1. DARIAN DURANT: So, he wants to work in somebody’s front office, eh? If I was a CFL team president, my first question would be to ask Darian if he would be okay with players signing a new contract, taking their signing bonus, and then retiring. It’s something Darian, himself, once did. And no, it’s not the same thing as teams cutting players before an offseason roster bonus is due. For him to even think that teams would want to hire him, blows me away.

2. CFLPA NEEDS BAILOUT MORE THAN LEAGUE, ITSELF: The players who’ve spent their offseason preparing for a new season are the ones mostly in dire straits. They deserve the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit as much as anyone and the Players Association should be able to not only direct players to it, but also have access to a government fund for any American players deemed ineligible.

3. FOOTBALL PLAYERS KNEELING: Drew Brees says his war veteran grandpa died for the American flag. I once had a co-worker use that same argument on me. My own great grandpa fought in World War 1 and his medals are proudly on display at the old farmhouse. Now I’ve been told that while, he too, fought for the Canadian flag, it was the peace of our country that he was really fighting for. The truth is, my great grandfather has been dead for many years just like Drew Brees’ grandpa probably has been, too. They can’t speak for themselves because they aren’t around to witness today’s issues. So how about we just stop using our ancestors as props to push our own selfish agendas?

4. CANADIAN RACISM: We like to brag that we don’t have the same problems that our American friends south of the border do but is that really the case? How well do we actually treat our visible minorities? I hear Canadian politicians praise immigrants as “valuable economic tools”. How about we appreciate newcomers to Canada for what they bring as human beings and the cultural diversity they give Saskatchewan which has been long overdue. And let’s ask ourselves the question: “Am I really doing my part to make aboriginal people feel welcome and wanted? Am I doing my part to give everyone a fair shake?” I still say that if we all ask ourselves that question honestly, we would collectively realize that we’re really no better than the Americans.

5. CHRIS CUTHBERT LEAVING TSN: I think broadcasters are wildly overrated in general but losing Chris Cuthbert is a blow to the CFL. And he’s always done it in a way that reported the story and didn’t try to become part of the story. One of the few who is actually bigger than the brand, itself. Rod Black, Dustin Nielsen or someone else taking over as the number one doesn’t bother me, either. Rod Smith, Gord Miller or Rod Pedersen would get my vote.

6. REGINA RED SOX COACHING STAFF: Would be a shame if the pandemic scuttles what would have been a stacked coaching staff for the Sox. Head Coach Jayson Veyna (must be a Canadian thing that we don’t call them Managers for some reason) was to be flanked by former major leaguer Dustin Molleken and the greatest Regina Red Sox player of all-time, Mitch MacDonald. Now I still expect confirmation soon of that still being the plan for 2021. Baseball is a grind and I almost wonder if this new world order we’re having to suffer through is actually a good thing in getting quality coaches out to the park. We all appreciate the grand old game a whole lot more after it’s been taken from us for a while.

7. EPIC PODCAST: ESPN Mixed Martial Arts journalist, and Montreal native, Ariel Helwani brawled with former Montreal Expo/Florida Marlin president David Samson on a recent edition of the Dan LeBatard Show. It was a fascinating confrontation. Helwani unleashed a barrage of devastating haymakers in raking Samson over the coals for how he and his stepdad, Jeffery Loria, orchestrated the Expos road out of Montreal. I give Helwani credit for standing up for Expo fans but also found some of his personal attacks a little over the line. I messaged Samson through social media, afterward, telling him I respect the fact he at least took the time to discuss these issues, something most MLB execs would never do. To my surprise, he actually messaged me back, admitting he had made many mistakes. I think it’s time for Expo fans to forgive, forget and focus on the future of bringing baseball back to Montreal.

8. IF YOU’RE STILL RIDICULING THE SHUTDOWN: Then you’re probably not paying very close attention. Our COVID numbers being low aren’t a sign that we shouldn’t have shut things down. It’s a sign that we’ve been doing the right thing. This is what will allow our economy to re-open and roar again.

9. UFC THOUGHTS: Nah. Complete garbage. Still.

10. BOOK OF THE WEEK: Jay Onrait’s ANCHORBOY : Stories from Sports and Life has been on my bookshelf since I bought it years ago. Finally, this week, I hunker down and get it done. Never before have I ever been more star-struck than during my day job when speaking with Jay Onrait over the phone. He singlehandedly, with a bit of help from his sidekick Dan, rejuvenated personality sportscasting in an era when it was dying fast.

(Follow Brendan on Twitter at @brendanhowardmc)


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Juan Caruso
Juan Caruso
4 years ago

Good points Brendan   1) That in and of itself is one of about 5 reasons Darian will not be hired in anything less than a nominal role to which he would never accept. The other aspect would be the far reach of Chris Jones and who he knows in front offices.   Chris Jones has affiliations in Edmonton, Saskatchewan, Toronto with is former colleagues filling chairs. That leaves B.C, Hamilton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Montreal and Ottawa. Winnipeg and Montreal are non-starters and there would be no reason for B.C, Calgary, Hamilton or Ottawa to go that route when they got… Read more »

4 years ago


4 years ago

#1 bang on.

4 years ago

Pt. 5 – we all love Rodrigo but he is too much of a Riders homer for TSN. I think Dustin Nielson or Rod Smith would be a great choice.