Click on the link below for a holiday message from the Roughriders:

Please vote for your favourite in the poll on the left side of the page…

11.  One of my favourite photos.  Rider quarterback Darian Durant embraces the minus-39 degrees for their day-before walkthough at the 2013 Grey Cup…

10. Scott Schultz, Weston Dressler and I pose with 8-year old Houston Stover of Qu’Appelle, SK at the General Hospital.   Houston was mauled by his neighbour’s dog early in the spring time and it was a pretty scary ordeal.  Fortunately a visit from his favourite Roughriders cheered him up…

9.  The greatest tattoo I’ve personally ever seen.  Former Regina Pats goalie Pat Ansell (now of White Rock, BC) was in Regina last winter and showed off this tattoo over his heart..

8. Stampeders head coach and GM John Hufnagel poses with a Rider fan – and wears his hat – at the Calgary Airport.   Huff was just being a good sport, but probably wouldn’t put it on now!!

7. From Sawatzky Studios (Rider national anthem singer Jeff Sawatzky), this photo of Rider defensive end John Chick arriving at the stadium on the morning of Grey Cup in November…

6. Don’t know what it is, but I really liked this shot of an usher at Percival Molson Stadium in Montreal early on the morning of game day in September.

5. Easily the coldest I’ve ever been during my broadcasting career came in 2013.  Obviously CKRM colour commentator Carm Carteri was too.  The heater in the press box at Mosaic Stadium was broken during the Western Semfinal against BC when it was minus-23 degrees PLUS a windchill.  During commercial breaks Carm would lay by the heater to catch the trickle of warmth which came out…

4. Clowning around on Dewdney with TSN’s Dan O’Toole and Jay Onrait during their farewell tour in the spring time.  They’re at Fox sports One in the U.S. now…

3. What a surprise!!!  The Riders’ Brendan Taman and Terry Baskier brought the Grey Cup down to the SportsCage the day after they beat Hamilton 45-23 in the CFL championship game…

2. Members of our SportsCage/Marlin Travel Ultimate Sports Trip III met with Tampa Bay’s Steve Stamkos and it appeared on CBC’s Hockey Night In Canada in early December.  What a thrill!!  The guys said it was the highlight of their lives…

1. Is this truly the #1 photo of the year??  It would be tough to find a better one.  Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall is soaked with bubbly after the Riders’ Grey Cup championship.

WHAT A YEAR!  Again please vote for your favourite photo in the Titan Auto Poll on the top left side of the page.

Don’t miss the SportsCage this week on 620 CKRM as we roll some of the best “Best Of” episodes of the Cage, going back to the week after the Riders won the Grey Cup.  4:00 pm on 620 CKRM each day.


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10 years ago

All great photos for sure. For me it's a toss-up between the Premier and Durant but you can't go wrong with either one. Another great shot is the one you took with my friends at the breakfast at the Casino. He said that picture will be up on his wall of fame.

Merry Christmas to you, Mrs. Sportscage and the rest of the family. See you guys in the new year!


Doug Mc
Doug Mc
10 years ago

Great pictures and blog! Thanks for sharing those with us and thanks for the wonderful radio show and blog! As a die-heart Rider fan for 50 years, I love listening to it, where ever I am….

Doug Mc – Swift Current

10 years ago

They're all great photos RP. (except the Pats one, Go Raiders) haha

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

10 years ago
Reply to  Parkside

He lives in Regina why wouldn't he show it?

10 years ago

Durant hoisting the cup over his head n all confetti falling…..pic all DD non-believers should get for xmas!!!Man was on a MISSION!!!!!!!

10 years ago

I am not certain why the original comment was deleted. I simply said the people of Regina have become indifferent to the Pats…truth hurts I guess.

Ryan in Lloyd
Ryan in Lloyd
10 years ago

Hey Roddy, any chance of making the trip up to Lloyd for the Supper with the Grey Cup event. Are you joining the team in any of the tours around the province?

10 years ago

A paisley shirt with a pin stripe jacket? The fashion police should have locked you up for that one!

10 years ago

Rod is a great broadcaster but his fashion sense is terrible. I guess when you work in radio it doesn't matter.

Gunderson's Yorkton

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That shirt looks like my blue deck of Bicycle playing cards used for the ooccasional casual poker game, sorry RP, anyways, Merry Xmas, and a Happy New Year, safe travels.


10 years ago

Great photos..

And a job well done this year Rod. I've enjoyed the blog and look forward more info and entertainment coming in 2014..

10 years ago

I am sorry The Riders are losing Khari Jones. He was a great help to DD. I think K.J. Will be sorry he went to

10 years ago

Darian Durant picture is #1 in my books.

10 years ago

From a photography perspective the B and W of Chick wins hands down IMO.