Photo Credit: Matt Smith

REGINA — Something really stinks.

And it’s not just the Saskatchewan Roughriders’ 1-6 record, but that’s putrid enough.

No, Saturday’s 19-10 Rider loss to the Calgary Stampeders at Mosaic Stadium capped one of the worst weeks in recent memory for this franchise.  Now the 2016 Roughriders season is hanging in the balance and we’ve barely passed mid-August.

BUT! But, but, but, but, the current situation of the Saskatchewan Roughriders extends far past Saturday’s game, and maybe even beyond this current season.

Twice in the past two weeks, the Riders were slapped with fines for breaking CFL rules.  $15,000 for a ratio infringement on August 3, and then $60,000 last Thursday for roster violations.  For those who don’t understand these things (and apparently there are many), Rider Coach and GM Chris Jones got nailed for not playing the minimum amount of Canadians against B.C. on July 16, and further for having too many extra players around at practice who aren’t under contract or on the team’s roster.

Then, on Sunday, TSN’s Gary Lawless reported the Riders were dinged with a $5,000 fine for prancing on the midfield logo in Calgary for too long two games ago.  That’s about as ticky-tack as it gets.  Can somebody say “Witch Hunt”?

Frankly, for what I’d heard about the roster situation over the past five weeks and the subsequent investigation by the CFL, I figured one of two things was going to happen: Jones would’ve talked his way out of it and walked away unscathed, OR Jones and the Riders would face the firing squad to the tune of a $250,000 fine and the loss of first round draft picks for a period of years.  (A la the Portland Winterhawks or New England Patriots).

However when the investigation was completed and the fine was announced on Thursday, CFL Commissioner Jeffrey Orridge slapped Saskatchewan with a $60,000 penalty.  He split the difference.

My first reaction?  “I was expecting way worse“.  And for fear of making the situation worse, I tempered my comments on-air about Orridge’s decision.  That is, until I saw a Tweet from TSN’s Dave Naylor which said this was the maximum fine allowable by CFL rules.

Was this the highest fine in CFL history?  Nobody seems to know.  And that’s the way things go in the CFL these days.  You wouldn’t want to actually announce facts like these when issuing news releases of this magnitude.

But oh no, it’s the Roughriders whose conduct, behaviour and activities have compromised the reputation of the CFL as Orridge stated in his news release on Thursday.

The same 1-6 Saskatchewan Roughriders who are currently leading the league in attendance.  The Gden Goose. The CFL has a problem alright, but it definitely ain’t us.

More on that in a moment.  A lot more.

However first, in my opinion, the Roughriders did get off easy in the arena of public opinion on the roster fine.  If the Riders were guilty of such a sophisticated scandal as reporters Justin Dunk and Scott Mitchell alleged (of housing, feeding and paying non-roster players), they surely would’ve faced far more-significant sanctions.

However none of that was brought up by the CFL on Thursday in their decision.

The Roughriders could seriously look at action against Dunk and Mitchell if those cavalier accusations are proven to be false.  Rider President Craig Reynolds’ assertion on Friday that no non-roster players were being paid aligns with what I knew of the situation.

Another thought which bounced around my head was, “Were sure lucky Arash Madani is at the Olympics in Brazil right now” because the Sportsnet reporter loves scandals like these and takes no prisoners when it comes to exposing the truth.  But it’s Canada.  The minimum effort will suffice.

If the Roughriders were an NFL team, ESPN would have a production truck parked outside Mosaic Stadium and they’d be broadcasting live for days.  It would end up being a 30 for 30 documentary.

To me, if Jones really thought these tryouts were breaking the rules, he would’ve held them somewhere else in the city and no one would have even known it was going on.  Instead, the tryouts were done in plain view at Mosaic Stadium and on July 15 when the B.C. Lions came into town, they saw it themselves.

But no, the Riders got off fairly easily but Orridge’s swipe at them in his news release is something I’m not yet ready to let go of.

But the bigger situation here is where the Saskatchewan Roughriders are going under Chris Jones.  Personally I like his direction, but others in the Rider Nation do not.

I’m not going to go back into my monologue on how I’m sick of playing by the rules and losing while watching other teams break the rules and win.  (Go back to Friday’s SportsCage podcast if you want to hear that).  But the fact is Chris Jones is the CFL’s answer to New England’s Bill Belichik.  He’s always going to find a way to use his influence, bend the rules, find the loopholes, or occasionally break the rules in order to consistently win.

That’s what I want in a Head Coach and in a General Manager.

And as far as this organization goes, any businessman would spend tens of thousand of dollars in order to make millions.  That’s what winning does.

But the Riders are 1-6 under Jones you say?  To that I ask you who was last year’s Grey Cup-winning Head Coach?

I thought so.

Zip it.

When I heard Craig Reynolds was racing home across the prairies from a vacation in B.C. in order to address reporters here on Friday, I thought to myself, “He’d best Google some quotes from Patriots owner Robert Kraft before he gets here“.

I took the liberty of doing so myself.  Here’s an excerpt from an column from April 1/2008 when Belichik and the Patriots were nailed for “SpyGate”, the scandal involving the videotaping of other teams’ sideline signals:

– “New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and coach Bill Belichick made the rounds on Tuesday, apologizing for and explaining Spygate.

In an emotional speech before NFL owners, Kraft and coach Belichick apologized for the franchise’s involvement in the scandal.

With apparent tension in the meeting room, Kraft asked for time to speak and apologized for Spygate in which a videographer was caught taping signals of Jets defensive coaches. After an investigation, the Patriots lost a first-round draft choice and $250,000 and Belichick was fined $500,000.

Kraft spoke of the values of the partnership with the league and how disappointed he was that his team brought negative attention to the league. Colts coach Tony Dungy described the speech as heartfelt and excellent, saying “I appreciated what he had to say.”

Others who listened believed Kraft was speaking from the heart. Once Kraft was done talking, the entire room broke into applause.

Belichick also requested time to speak. As he told reporters earlier in the day, he accepted the punishment and thought that action showed no gray area in regard to the rules involving spying. Since the season opener against the Jets, Belichick said he has changed the entire operation and is now moving forward with no misunderstanding.”


That sounds exactly what went down here on Friday.

By the way the Patriots have appeared in two Super Bowls since Spygate, winning once in 2015.  And now their quarterback Tom Brady will serve a four-game suspension to begin this season for his role in DeflateGate.

That’s about all I have to say on that other than I’m glad Chris Jones is in charge here and hope he is for many, many years to come.  I’ve had only one five-minute, “off the record” discussion with the man but it’s clear our philosophies mesh.

And regarding Jeffrey Orridge and his claim that the Riders damaged the reputation of the CFL, well, that’s a very disappointing statement for the Commissioner to make.

The CFL had better look in its own backyard when it comes to the Mickey Mouse nature of this league.  I could go on for days citing examples but the first one that comes to mind is the mole in the CFL office who leaked all this year’s draft picks to Sportsnet’s Justin Dunk on 2016 Draft Day, completely ruining TSN’s live Draft coverage.  Perhaps Dunk was sitting in the league office himself and had access to the picks.  Either way, TSN was livid.  Not good for the CFL and to our knowledge, nothing was done about it.

What about the leak of the Riders’ chats with Greg Hardy, or the worst logo launch in the history of pro sports at last year’s Grey Cup in Winnipeg?

Those are just the public instances you all know about.  What about the ones you don’t?

A lot of the finger-pointing in the CFL right now is being directed at the Saskatchewan Roughriders, the heartbeat of the league.  The marquee franchise.

People around here are still furious at the non-Pass Interference call against Naaman Roosevelt on the final play of the third quarter Saturday night, and a missed facemasking penalty against Darian Durant in the game’s waning moments.

If Stampeders defensive back Jamar Wall had been called for Pass Interference on Naaman Roosevelt upon review – which he should have been – the Riders would’ve carried the lead into the fourth quarter and who knows how the game would have played out after that?

Some “fans” are pointing out that TSN’s Glen Suitor stated that it wasn’t Pass Interference.

So what?  When did Glen Suitor become the CFL’s Director of Officiating?

Besides, Suitor even said, “There was shoulder-to-shoulder contact on the play”.  Wall didn’t go for the ball.  He KNOCKED ROOSEVELT OVER before the ball arrived.  That should’ve been a black and white call, not left up to judgment.

That potentially game-changing call was made out of the Command Centre at CFL head office in Toronto.

After the game Chris Jones and Rider linebacker Greg Jones alluded to the fact that non-call was a major factor in the outcome of the game.  However they were smart enough not to say anymore.

So the Riders are 1-6.  It is what it is.  The prospects for the playoffs do not look good.  The Chris Jones-led Roughriders will survive and ultimately thrive, but it might not be in 2016.  I sometimes wonder if that was even the plan all along anyway.

And most of the anti-Roughrider bias these days seems to be coming out of CFL headquarters in Toronto, the very office which is overseen by one Jeffrey Orridge.

On Friday, September 16 Orridge will be in town for Plaza of Honor festivities.  On the agenda is a Q&A.

It should be fun.


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8 years ago

Great blog Rod, something smells pretty rank in CFL commission
office. Riders are the whipping post for Orridge, i think he is trying to compensate for something.

8 years ago

All the Jones lovers and conspiracy fans will love this article.
Too bad most of it is not true.

For the sake of the sane Rider fans I can say this – at the end of the year jones and the riders will mutually agree to part company and go their separate ways !!!! Guaranteed !!!

RP and the jones lovers will call me names I am sure but it will happen mark my words

Marie (Rider fan) Irwin
Marie (Rider fan) Irwin
8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I just love when anonymous people leave their nasty littlet comments!

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I highly doubt it, and I'm sure you wouldn't bet your paycheck on it either.

Keith Pottruff
8 years ago

No argument from me Rod. The whole stupid thing about the players situation was that Jones et al. could easily have had those guys go anywhere else in the city of Regina to have them run drills that wasn't the stadium. For whatever reason, someone in the league office seems to have it in for the Riders this year. I can't wait for this team to gel and start putting some W's up to stick it to them!

8 years ago

Thank you for this great read Rod. Riders got caught, and paid the fines. I now want the microscope to be all over the other teams in CFL from this day forward until the end of season. I also agree with you that the Riders with a 1-6 record lead the CFL in average attendance by a lot. Cities like Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver with 2 million to 5 million people in their areas are averaging 17,000-21,000 a game. The Blue Jays had over 45,000 per game all weekend long. Even Edmonton and Calgary with over 1 million ppl in… Read more »

8 years ago

Well said Rod I couldn't have said it any better! I have been a long time fan of your columns but must say this one is one of the best.
Chris Jones knows football , Jeffrey Orridge knows squat!

Aaron Anderson
8 years ago

Great read Roddy and thanks for your opinion on the week that was. Never a dull moment in Rider Nation. I am sure that the Comish will cancel out on the Plaza of Honor weekend. He will likely need the CIA to have his back if he shows up!!

Aaron Anderson

8 years ago

Go for the throat in Sept Rod, wish I could be there

8 years ago


8 years ago

Rod; While I agree with everything you wrote about the CFL commissioner(all negative)may I remind you that your little saint Chris Jones was fined as an Eskimo coach also. Yes two years ago he was fined for keeping his players in the tunnel and delaying the singing of our National anthem on consecutive weeks followed by not even having his team on the field for the anthem. That's just blatant disrespect to everybody in this country. He might be your kinda guy but he darn sure shouldn't represent the hard working honest people of this province. With his street punk… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Don't you mean to say the sooner he's gone the worse we will be.

Won't be better with whats out there thats for sure.

8 years ago

There is only 1 chance to make a first impression…When the Riders hired him, I was quite happy but after much thought maybe it is not the best decision to make one person the VP..GENERAL MANAGER,HEAD COACH AND DEFENSIVE COORDINATOR. The riders gave a unique opportunity to one person. A position like no other in the Cfl They gave it to a guy who just won a GC but basically he is a defensive guru and not much more.I am not impressed at all.Belechik has been coaching since the 70's and has been a head coach for 25 years.Impossible to… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  polkabill504

It's his support staff that he hired around him that will allow and does allow him to do his job.

He has Murphy & O'Day handling alot of the work. Yes he is involved but if it wasnt for his management support, it woukd probably be quite hard for him to wear all titles.

If we would have kept Taman I believe we may have won more games at this point with an old and aging roster that isnt going anywhere. Would be just competitive enough to give the fans hope only to fall short.

Mike D.

8 years ago

EXCUSES ARE FOR LOSERS!! Never mind the fines, bad calls,missed calls,It really boils down to wins and losses. We are not a very good football club right now and that falls squarely on our Gm's, and the Head Coach. We were lead to believe that this regime could find players but up to this point that is not the truth. There are a few but not nearly enough. The fans have done their part but hopefully we get a contender before Jones flies the coop to another challenge. This one may be too big for him to handle..

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I disagree with you. I think they (Jones, Murphy & O'Day) know exactly what its going to take to fix this and how long it will take.

The fans want the wins as do the coaches. The problem is the fans refuse to be patient on this.

We cant blame them for the past. I would say that the coaches and management are probably a bit shocked at the results thus far.

8 years ago

Glen Suitor played for the Riders for a long time and every game I watch Saskatchewan playing and him broadcasting I feel that he really is dead against Saskatchewan. Seems to me any and all calls like the one against Roosevelt he is never on Saskatchewan's side for the call. He must have a chip on his shoulder against the Riders for some unknown reason because it seems quite evident in the way he calls it.

8 years ago
Reply to  willy

You don't watch much football then. Glenn is very much a Rider fan and supporter. Thats on the record. His view on that play is from a player who has played the game and not as a fan who has only ever watched the game. As a player he wants to let players play and that the contact made was not significant enough to be called pass interference. As a fan, you and I want that called. By the the letter of the rule book and calls made and precedent set this year, then yes we argue that had to… Read more »

8 years ago

Awesome write up Rod, I could not agree more with your point of view and quite frankly I'm sick of this witch hunt. As well I am support the direction of this team and Chris Jones 100%, and feel better about this team today than I did at anytime last year. Go Riders. Clark

8 years ago

So Roddy says it was PI against Jamar Wall. So what? When did Roddy become the CFL's Director of Officiating?

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

So maybe Suitor should have said it on his own blog, not on national T.V. where he can influence ahem….some fans.

Doug Mc
Doug Mc
8 years ago

I agree with much if not most of your column. I have been a CFL ( and specifically a Rider fan ) since 1962 and have never heard of the fines that have recently been leveled against the Riders. A fine for the Canadian / American ratio during the game has never been pubically leveled. ( that I know of ). Someone had to have complained to the league and there must have been a lot of analyzing of film to confirm it. So be it and we accept it, but I don't believe this is the first time it… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Doug Mc

Im no fan of "P"Orridge either. Opponents typically chart all the plays of the teams they play against. Im pretty sure no one in head office is capable or at least do they have the resources in the office to do all the games each week so this came from an opposing team. I bet this roster ratio thing has probably happened many many many times over the years and coaches typically dont say anything as they may all be guilty here and there. Someone somewhere has a hate on for Jones and staff. Maybe Huffnagle cause we hired Murphy.… Read more »

8 years ago

Orridge need to go… before he further damages the league.

8 years ago

Teams have been fined in the past for ratio violations and for taking over a teams logo during the introductions. The reason there is a fine for the logo violation is that it stops a pre-game brawl from happening. For you rider fans, imagine the Stamps came out and stood on the rider logo at centre field as the riders were being introduced.Any guesses at what would've ensued? You are not the first team to be fined for ratio violations and pre-game anctics, and won't be the last.Fans should be blaming the person in charge of the riders, not everyone… Read more »

8 years ago

In 2014 and 2015, we were coached by the 2013 Grey Cup winning coach. What was our record? I don't think having a Grey Cup winning coach means anything. Why are the Rider's fan favorites? Ponder on that for a second or a minute. It is because we are considered underdogs. Because we did not have enough money to bring in good players. Because we were seen as a team with heart. It was because we had small players who played big. The list goes on. I am a fan. I scrape together money to buy season tickets. I expect… Read more »

Mike from Vita, MB
Mike from Vita, MB
8 years ago

Supports the CFL's belief that the name on the back of the Jersey is less important than the Logo on the front. The CFL despises the fact that it is the Riders and Rider Nation that keep this league afloat. Orridge is riding on the Riders coattail so that the League doesn't die. Yes the Rider haters are loving how the Riders are dragged through the mud,but like the 100th Anniversary Video says "…The bad times will end!"

Brent Johnson
8 years ago

Orridge seems to be not understand the realities of the CFL as well as the sask. That said, If we thought the taking of an entire coaching staff immediately after a Grey cup would go without repercussions we would be pretty naive. Rod has said how this staff is treating him like gold and how he would go to the wire for them. This column is showing that. One comment I do take issue with is the part about who won the Grey cup last year? I would ask who won the Grey cup in 2013 and where are they… Read more »