1. THE CURIOUS CASE OF PAUL McROBERTS: He started one game back in the summer when the Saskatchewan Roughriders were still undefeated, caught every pass thrown his way, got rave reviews from Cody Fajardo and has not been heard from since. The Rider receiver had one good game in his only start. Ricardo Louis has had one good game in eight starts. All of this at a position the Riders have had trouble with, especially in the second half of the season. Why isn’t Paul McRoberts playing? And if it’s something off-field, then why is he still on the Roughriders practice squad? Still more questions than answers when it comes to Paul McRoberts. 

2. RIDERS WILL NOT WIN WITHOUT DUKE: Rider fans gasped when Duke Williams lay on the turf after buckling his knee in the 4th quarter of Saturday’s win over Edmonton. He came back in and said he was fine. Given the fact Duke was 60% of the Riders passing offence Saturday in a game they showed actual signs of what this new gunslinging Jason Maas-guided offence was supposed to be, it goes without saying they just cannot be without Duke. You never want to rely on just one player but Williams’ impact is undeniable. 

3.WHO THE ROUGHRIDERS SHOULD LEAVE AT HOME NEXT WEEKEND: Duke Williams, Cody Fajardo and William Powell. Duke for obvious reasons, Powell (Willie P as he wants to be called) for teaching us 30-somethings that there’s still time to live the dream and Cody because, goddangit, I want to see Paxton Lynch. We were denied that in the preseason and now it’s time, even if only for a series or two. I’m happy to give coach Craig Dickenson this unsolicited advice since he recently confessed that he enjoys these columns. We can argue his coaching ability all day long but no-one can dare question the man’s impeccable judgment when it comes to his reading material.     

4.RIDER-ARGO GREY CUP LEAGUE’S DREAM MATCHUP: Could you imagine Chris Jones, Stephen McAdoo and John Murphy going up against the men who replaced them all? The Riders old regime against the Riders new regime. Chris Jones’ defence against Craig Dickenson’s quarterback. Chris Jones’ defence against Jason Shivers’ defence. John Murphy’s recruits versus Jeremy O’Day’s recruits. Stephen McAdoo’s offensive line against Jason Mass’s offence. I could go on and I will. Toronto Sun and TSN writer Steve Simmons has pointed out that Pinball Clemons appears to be GM in name only and that John Murhpy is finding players for the Argos. Ryan Dinwiddie is technically the head coach but it’s Chris Jones’ defence that has propelled the Argonauts to first place while bailing out Dinwiddie’s clock incompetence, bungled quarterback situation and look of constant confusion watching from that Toronto sideline. Like the pair of renegades they were here in Saskatchewan, Chris Jones and John Murphy are up to their old tricks in double blue and having fun doing it. This Grey Cup matchup would not only be one for the ages for the obvious connections but also draw in a festive crowd from Rider fans and the smattering of Argo fans willing to make the drive down the QEW into Hamilton for the party, which are all things the CFL could really use right about now.   

5. DON’T BET AGAINST BLUE BOMBERS BECAUSE: Despite the fact 58% of all first-place teams have lost the western final since 1987, the Bombers are still heavily favored because of their defence. Most teams who have choked in the western final (I’m looking at you, Calgary Stampeders and especially Doug Flutie) were built on their offences. The Blue Bombers foundation is their epic defence led by Richie Hall. This bodes well for a team that will have gone through not one, but TWO meaningless games for themselves and a bye week. It’s a lot easier to keep your defence in rhythm through all of that and the cold December weather everyone has to play in this playoff season. 

6. THE NEXT CFL HEAD COACHES SHOULD BE: Richie Hall and Jason Shivers. Richie, aside from just being an awesome all-around human being, is the best defensive coordinator in the country and we’re seeing proof of it this season. He’s grown as a coach each year and didn’t do so badly in his first head coaching go-round with Edmonton. Lots of other head coaches fail and get another shot. Richie deserves another chance and then some. Jason Shivers is still getting rave reviews from his players, nearly three years after filling the Shaq-sized shoes of Chris Jones. And his defences aren’t too bad, either. The man is fit to be king. Would love to see one end up in Edmonton and the other in B.C. I think Chris Jones will take over Toronto (if he hasn’t already), eventually.    

7. WHY RICHIE HALL IS NOT IN PLAZA : I’ve heard many a fan grumble about this over the years and I’ve heard rumors that Richie himself has even questioned this. All legitimate points given that Richie has helped the Riders, as a player and coach, win three of the four Grey Cups in the 100-plus-year history of the franchise. The answer: There’s a waiting period of inactivity before nominations can be considered. It’s the same reason Bill Belichick isn’t in the pro football hall of fame, yet. Don’t worry, Richie. Your time in the green and white sun is coming. (The NHL doesn’t have such a rule, as Oilers GM Ken Holland was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame on Monday).

8. ANTHOPOULOS WORLD SERIES WIN HAS TAUGHT US: Treat athletes like human beings and not cattle. By earning their respect, you gain their cooperation and motivation. The Atlanta Braves players love AA and respect him because he respects them. Some of them might even sign for less to stay with him (Freddie Freeman). Unfortunately, the sports world and the corporate world have far too much of that ‘let’s treat employees and athletes like cattle’ mindset. Alex Anthopoulos doesn’t have that problem and the Atlanta Braves are world champs because of it. 

9. BOB IRVING RETIRES: I appeared with old man Bob on a couple of nationally-syndicated radio shows on the week of Grey Cup 2007, both with CHARLES ADLER and later on Grey Cup Sunday, THE ROY GREEN SHOW. Roy introduced me by completely forgetting my name. At the time, I was steamed. Looking back, it was fitting. I had no business ever appearing on the same program as the legendary Bob Irving. A world-class, down-to-earth hall of fame broadcaster and person.

10. TV PICK THIS WEEK: BULLYJUICE workouts on YouTube. Being a new parent about to hit the big 4-0 and heavier than I’ve ever been, I need to find workouts that are efficient, will get results and are do-able from home without too much equipment or too many weights. These videos appear to offer that. Will it work? Well, we’ll see.

(Follow Brendan on Twitter at @brendanhowardmc)

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John Leslie
John Leslie
2 years ago

Everyone enjoys your columns. They make good points without coming across as “mean”. Agree or disagree readers enjoy what you have to say then cue the debates. Reverse order: 10) I get triggered when I hear or read about quick fix diet/weight loss programs. There is no secret to this. Physical fitness takes a mind body discipline to actually get out there and do it. Minimim 3 times a week combine cardio with mild weight or resistance training. Combine that with watching what Mr. Hand puts into Mr. Mouth. I will make it easy. Daily walk around the block. 50… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  John Leslie

Saskatchewan Roughriders head coach Craig Dickenson now says his team is not elite. Guess he’s calling out his gm.

2 years ago

When Andre Proulx comes to town to ref the 2021 CFL Western Division Final we want him to drop a F Bomb here there everywhere against them Saskatchewan Roughriders.