1 – SASKATOON SHINES:  Hello from sunny Saskatoon!  I’m up here for the 2015 University of Saskatchewan Huskies Dog’s Breakfast Thursday morning at Prairieland Park.  My duties are to speak on behalf of sponsor Prairie Mobile and thank guest speaker Ronnie Lott for making the trek to the Bridge City.  It’ll be a treat to hear from the 4-time Super Bowl champion and Pro Football Hall of Famer and mingle with Saskatoon football personalities and patrons.  The Saskatchewan Roughriders will be heavily represented as well.  Last year the featured speakers were Rider stars Darian Durant and Geroy Simon.  After witnessing last year’s Dog’s Breakfast for the first time, I said I’d never miss it again and thanks to Prairie Mobile, I get to attend again.  This event is staggering in its size and professionalism.  They really do it right up here!

**UPDATE: Roughriders President Craig Reynolds announced at the breakfast that 2015 Rider training camp will be held in Saskatoon.  He also presented Huskies coach Brian Towriss a cheque for $40,000.

2 – G.J. IN THE YQR:  It’ll be a quick turnaround as CFL Director of Officiating Glen Johnson will host a presentation at Mosaic Stadium at noon on Thursday to go over the 2015 rule changes in the league and I plan to be in attendance.  The key question I have for him is: How confident are you officials will stick to the 5-yard no-contact rule on receivers?  Optimism abounds amongst CFL offensive types that the game will be more wide open than ever before — in fact Darian Durant is predicting a 6,000-yard passing season.  However I’m leery that the league will be back to the habitual mauling and molesting of receivers by Week 5.  I’m sure Glen has full confidence that his officials will call it by the book but again, I’m hesitant.

3 – NOAH’S ARK, ERRRR, ARM:  It was a great feeling to see the Roughriders’ news release on Wednesday that the club has extended a training camp invitation to U of R Rams quarterback Noah Picton.  Of course the neatest story of it all is that Noah’s father Dean Picton – the star Rams quarterback of the 1980’s – was afforded a tryout by the big club back in 1988.  As one CFL coach wrote via text last night, “Will be a good experience for him.  The apprentice program is a good idea by the CFL.  Lots of people, including agents, don’t understand it or its differences from being a guy actually on the team.”  Noah was quick to point out on Wednesday that this is NOT a tryout for the Riders.  He will simply be in Saskatoon to learn but he’s excited to throw with Darian Durant and Kevin Glenn to Weston Dressler, Chris Getzlaf, et al.  I’m sure once the CIS season begins, the game will have slowed down exponentially for Noah.

4 – TIME MARCHES ON:  As if the graying hair and failing vision weren’t enough, Wednesday’s news that Noah is joining the Roughriders was another stark reminder that I’m getting up there in years.  When your kids’ friends start getting pro sports opportunities, it tells you that you aren’t a kid anymore yourself.  As excited as Dean Picton is that his son is going to be practicing with the big boys, I’m sure his mother Donna Rae is worried her son will be snapped in half.  Rest easy — it’s unlikely Noah will get any reps with live bullets flying.

5 – NO HANGOVER THIS YEAR:  One year ago at this time – coming off the 2013 Grey Cup championship season – Rider fans were still sleeping off the party.  In fact the Grey Cup hangover lasted until about Labour Day.  However in the spring of 2015, the Rider Nation is wide awake.  You see the parapharnelia everywhere and not just in Regina.  I saw a guy in a Rider T-shirt standing on the side of the road in Chamberlain, SK Wednesday evening and a guy in the hotel elevator here in Saskatoon was wearing a Rider cap.  I haven’t seen this much excitement around Canada’s Team since … since … April of 2013!  It just feels right.

6 – THE LATEST WITH TAJ:  We learned on Wednesday that a trial date has been set for Roughrider receiver Taj Smith.  The aggravated assault trial will begin on Dec. 14 and is expected to last three days.  The case will be tried by judge alone.  If there’s a silver lining in this, Taj will be able to concentrate on football for the entire season and not have to deal with this on a daily basis.

7 – THE WILD, WILD WEST:  Just to clarify a comment I made on the SportsCage about my not liking the contract extension of Edmonton Eskimo GM Ed Hervey, it’s because it’s not good news for the Roughriders.  In his short time at the helm, Hervey has established the Evil Empire as a force in the CFL West.  His hiring of Chris Jones as head coach was astute.  The Eskimos haven’t appeared in a Grey Cup since 2005 and not coincidentally, the Roughriders’ rise to prominence began around the same time.  Alberta will be Death Valley again for visiting CFL teams and the Riders will be in tough to get back to the Grey Cup, let alone hosting a playoff game.

8 – THE GETZLAF FACTOR:  Rider receiver Chris Getzlaf correctly predicted that his brother Ryan’s Anaheim Ducks would sweep the Winnipeg Jets in Round 1 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.  On the SportsCage this week, the elder Getzlaf was at it again predicting a six-game Anaheim series win over the Calgary Flames in Round 2.

9 – TWEET OF THE WEEK:  This one comes from Aiden Wotherspoon (@bushleaguefootb): “Now another Getzlaf will enjoy the rewards of a Calgary playoff choke #ANAvsCGY”   We’ll see won’t we?  Tiger Williams predicted the same result on Wednesday’s SportsCage on 620 CKRM.

10 – WHAT ABOUT BABS?:  The only reason I wanted to see Detroit lose Game 7 in Tampa Bay Wednesday evening was because it would accelerate the Mike Babcock Sweepstakes.  I’ll predict right here and now that Babock won’t be back as head coach of the Red Wings next season.  He’s already turned down multiple offers from Detroit and continues on his quest to be the highest-paid coach in the NHL, which comes with it the added bonus of driving up NHL coaches’ salaries.

Tiger Williams predicted on Wednesday that Babcock will land in Buffalo and command a $5-million per year wage.  He feels the Toronto Maple Leafs will make a similar offer, but the Edmonton Oilers will be scared off by the asking price.

I’ve been told Babcock points to his two Olympic gold medals to up his value, but others contend that has nothing to do with NHL success.  I say they mean he’s a helluva good hockey coach.  Likely the best in the game and when the smoke clears, he’ll be paid like it.

11 – MORE ON THE OILERS:  The unrest continues in the City of Champions however the hiring of Peter Chiarelli as General Manager has appeased some.  The people of our generation still hang onto the glory days of Gretzky, Messier, Coffey, Lowe, Fuhr, etc. but you have to remember there are a lot of young fans who have no idea what that time was like.  They’re mad as hell and won’t take it anymore!  Hopefully better times are ahead because you know the Flames’ success has the Oilers and their fans seething.

12 – GO PATS GO:  The Regina Pats were in the news this week with Monday’s announcement that former GM Chad Lang is moving to an advisory role while Marty Klyne has been hired as the club’s first-ever Chief Operating Officer.  Lang’s tenure in charge of hockey operations with the Pats has been much-debated but I think he can hold his head high.  The team’s playoff MVP this year was goaltender Daniel Wapple and Lang pulled the trigger on that deal.  There’s a banner hanging from his time here.  Did he win all his trades?  No.  But show me a GM who has.  The new Pats ownership simply seems to be systematically installing their own people and that’s reasonable, understandable, and predictable.

Meanwhile the hiring of Marty Klyne came out of the blue but it’s another move by QCSEG that’s caused Regina to sit up and take notice.  The hiring of the former Leader Post publisher, Grey Cup manager, businessman and current all-around good guy gets the thumbs-up from the MMG.  Klyne told us on the SportsCage that his priority will be enhancing the “fan experience” which means Pats games will become a Marty Party.  Great move!

13 – JUST NOTES:  Regina has stepped into the 21st century with the addition of a second full service Starbucks location in the Doubletree Hotel at the corner of Victoria Avenue and Broad Street.  I’m hesitant to divulge the secret, but pass it along as a public service.  You can’t go to a major urban centre in North America without stumbling over a Starbucks on every corner but for some reason Regina’s lagged behind in this regard.  This is progress! … C’mon TSN.  Be better!  Tourism Saskatchewan has taken to sponsoring Sportscentre nightly but the voice-over guy insists on saying “SaskatcheWAWN”.  If I was Premier Brad Wall – or whomever’s footing the bill for this – I’d insist on our province’s name being pronounced correctly rather than the Ontario or American version … Tickets are going fast for the SportsCage’s inaugural Pizza Pigout on May 8 at the Italian Club and about a dozen local pizzerias have entered their masterpieces.   We’re still searching for more restaurants and more hungry bellies.  Trifon’s?  Sparky’s?  We’re looking at you.

620 CKRM will be broadcasting the SportsCage live on location that day and we’ll have plenty of sports personalities on hand to judge Regina and area’s best pizza along with you readers/listeners.  You can purchase your tickets here:

Instagram: ridervoice

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9 years ago

how tj's 2-4-1 pizza?

9 years ago

yeah people love to over pay for coffee so they can look trendy walking around with a starbucks cup in their hand.

9 years ago
Reply to  Rod Pedersen

With Starbucks Coffee all you have to do is add some gravel…then you can start your own black topping business! Yuch…
The Rock

9 years ago

Thanks for the Rider news, I really appreciate it. I can't get enough Rider News.
On another note, I've been to one Starbucks in my life, for half a cup. Give me Tim's any day but I guess you're looking for a sponsor.

9 years ago

Agree with the boys, Starbucks is very overrated. McDonalds has the best coffee for restaurants and if you have a go cup Maxwell House is even better. Rod you're starting to turn into a hipster! Pretty soon it'll be no George Strait and all Florida Georgia Line. Just kidding, FGL sucks. The reason for all the Oilers fans like your friend Tammy's bitterness is cause at the start of the Flames rebuild they were all bragging how Calgary was going to suck for years and the Oil would soon be hoisting the Cup. Ummm, nope. Calgary may not win it… Read more »

9 years ago

Thinking it's cool to drink Starbucks is just more 'Yankee worship because that's what they do in Vegas, Phoenix or Dallas.

9 years ago

Starbucks Shmarbucks!

Plenty of better coffee out there at a much cheaper price, but then again you run with the high rollers Pederson!

9 years ago

Gee, I saw Jamie Nye in the lineup at Starbucks yesterday. He must be quite the high roller too.

9 years ago

Try Dr. Coffee’s Cafe located at 2425 11th Avenue. Within easy walking distance of SGI, SaskTel, City Hall and the downtown district. Look out for the large iguana mural on the wall!

9 years ago

Tim Hortons coffee is only good when it's poor flavor is masked by loads of cream and sugar. Starbucks makes legitimately good coffee and although it may seem pricey, as the saying goes,"You get what you pay for."

9 years ago

Rod Pedersen a hipster? Hah! Nothing hip about him.

9 years ago

To the ad controlled CONsumer, the secret to Starbucks success. Target the young. They have unrefined taste And very little coffee sense. Once the young have bought in the rest of the sheep will following thinking they have discovered a new taste. Purchase the cheapest most bitter beans and over roast them. Over roasted beans have a nutty flavour and are usually an indication of incompetence . Market the result with plenty of sugar,milk,cream and fancy names. The genius is how easily the sheep fall in line and think they have something special. Barista…Really?

9 years ago

There is also an nfl draft tonight! Anyone else find it convenient that Tajs trial is in December??

9 years ago

Best Coffee is at Sweets.
Hmmm, maybe the next Sports Cage fundraiser for Kid Sport can be a coffee drink off challenge. John Lynch as host.

9 years ago

Yes time does march on…

I have a Leader Post photo of myself playing High School football for the McGuigan Mustangs in the mid-80's. The photo has myself and a team mate trying to sack Dean Picton in a play-off game; regrettably I never was able to get even just one hand on him (he was smart, fast, and elusive). Obviously he was destined for University football; I was not ;-(

Time definitely marches on… Also, I believe that the Sister McGuigan High School itself, is no longer there either… Yes time has marched on…

Kel in Victoria

9 years ago

Thanks for the football report RP…

Too bad everyone is so fixated in the coffee. How about to those guys maybe should just shut up and drink your own dam coffee and mind your own business…

RP was making a point that Regina needed to step it up a bit with the coffee situation and the options for consumers.


9 years ago

I am sick of folks already trying to repaint Pats history with rose coloured glasses. Chad Lang's time was unproductive and wasn't a step forward. Have a look at the draft picks that have been traded away. The trades that were a step backward and "the banner" that was promptly followed by a 1st round sweep. Rewriting history like this is a joke, if you want to say that the pats have taken a step forward this year it means admitting that the staff was a step behind in the past.

9 years ago

The best coffee is always the free kind.

Old hank

9 years ago

Rods got it right..and the other poster thy mentions McDonalds.

3)Tim Hortons

9 years ago

Thanks to Kel and Rod for putting a Tracy Lawrence song in my head.
