1. GREATEST LABOUR DAY GAME EVER: For me it was 1994 when the Riders gutted out a last-minute win over the Blue Bombers sealed by Dan Rashovich’s game-clinching pick-6 in the dying seconds. I appreciated those games more in the 90’s when home playoff games around here were nothing but a fantasy and labour day weekend was the next best thing. It’s been easy to take for granted since the Decade of Decadence started in 2007, but after a year like the one we’re having, I know I won’t take those days at the park for granted ever again.

2. HENRY BURRIS COACHING THE BEARS: I doubt he’ll get much of a role but good on Henry for opening as many doors as he can. He’ll make a great coach in our league one day and there’s no reason he couldn’t do it in the NFL, either. I would love to see both Henry and his old teammate, Jeff Garcia, cut their teeth a little more as coaches in the CFL as coordinators and head coaches before proving their worth in the NFL. Either way, this is a plus for the Canadian Football League which needs to send more coaches to the NFL, rather than taking on old, expensive and washed-up coaches from the National Football League.

3. STREVELER PROVES CFL QUARTERBACKS NOT INFERIOR: Winnipeg did everything they could to find someone else to quarterback their playoff run after Matt Nichols went down with an injury late last season. The fact that a backup quarterback is good enough to crack an active NFL roster where he might actually see the field should be proof enough that CFL quarterbacks are different, not worse, than NFL QB’s. Bo Levi Mitchell could have been Kirk Cousins’ backup in Minnesota and chose not to. There are plenty of CFL quarterbacks far better than Chris Streveler. This should be a clear reminder of how little respect our league gets from the snobby NFL know-it-alls.

4. LET SOME OF THE FANS IN: We can socially distance in tight little restaurants. So why can’t we do it in great big stadiums? If people want in, and are willing to pay top dollar, then why can’t we allow it? Reduce capacity to 25% and enforce mask wearing for anyone not at their seat. That, along with increased TV ratings and a small grant from Ottawa should make a 2021 CFL season do-able. People are getting tired of not having their CFL football. I can’t imagine how rough a 2nd straight missed season would be on everyone.   

5. HEROES OF THE WEEK: Entertainment industry workers. They’ve been crushed more than anyone and are still getting crushed for who-knows-how-much longer? Our governments, not just Ottawa, need to have a discussion for putting these people back to work. Could we not use the CBC or local film production companies to provide a government grant to produce not only music content but also TV production on YouTube for the SJHL and WHL this fall? A quality production would surely fetch some sponsorship dollars and allow these leagues to get back up and running. Again, social distancing in the arenas with reduced capacity would help move this along, too. I’m confident this situation will be resolved within the next year but that doesn’t mean we have to sit around waiting for the next 12 months, either.

6. DALLAS CUP WOULD BE A BOWNESS: Rick Bowness has coached some awful teams in the NHL dating back to his start 31 years ago as interim head coach of the Winnipeg Jets. It’s nice to see one of the league’s good guys get his day in the sun, even if it has to come in this awful year of the pandemic. I’m cheering for the Islanders and Regina Pat alumni Barry Trotz in this race, but if the Isles come up short, I have no issue with the Stars winning Rick Bowness his just due.

7. REAVES EJECTION A SIGN OF GOOD CHANGE: Got punted out of game 7 against my Canucks for his 2nd period cheap-shot on Vancouver’s Tyler Motte. A clear example of how the game is changing for the better. Reaves complained it was an accident and Motte didn’t get out of his way. It should never have been the player taking the head shot’s job to get out of the way but rather the player delivering said cheap-shot to stay out of the way. If you can’t deliver a body-check properly, then maybe you just shouldn’t be hitting and perhaps you should find a new line of work. Ryan Reaves is a good player but enough is enough. This kind of garbage didn’t happen in the 80’s when players wore broomball helmets and it shouldn’t be happening now. Period.

8. BEST SPORTSCASTERS ON TV TODAY: Jim Hughson-hockey, Chris Cuthbert-football, Kevin Harlan-basketball and Dan Shulman-baseball. If FOX ever coughs up the rights to broadcast the world series, I would love another network to give Shulman a crack at it. He’s as good as there is in the business, north or south of the border. As for Cuthbert’s replacement for the CFL on TSN, why not Rod Black?

9. DID YOU KNOW?: LA Rams quarterback Jared Goff’s dad, Gerry Goff, caught for the Montreal Expos in the early 90’s? Incredible history those Expos have.

10. GREAT DOCUMENTARY: The New Ice Age is a 6-part behind-the-scenes look at a year in the National Hockey League. Was filmed throughout the 1997-98 NHL season and covered everything from Joe Thornton’s struggles as a rookie, the first dream team Olympics, the Edmonton Oilers nearly moving to Houston and the Washington Capitals surprise run to the Cup finals. A great piece you’ll find on YouTube with a reminder of when the game had even bigger problems than it does today.

(Follow Brendan on Twitter at @brendanhowardmc)