REGINA — Never before in my life have I hoped a head coach is wrong more than I do right now.

Prior to Sunday’s home game against Hamilton, Roughriders coach Corey Chamblin told his team in his pregame speech, “This will determine what type of team you’re gonna be for the rest of the season!”

TSN cameras caught the address and the commentators noted how fiery Chamblin was in his talk.

The club then proceeded to blow a 21-17 lead in the fourth quarter and lose 31-21 for its fifth consecutive defeat to open the 2015 CFL season.


Of course to make matters worse, quarterback Kevin Glenn got injured making a tackle on an interception he threw at the end of the third quarter and was unable to finish the game.  His status is now in question for this Friday’s game at the division-leading Edmonton Eskimos.  Glenn will see team doctors today to gauge how the injury responded overnight.

Ironically, the sun did not come up Monday morning.  The crackling of thunder and persistent showers seem to reflect the mood of the Rider Nation.

Initially, the inkling is that this season is a write-off and we haven’t even hit August yet.

Upon my return home after the game, my wife asked, “So are we eliminated from the playoffs?”

And the answer to that question provided the one slim glimmer of hope the team has left.

No, they are not eliminated from the playoffs.  There are still 13 games to go.  In my first season calling games in 1999, when the club finished 3-15, the Riders were miraculously in the playoff picture right down to the final weekend.

But something needs to change with this team immediately.  There’s one bullet left in the gun and should they falter at Commonwealth Stadium this upcoming weekend, it would be tough to convince even the most-optimistic of fans – or even the players – that this season can be saved.

Defense cost Saskatchewan the Hamilton game.  Just like all of their games so far this year.  Chamblin, the club’s defacto defensive coordinator, tweaked their approach and applied considerably more pressure against the Ticats on Sunday than we’ve seen all season.  But the result was the same.

“Just like you say, we brought the heat,” Chamblin said after the game.  “We got after (Ticats QB Zach Collaros) and did everything we could.  That’s football and we couldn’t keep them out of the endzone.  The thing we can’t do is quit, no matter what.  This is one of the toughest situations they’ll ever be in but we have to fight another day.”

Amidst all of Chamblin’s postgame quotes, that was the kernel which stuck out to me.  “We couldn’t keep them out of the endzone.”

So the time has come for Chamblin to relinquish the duty of calling defensive plays and hand it over to Greg Quick, the man whose business card actually says “Defensive Coordinator”.  Chamblin’s a great football coach but the task of managing the game while running the defense at the same time seems to be too huge at this juncture.

The facts are staring the Roughriders right in the face.  What they’ve been doing simply isn’t working.  There have been promises all season long but they’ve come up empty each and every week.

It’s come to this.  You have to ask yourself what’s best for the team?  To me, this might be it.

Receiver Weston Dressler has emerged as the leader of this football club in the absence of injured quarterback Darian Durant and even he has run out of answers.

“It’s getting harder and harder to talk to you guys,” Dressler told us on CKRM’s postgame radio show.  “Coach told us to remember this day.  We’re at the bottom and have nowhere to go but up.”

That part is likely true.  And it was so sad to see most of the 31,683 fans in attendance on Sunday head to the exits with 1:41 remaining.  There was so much hope in their faces all game long, but it is quickly evaporating.

“You never want to see people leaving early when there’s still time on the clock.  It’s tough,” Dressler continued.  “If we had the answers we’d be winning games instead of losing them.”

That was the toughest part to digest.  The Riders don’t have the answers and if they don’t, who does?

It’s time to try something different, before it’s too late.  The clock has started ticking on Corey Chamblin’s mostly successful time in Saskatchewan and no doubt there will be plenty of calls for his dismissal between now and Friday.  But that, assuredly, won’t happen.

“I think, no matter what, through social media the players are gonna read (speculation on his future) and they shouldn’t be worried about my future,” Chamblin said calmly.  “They should be worried about theirs.  My mindset is the guys in that room.  As long as I’m here, that’ll be my focus; to get wins for the guys in that locker room.”

For the last couple of weeks Chamblin has sounded like a dead man walking and it’s clear the team is down to its last out.

But they’re not giving up.  They can’t.  Not yet.

“It’s gonna be a heckuva ride when we pull out of this thing,” Dressler concluded.

It has to start Friday night.



Here’s the postgame analysis of Rider Radio’s Carm Carteri following Sunday’s game:

“The Kevin Glenn interception was a big turnover for the Riders.  That really got Hamilton back into the football game.  Having said that the Riders had a 4-point lead going into the fourth quarter and they allowed it to slip.  It was just a little bit of everything: penalties and not making plays.  Again, it was Kevin Glenn not at the helm for the Riders.  Young Brett Smith had to come in and really couldn’t get anything going as that Hamilton defense turned it up a notch.

“They sent the blitz at the young quarterback and stayed zone behind in the secondary.  Really the Riders had nowhere to go and it’s unfortunate because this was a game tied at the half 14-14.  The Riders looked like they were going to make something happen and win this football game but it was just too little too late.

“It was the fourth quarter that killed this football game again.  Over 30 points given up by this defense.  You just can’t do that in this league.  Unfortunately for the Riders it’s back to the drawing board again on a short week.  They’ve gotta lick their wounds and go ‘Alright now where do we go from here?’

“That’s a big coaching decision for this staff because they don’t have the formula right now and they’d better find it quick.

“It was a back and forth game and you felt like the Riders were in control.  And then Kevin Glenn doesn’t come back with what we suspect is a shoulder injury.  Now you’re down to, really, your third string quarterback.  But the game was lost before Brett Smith even got in there, really.  He was deep in his zone and the Ticats just squeezed the head of the Riders and choked them off when they needed to.

“Even Hamilton took some bad penalties.  The one by Banks nullified a touchdown and they had to settle for a field goal which gave the Riders a chance.  But boy, just more questions than answers again.”


Tune into 620 CKRM’s Rider Monday in the SportsCage today at 4:00 pm.  I’ll be joined by co-host Mike Abou-Mechrek and Rider GM Brendan Taman will make his weekly appearance.  Sportsnet’s Arash Madani will be on the show as well.


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9 years ago

Simple question – has CC lost the dressing room? Has the team stopped picking up what he is putting down? Seems so to me….

9 years ago

Rod, I am the most optimistic of fans and will never ever give up my season tickets. We have had them in the family from the 1940's and my kids will have them when I am gone. However, there is clearly no way we win in Edmonton on Friday with Smith, Sunseri or Price. Edmonton's pair of Nichols and Franklin are far better than what we have. Their defense is so far more superior to ours that we will be lucky to score 10 points on them. Our special teams coverage has been excellent the last five quarters of football,… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Maybe we should give Smith a bitof a chance. Jesus

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Jesus might have a chance.

9 years ago

well the problems start and end with the coach anyone who says attitude is more important than winning is a problem. Chamblin is danny barrett (record wise0+ danny maciocia (grey cup)+ roy shivers (attitude) and that is a toxic mix for riders. Plus it seems too many players are here on merit not performance I noticed across the field Austin has the attitude you are not producing you are not playing. I must also wonder has this team aged over night on defense are we playing too many players that are on the back 9 of the career

9 years ago

yes it has his arrogance and ego are off putting to fans and probably to the team and the teams answers questions like stepford wives

9 years ago

"But that, assuredly, won’t happen." How do you know that and why wont it happen? You can't ignore the numbers. CC's overall head coaching record is 29-30. His last defensive coordinator job in 2011 the tiger cats were 8-10. No coach at any level or league is safe but yet you claim hes safe. Taman extended CC through 2017 already but that just means he gets paid to watch the games at home. Im not safe at my job nor is anyone i know. If you screw up enough you get demoted or fired. This whole situation in sask looks… Read more »

9 years ago

I agree with the comments

9 years ago

Stay the course for another month…we are only 4 points out of the play-offs.

If we are 2-7 or 1-8 at LDC, then deal Glenn for a high draft pick and go with the kids at QB for the rest of the season.

Become sellers, not buyers at the trade deadline!

9 years ago

Quote, "The clock has started ticking on Corey Chamblin’s mostly successful time in Saskatchewan"

In case you've forgotten his record is less than .500 now at 29-30.

9 years ago

Et tu Rod?

The Professor
The Professor
9 years ago

The offense and special team performance has improved since the Durant injury in 2014. The problem is the defense. The personal on the field is not making enough shut-down tackles all over the field and forcing turnovers. To Aaron Anderson's point about the lack of talent on defense is right, obviously. HOWEVER, the problem is that the talent we do need can only be found on the injury list, players like Weldon Brown, Shea Emery, Tristan Jackson, Marshay Green, and Keenan McDougal. My question that I hope someone will ask the Riders is when can we expect these players to… Read more »

9 years ago

Good point Rod! I think that Chamblin does have to examine his duties. I agree that he should not be fired. He does have to take some responsibility for his defensive duties though.It seems that he has been saying all along that he does not have the players that he needs, and I do agree. We do not have the depth or talent of other teams.I admire the coach for his fiery attitude and hard work. Sure he has made a few mistakes in decisions and responses to the media, but he is learning. He had a rationale for the… Read more »

9 years ago

Do you honestly believe any team will actually TRADE for Glenn? Especially a high draft pick?

9 years ago

Anonymous Anonymous said…first of all this was pure gold!Anonymous said…What's more difficult? A Rider win or telling the difference between the cry stains and food stains on Mitchell Blair's stinky Rider jersey (which is bush-league for a broadcaster to be wearing the home team jersey) July 26, 2015 how about some perspective here knuckle heads. the riders are about 1/3 into their season….0-5. Any NHL, MLB or other sport that had a coach that lost the first 33% of their games to start the year would be gone by now. However this is the CFL and you expect crap and… Read more »

9 years ago

Not running the ball is on the coaches/game planning.

Sure, they are good against the run but we did not even try to make them stop us. We stopped our own run game by planning not to use it.

We did not "surprise" them by passing insteading of running…. all we did was take away a couple of our own best weapons… and we lost… which was no surprise at all.

9 years ago

Someone is getting fired if this keeps up. CC floated the idea yesterday that this team just isn't good enough, which is placing the blame at the feet of the GM. It was a shot across the bow that Taman heard clearly. They have gassed Coordinators in the past so it is either going to be the coach or the GM. I'm going to guess it will be the coach

9 years ago

I think most fans realize with the injuries we have had that this season is a write off and cant wait for this season to end and start fresh next year. This season started with so much promise after the way last year ended, and all the disappointment to have given up on the Riders after only 5 games. The next two home games against Cal and Wpg should have good crowds but after that could be like the end of the 2011 season where you couldn't give your tickets away.

9 years ago

You've hit the nail on the head Rod. Chamblin needs to back off on meddling in the defense. I think that means backing off on defensive play calling during the game although I know he did most play calling for the second half of last season and seemed to go well. Perhaps the issue is Greg Quick is not offering enough of an additional contribution of ideas to defensive planning. Having Hall as a counter balance to Chamblin's ideas seemed to be more effective. I doubt he's interested but bringing Benevides in as DC seems like a big move that… Read more »

9 years ago

The Football Gods are not with the Riders so far this year. Another very key injury to your second starting QB. Yes Glenn through that int. But clearly banged up after the first half. Then unable to continue with a 4th qtr really to go.
Very familiar to what Toronto and HC and in charge of offense Milanovich lost weapon after weapon early and often.

9 years ago

A few things: 1) The season is not a write off, but clearly the Defense has issues. From my vantage point the D-Line was pushed around in the 4th Quarter, they are vulnerable to the run, the secondary was exposed, and they can't fundamentally breakdown and tackle. It's in the details, and they were exploited. Solution: Mike Benevedes as "Defensive Consultant". 2) Chamblin hasn't lost the room. What he lost was a starting QB, a backup QB, and has 7 new guys on Defense that are running around unorganized. 3) I was very upset at the play calling. Sorry, but… Read more »

9 years ago

as it is similar to what the Argo's went through with the Offense last season with their HC in charge of offense. Key injuries strapped the Argo offense early in the season and their early record showed it.
Coach C has the same issues now with his defense. So this non sense about taking on too much or firing him is Ridiculous!!!

Too early to compare Milanovich or Coach C to Patriots Belichick but look at the Patriots the season they played without Brady.