(Listen daily for the Rod Pedersen Commentary on Cat Country 98 & Rock 98.5 FM)
It’s hard not to get swept up in Grey Cup revelry and memories when you’re in the heart of the festival like we are this week in Saskatchewan. It’s great to be home and we’ve been treated wonderfully!
On Wednesday’s commentary we only skimmed the surface on some great Grey Cup stories so here are a few more.
In 2007, all season when I’d interview rookie Rider coach Kent Austin, I’d ask him if this was the most important game of his career (like his debut, the Labour Day Classic, the first home playoff game in 19 years, etc.). Kent would always roll his eyes and say no game is more important than any other because that would be a disservice to the rest.
So on the morning of the Toronto Grey Cup when we did our interview in the bowels of the Westin Sky Harbour Castle, I said to Kent, ‘Let me guess, this game is no bigger than all the rest?’
Austin’s eyes got as big as saucers and he huffed, “THIS IS A CHAMPIONSHIP GAME ROD! Of course this is different than all the rest!”
Kent always kept you on your toes, including the Blue Bombers, whom the Riders beat 23-19 that day for their third title in franchise history.
In 2013, it was the biggest game of Rider quarterback Darian Durant’s career but he told all his family to stay home in the Carolinas because he didn’t want to be distracted by anything during the week and game day.
So they did. And when the Riders stomped Hamilton 45-23 that day in one of Darian’s best-ever games, I actually felt sorry for him when the gun sounded and he was drenched in Green & White confetti.
He was crying tears of elation, but unlike the rest of the players, Darian’s family was nowhere to be found as they respected his wishes and were watching on TV.
Hopefully he’ll tell the story one day when he goes into the Plaza, and hopefully the Riders get into position one day to make some more great memories.
That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary
(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily at 12 pm ET on Game+ TV and WQEE Radio. Call your cable provider to subscribe. You can also watch on YouTube Live or listen 24/7 at
Can anyone name a Saskatchewan Roughrider QB that had the weight of the Province on his shoulders and delivered a home Grey Cup championship? There are 4 Grey Cups in this team’s history. Anyone care to guess aside from Al Ford and Kent Austin who won as both player and Coach/Management? – …..this person is a member of 3 out of the 4 teams…..he’s also won two as a Defensive Coordinator in Winnipeg and lives in Regina….. That’s right Darian Durant and Richie Hall. These two pillars are not in the Plaza of Honour. You know who is?….Paul Hill. I’m… Read more »