him playing in the CFL. The fact of the matter is he has tremendous hands, runs great routes and is arguably the toughest player in the CFL, and perhaps all of pro football. While I sincerely hope he is back with the Riders next year, if he get's a chance, whether it be the Bears or somebody else, I hope… Read more »

10 years ago

You're right Rod, the West Semi Final in 07 was the loudest I'd ever heard Taylor Field, and that includes this past Grey Cup (although it was pretty close) and the 09 West Final. Perhaps it was because we hadn't hosted a playoff game in 19 years and hadn't won a Cup in 18. All that frustration and desire to win from the fans was released in one big roar when the players came out of the tunnel. I've never seen anything like it before or since. That said, if Hamilton had made it close in the GC I have… Read more »

10 years ago

Rod, thanks for the posting.

One question. What were you arguing about with Hallsy?

Russ from Saskatoon

10 years ago

Why would the Riders give permission to BC to talk to Cortez, unless they have no interest in bringing him back as their OC?

Is that the rumour too Rod?