1. DAVID BRALEY BEARS BLAME FOR FEDS REFUSAL OF CFL BAILOUT: The CFL’s ultimate sugar daddy spent decades happy to be known as the champion who saved the Canadian Football League and kept it going through some of its darkest days. No one can take that away from David Braley or his family however, let’s call a spade a spade. When David was a Senator in 2012, the federal government coughed up 5 million dollars for that year’s 100th Grey Cup Festival for it to be a ‘cultural event’. The Grey Cup week proceeded to look a lot like all other Grey Cup weeks before it. David Braley cashed that $5-million dollar cheque and our friends in Ottawa still remember that. The biggest obstacle to a CFL bailout is the possibility of any one of the league’s owners cashing that cheque, spending the money and then getting out of dodge. David Braley had a lasting impact on the CFL and not all of it was good.    

2. MLSE BEARS BLAME FOR CFL NOT PLAYING IN 2020: There’s no question their pockets were, and still are, deep enough to fund the entire league to play without fans in the stands for a season or two. It’s great that they fund the Argonauts but it would be nice to see them do a little more than the absolute bare minimum.

3. MLSE HAS REASON TO WANT TO OWN THE CFL: Chairman and 25% owner of Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment, Larry Tanenbaum, has dreamt for years about landing an NFL franchise for Toronto. That has not and will not change. Part of his strategy has been to prop up the CFL to convince provincial and federal politicians that the NFL is nothing to be afraid of. Owning the Canadian Football League would give Tanenbaum and his organization the “social conscience” to pursue the National Football League. I don’t actually believe any of the rumors about MLSE owning the league but could totally see how that organization could justify it from a business standpoint.

4. LOAN FROM REDBIRD CAPITAL WOULD BE DEAL WITH THE DEVIL: Absolutely zero need to accept any conditions from this outfit. CFL owners have to remember, “They came to us!” Not the other way around. Don’t ever forget that.

5. DID YOU KNOW?: That CC from CC & Lorie goes by the real name of Wayne Whitten? Me, neither. When I worked in the Rawlco radio newsroom, then-News Director Murray Wood referred to CC as “Wayne”. I was like, “Wayne? Who’s this Wayne guy?”

6. ALOUETTES NEW OWNER: Gary Stern and his father-in-law bought in just before COVID hit. They’ve lost a reported nine million bucks already and he hasn’t even enjoyed a game, yet. He’s not backing away, either. Montreal Gazette sportswriter Herb Zurkowsky recently quoted him as saying, “I’m not hiding. I told you I’m in. I’m committed. I’m not running anywhere. We’re funding it.” Someone invite this guy to Regina and buy him a beer, will ya?!

7. RADICAL CHANGE FOR BASEBALL: Kansas City Royals manager Mike Matheny is worried about the aging demographic of Major League Baseball fans and has suggested the sport must be open to radical change in an effort to connect with a younger audience. Are you kidding me? An entity that has continued to roll and pay multi-million-dollar salaries right through the coronavirus needs radical change? As if! Stop worrying about making sports attractive to people who don’t like sports. Take care of your diehards and the rest will take care of itself.

8. ASTRAZENECA VACCINE: Sign me up. If it gets this nightmare over faster, than I’m all in.  

9. RETWEET OF THE WEEK: “The CFL was far from a broken institution when the 2019 Grey Cup ended. The future looked solid. Covid changed everything.” –Bob Irving  

10. FILM OF THE WEEK: MLB Network’s BILLY is a hilarious and sometimes sad tale of legendary Yankee Manager Billy Martin’s rise and fall. Easy to find on YouTube and a great watch for any sports fan who loves characters in the game.

(Follow Brendan on Twitter at @brendanhowardmc)

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3 years ago

Oskee Wee Wee
Oskee Waa Waa
Hold that Tiger
Hold that Tiger
Now let that Tiger Cat go!
The Tiger Cats ate the Roughriders Raw!
Eat’ Em up!
Eat’ Em up!

Gino Hernandez
Gino Hernandez
3 years ago

Brendan You are not off the mark why the CFL is getting a handout when every other deadbeat in Canada is getting a handout. Right now we have restaurants/businesses getting wage sunsidies and rent subsidies whether they need it or not. Renters can stop paying rent whether they are employed or not too. The CFL went up there on 2 occasions with frankly nothing but a stupid look on face and a sob story about how they are a Canadian institution. Well tough beans. The CFL ceased to exist when there were no more Edmonton Eskimos. People need to wake… Read more »

Gino Hernandez
Gino Hernandez
3 years ago
Reply to  Gino Hernandez

To clarify – the CFL is NOT getting a handout when everyone else is. Simply because what Braley did with that Grey Cup money, and that was under a Conservative government which made him a Senator. So they can forget about any $ this go round.

E Wilhelm
E Wilhelm
3 years ago

3 It’s not just convincing politicians about the “scary” NFL. Correct me if I’m wrong, but years ago the NFL wasn’t going to grant Toronto a franchise if it meant killing the CFL. If memory serves, MLSE could solve that issue by owning the Argos & ensuring they remained in the CFL. There may be different obstacles in gaining entry into the NFL but, should the merger between the CFL & XFL fail, killing the CFL would no longer be one of them, if it ever was. Regardless, whatever the rumours were at that time, IMO owning a CFL franchise… Read more »

Leland Squalatta
Leland Squalatta
3 years ago
Reply to  E Wilhelm

NFL expansion to Toronto is not happening ever. First off it would be akin to moving a team twice to St. Louis. Do you know why St. Louis has lost their NFL team twice? The stadium is not there for a team in 2021. Did you see what the Rams who just moved back to Los Angeles moved into? Did you see what the Raiders moved into in Las Vegas, and what the Chargers moved into in Los Angeles. These NFL stadiums are billion dollar entities and that is not getting built in Toronto. The NFL also does not need… Read more »

E Wilhelm
E Wilhelm
3 years ago

I think you underestimate Toronto when you say a billion dollar stadium couldn’t be built in Toronto. Toronto is the 7th largest city in North America, much bigger than a lot of NFL cities. If a city like Regina with a population of around 214,000 can build a $278.2MM stadium (See Greg Beard, Leader Post June 9/17) & Edmonton, a city 1/6 the size of Toronto can build an arena of $483.5MM, it is not a stretch to think Toronto can’t build a billion dollar arena with an NFL & MLB team in the city. Toronto is an international city… Read more »

Gino Hernandez
Gino Hernandez
3 years ago
Reply to  E Wilhelm

Buddy, it is 2021. In Regina we have a quarter of a billion dollar stadium sitting empty. I am sure when any prospective NFL owner uses a revised edition of Business Plans for Dummies there will be a new section. That section will include pandemic planning. Toronto’s hockey team by God’s grace is in a Northern division with 8 other teams. If they were 1 team then the Kansas City Maple Leafs would be on the ice. The Raptors are in Tampa Bay and Blue Jays in Buffalo. Toronto built the Skydome then sold it for a dollar. That is… Read more »

E Wilhelm
E Wilhelm
3 years ago
Reply to  Gino Hernandez

We can agree to disagree. Not sure prospective NFL owners in Mexico City, London etc. OR Toronto read the revised edition. Do you think MLSE is discouraged from seeking membership in the NFL? I don’t. NFL just signed a $110B TV contract over multiple networks all wanting a piece of the pie. $1 for the Skydome is $1 more than most stadiums 30+ years are worth or getting. Skydome was completed in 1989 for $570MM, $1.02B in 2018 dollars – a billion dollars isn’t what it used to be. Money isn’t the issue on whether or not Toronto gets membership… Read more »

Randall Flagg
Randall Flagg
3 years ago
Reply to  E Wilhelm

$110B TV contract and 32 teams get to split that. Why would they add a 33rd team and cut that pie up? The NFL is not in a board room saying, “Ya know if we could get on SportsNet and have Arash Madani in our corner I really think that would take us next level.” MLSE is about franchise value and not once have they ever indicated they are going for an NFL team. They have Buffalo down the highway and Buffalo is under no circumstances going to cut into their market. If they are like the Sabres then half… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Randall Flagg

For the the record chairman Larry T & Paul G made overtures to the NFL eons ago. Didn’t Bon Jovi join in a bid “going for an NFL team” namely Buffalo less than a decade ago?