1 – It’s Monday and you’re looking for a “Durant Update”.

Well as of Monday morning, there’s not much.  A text message from the Saskatchewan Roughriders on Sunday afternoon reported, “Quiet on all fronts”.

Meanwhile in the Durant camp, they’re still *digesting* Chris Jones’ comments in last Saturday’s Regina Leader Post.

Both Durant and Chris Jones will be in Toronto for Grey Cup, I’m told, and who knows if they’ll bump into each other at Riderville.  Truly, there is no need for animosity if they do cross paths.

When this contract situation eventually wraps up (and it’ll likely take at least until mid-February), my prediction remains that Darian Durant will be a Saskatchewan Roughrider in 2017.  I can’t speak for what his mood will be after taking a gigantic paycut, but I expect him to be in Green & White nonetheless.

That’s what I’m telling people when I get asked about it at least five times per day in this town.

2 – The MMG certainly doesn’t have all the details of the discussions because I’m not sitting in the room but some of the issues on each side appear to be:

* The Riders would prefer to sign Durant to a contract for far lesser money a la Travis Lulay, Drew Willy, or what Henry Burris is scheduled to earn in 2017 which is far less than what he makes now,

* Durant can poke around in free agency and there are possible landing spots in Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg.  However those franchises all have quarterbacks in the picture named Vernon Adams, Drew Willy, Ricky Ray or Matt Nichols so it’s unlikely they’d open their wallets to the tune of $350,000 or more for a stranger,

* Durant could sign here for less money and compete for the starting job in training camp, but there’s a danger he could still be perceived to be behind guys like Mitchell Gale, Jake Waters and Brandon Bridge heading into Week 1.  I know that sounds preposterous but that’s what happened to Henry Burris with Nealon Greene.

* It’s likely however, that Chris Jones and offensive coordinator Stephen McAdoo would put the best quarterback on the field at New Mosaic Stadium coming out of training camp and that will be Darian Durant if he earns it.

3 – The whole scenario remains quite a head-scratcher.  It appears the Riders are playing with fire with the possibility of Durant signing elsewhere and no capable replacement waiting in the wings but as many, many football people have told me over the past few weeks, “Jones has his way of doing things and it’s different than what you’ve seen before”.

So we’ll wait and see how it turns out but it’s my conclusion that the Roughriders are holding all the cards in this situation.

Therefore, I expect Darian to be back which would be a relief to just about everybody.

4 – Looking for a Christmas gift for a Durant supporter?  Darian has a limited edition autographed print featuring some of his best moments as a Rider (to date) available on his website.

You can purchase it now to have it in time for Christmas.

5 – The suits in the CFL office must be clicking their heels this morning at an Ottawa-Calgary Grey Cup this week in Toronto.  Not only does it represent an East-West scenario, but it also presents a match-up of the two best teams in the CFL judging by the results of Sunday’s Division Finals.

In the East Final in Ottawa, the hometown RedBlacks football club seemed FAR more prepared to handle the snow, even if their stadium crew did not.  41-year old Henry Burris shrugged the blizard off and although it might not have been the game of his life, he got his team to the Grey Cup for a second straight year.  The Eskimos and quarterback Mike Reilly just seemed completely overwhelmed by the elements.

All signs pointed to an Eskimo victory leading into the game, but they really didn’t show up which is disappointing.

Meanwhile out West, the Stampeders laid an absolute beating on the B.C. Lions in the West Final to punch their ticket to the Grey Cup and finish what they started.

Kudos to the football fans of Calgary by the way, for nearly selling out McMahon Stadium and making enough noise for it to be a factor.  I didn’t think they were capable of it.  And who cares that tickets were sold at vastly discounted prices?  They sold a ton of them and it looked great on TV.  I’ve been after the WHL to do that for years but no, I don’t know what I’m talking about.

Now with the Stampeders ready to oppose the RedBlacks this Sunday at BMO Field, we can all get excited about the 104th Grey Cup in Toronto rather than hold our nose at the prospect of a Battle of Alberta for the CFL championship!

6 – Over a family breakfast on Sunday, my brother-in-law discussed a story on by the legendary Terry Jones stating that the CFL needs to scrap the East-West divisional alignment and go with one big nine-team division.  Come playoff time in Round 1, teams #1 and #2 would get a bye while teams #3 and #6, and #4 and #5 would meet in the semifinals.

I haven’t read the article yet to determine what Terry’s points are, but I will.

However I feel this whole concept should take a backseat to the idea of moving the season up two more weeks to avoid weather conditions like we saw at TD Place Stadium on Sunday.

That, first and foremost, is what the CFL needs to be investigating far more than divisional realignment.

Furthermore on that topic, I maintain that Canada is split into an East and a West and therefore so should the Canadian Football League.

And what’s wrong with what went down in the 2016 Playoffs and every year prior?

Stop fiddling with this stuff and enjoy the game as it is!

7 – Interesting that the RedBlacks wouldn’t touch the CFL East Division championship trophy on Sunday when it was presented by Commissioner Jeffrey L. Orridge.  I find that notion silly, particularly after Pittsburgh’s Sidney Crosby got his fingerprints ALL OVER the Prince of Wales Trophy in last year’s NHL Playoffs yet they went on to win the Stanley Cup.

Jinx bedamned!  However apparently the RedBlacks touched the trophy last year and the Grey Cup didn’t turn out to well for Ottawa?  That’s the story I heard anyway.

However it’s going to take a little more than karma for the RedBlacks to beat the Stampeders in the Grey Cup.  The odds haven’t been set yet, but our football consultant Gary Etcheverry has installed Calgary anywhere between 10-14 point favourites.

8 – Love, love, love that we’re heading to Grey Cup on Wednesday and diving headfirst into the CFL rumour pool!  Women call it gossip, men call it “rumours”.  And in both cases, people love it until they’re the focal point of it.

Either way, there’s going to be some juicy stuff coming out of Hogtown and we’ll be on the air from Toronto with the SportsCage on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

We’ve already got a headstart on some of the rumours, like the one that says Argos coach Scott Milanovich has been telling people he expects a complete house-cleaning of the Toronto football club.

With the Alouettes searching for a GM as well, the rumour mill is on “HIGH”.  A text I received on Sunday said, “Do you think Tillman will go after the jobs in MTL and TOR?”

Meanwhile another CFL source said to me face-to-face on Sunday, “Don’t be surprised if Burris ends up here in 2017″.


9 – Many are scoffing at the whole concept of CFL Week and how the only place it can be successful is Saskatchewan.  Of course Commissioner Orridge and Rider brass announced on Tuesday that the inaugural week-long party is coming to Regina March 20-26 and Rider fans are positively giddy about it.

The naysayers are saying it’ll only work in Saskatchewan but I strongly oppose that thought.  Particularly since other CFL teams were miffed the first event was automatically awarded to the Riders rather than be opened up to a bid process.

I don’t know who those other teams are, but there’s no reason this CFL Week couldn’t work anywhere on the prairies along with Hamilton and Montreal out East.  CKRM football analyst Mike Abou-Mechrek is suggesting taking it to non-CFL markets like Saskatoon, Thunder Bay or Halifax to grow the brand which is a remarkable idea.

Others really don’t even know what CFL Week is all about and frankly, neither do I.  However I do know I’ll be eyeballs deep in it come March.

10 Go Pats Go.  No one seemed to bat an eye that the Regina Pats lost their first game in regulation all season long, on Saturday night in Victoria by a 5-3 score.  I listened to the game, and Pats voice Phil Andrews was not drowning in his own tears at the game’s conclusion.  (I likely would’ve been).

Everyone knew that first loss was coming, and it equaled the franchise’s best start since 1965.  It’s funny how the sports gods have a way of humbling you.  Chris Milo’s consecutive field goal streak tied Dave Ridgway at 28.  Kory Sheets’ run of 10 games with 100-yards rushing tied a franchise mark set by George Reed.

It’s like the gods are saying, “Whoa, whoa whoa.  You’re good but you’re not that good.”

However former Pats goaltender and scout Pat Ansell was at Sunday’s 8-3 Pats victory at Vancouver and reported, “It’s not even close”.

That’s generally what people say when they see the 2016-17 Pats and I expect they’ll only get stronger the rest of the way.

Upgrades?  They’re needed on the blueline but not in goal.  Debbie Downers keep writing into this blog’s comments section saying Tyler Brown isn’t adequate but the comments do not get published.

This website will not be a vehicle for the Negative Nellies of this town as it relates to the Regina Pats goaltending situation.



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7 years ago

Wowee!! A no Brainer I picked it like it was. Burris to upset Edmonton and Calgary to Kill B.C.
Now I will go all out and pick Calgary by a 52- 19 score. I just cannot see Ottawa even getting a sniff against the Mighty Stamps who have shown all year that they are by far the best in all of the CFL.

7 years ago

So, it's the RedBlacks vs the BlackReds.

7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

REDBLACKS !!!! Get it right!

7 years ago

Hi Rod. If what you say is true. The lack of respect Jones is showing Durant is very concerning. Durant has done absolutely everything he can for this franchise. Show him the respect he deserves and has earned and get him signed. There isn't a quarterback on our team or available than can compete with Durant at this time. One other thought. How does this look to other quality free agents around the league? I would bet that some of them are watching closely at how Jones treats veterans

7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I agree. I am certain there is another team willing to pay him more. If the Riders do not budge, he will be gone.

Heather Dufault
7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If indeed there is another team willing to pay him more (and it may well depend on how MUCH more) I would expect that the Roughriders have left themselves some wiggle-room so that they can update their offer. And I would also expect that Darian is savvy enough to realize this…Patience required from all parties.

7 years ago

1. You want East vs West. Stop the crossover then and let Western teams bitch about how they should be in the playoffs because the East is so bad. Yes, let's put a 5 win team in the playoffs and show again how Mickey Mouse the CFL is. 2. Hockey boy can't get it through his head that starting the season two weeks earlier will do nothing to help the league in the CFL/NHL markets. There is nothing wrong with football in the snow and there is nothing wrong with the season starting and ending where it does. I believe… Read more »

7 years ago

We'll see you at the Cup, Rod, you beautiful man!

7 years ago

Tired of the whole Durant soap opera. Wake me when there's a decision.

7 years ago

Rod wrote; " It's likely however, that Chris Jones and offensive coordinator Stephen McAdoo would put the best quarterback on the field."

Rod, you finally got around to mentioning one of the Riders biggest problems and that's Stephen McAdoo. He'd come out with the same game plan whether he had Tom Brady or Tino Sunceri at the helm.


7 years ago

I just read Terry Jones' column on yesterday's Eskimo loss to Ottawa.

He's saying the same thing about Mike Benevides that I say about Stephen McAdoo and I quote. "defensive coordinator Mike Benevides stubbornly refused to fix the philosophy to fit the circumstances.


Chad Cronk
7 years ago

I went to the Calgary – BC game yesterday. While the game was a stinker it was fun being at a game where I didn't care about the outcome.
The crowd was great but the volume of people at the game highlighted how woefully inadequate McMahon stadium is; at half time I went to the washroom, got a hot dog then ended up missing the first 5 minutes of Q3. At least the beer guy came around once!


7 years ago

Side question any move afoot to have a 3rd Rider game
of the Coyotes in Phoenix this year. First 2 were great love to see the Red Wings in March!

7 years ago
Reply to  reginawing

No and why? That was a hopson initiated free ride using the Riders name, he lives in the area. No more freebee rides on the club, thing of the past.

7 years ago

If you don't want to post the true comments about the Pats goaltending why don't you quit posting about Durant…both r true…without Durant next year Riders are hooped…without an upgrade in Pats goaltending Pats are hooped

7 years ago

disappointed in Jones comments about DD. Saying hes had an ok career. DD has gone to 3 cups and should have won 2! Burris has played far longer and hes won 1. Cavillo didn't win his 2nd until the end of his career. Jones probably angling for Ricky Ray or Burris this off season but DD is better than either at this stage. Plus hes the only 1 who could survive behind that league worst oline. Jake Waters took 1 hit and was done. Instead of nickel and diming DD, and bringing in WR's and DB's by the truck load… Read more »

Bill Salloum
7 years ago

I think CFL Week is a great idea, but the name is meh. For fans, every week from June to November is CFL Week, and non-fans won't care. If the hope is to attract marginal fans and non-fans, then the name needs to be broader-based to grab any attention. Given that it includes the Combine and other University football activities, I wonder if it would be better branded as "Canadian Football Week" or something to that effect. In order to keep the CFL name in it, perhaps "CFL's Canadian Football Week" would work. Having the inaugural event in Regina makes… Read more »

Heather Dufault
7 years ago
Reply to  Bill Salloum

And it would now go over very well in Ottawa, too.

Bill Salloum
7 years ago

I prefer the East-West format for one simple reason: the CFL needs the attention of national sports media, which as we all know is centered in (and on) Toronto.

Having at least two teams from the East in the playoffs helps maintain national media interest. Too many years of East teams disappearing from the playoffs would turn the CFL into a western rump league which would eventually disappear from national media consciousness. Once that happens, the league itself would be unsustainable.

Sadly, it's not a football decision, it's a business decision.

7 years ago

See you at Grey Cup again this year on broadcasters row Cabana Boy !!!

7 years ago

Speaking of Benevides, why oh why did he turn "street" (wearing his cap backwards, etc.)???????????

John Knight
7 years ago

Change the Cfl playoff format to !st place in east and west get byes to semifinal and have 4 wild card teams and not 2 auto entries from east. This would force east teams to upgrade or miss playoffs. Nealon green couldn't hold Burris's jockstrap and should never have been a starting QB for the Riders

7 years ago

The lack of respect of Darian Durant's body of work being shown by Jones (as illustrated by his recent comments in the media) is alarming and disconcerting considering Durant has cemented his legacy as a Rider legend. Even IF the comments are part of the posturing negotiation process, they are alarming as it doesn't seem like Jones is negotiating in "good faith" although he is using tactics used my many or most GMs in all pro leagues. Another point – Murphy was on the pregame show a month ago crowing about how the Riders salary cap position was probably the… Read more »

7 years ago

To Anonymous #4 Insulting a man calling him "Hockey boy" on his own blog does not make you superior.If you hate the CFL so much why don't you read the NFL blogs only? Stay off here. I promise you won't be missed. The CFL only has 9 teams so there will be times when a representative from either east or west could get into the cup with only 5 wins,unlikely but possible. So what? I seem to recall that situation years ago when that same 5 win team almost won. In a one game winner takes all anything can happen.… Read more »