1 – Welcome to St. Patrick’s Day!  The only day of the year where the whole country dresses up as Rider fans and feels good about it!  Remember a few years ago when the B.C. Lions asked their fans to wear orange on St. Patrick’s Day?  What a slap in the face to the Irish!  Who was behind that?  Skulsky?

Seriously, wear your green today, have fun and be safe.

FYI:  Eskimo green doesn’t count.

2 – The Roughriders are holding a media event this morning at which time they’ll outline details on 2017 season ticket pricing and the seat transition process into New Mosaic Stadium.  We’ll be all over it, and will have Rider President Craig Reynolds on the SportsCage today on 620 CKRM.

3 – We’ve been inundated with news coverage over the past three days of the NHL’s General Managers meetings in Boca Raton, Florida.  There’s been a swarm of reporters from all over the continent surrounding Commissioner Gary Bettman and all the GMs during their media scrums.  They’ve discussed instituting replay cameras at the bluelines in time for the 2016 playoffs, changes to goaltenders’ equipment and modifications to expansion draft rules.  THIS is the type of coverage that would’ve been nice for last week’s CFL meetings in Toronto but as was noted in this space one week ago, the event was generally held in a cone of silence.  Here’s hoping that when the league convenes for the annual CFL Congress in Toronto April 3-5, we’re given some details by chairmen and governors about what’s on the agenda.

Then we can dissect it endlessly on blogs like this or on our radio shows and the fans can truly feel a part of it.

I’ve generally been told “there’s nothing too interesting being discussed” at these meetings but I’ll beg again, please let us in the media be the judge of that.

CFL fans across the land are clamouring for any and all news about the three-down game right now.  For instance, you’re here reading today.

4 – One very interesting item of CFL news has gone under-the-radar this week.  The Ottawa Citizen reports a mediator was unable to settle the dispute between the RedBlacks and Eskimos over compensation for Jason Maas fleeing Ottawa to become head coach in Edmonton.  The matter has been turned over to CFL Commissioner Jeffrey Orridge and it’s now up to him to decide if the RedBlacks are owed anything.  The Citizen reports Maas was furious over the RedBlacks not initially wanting to let him out of his deal and it’s clear RedBlacks President Jeff Hunt is equally upset.  Hunt said it’s a matter of “principle” and although it’s business-as-usual in Ottawa, he’s not prepared to let the matter go away.

5 – More proof that fans are desperate for anything Rider- or CFL-related:  the Facebook video of Darian Durant doing individual drills and drops at a gym in Atlanta has drawn over 35,000 views.  He looks fine people.  Hopefully the video puts everyone’s fears to rest.

6 – It appears there are four really key things causing big problems in sports right now: 1) Video review and the accompanying replays which have gotten way out of control, 2) Concussions, particularly in football, 3) Compensation for coaching moves, especially in the CFL and 3) The spiraling lack respect for officials whether it be through these video reviews or through verbal and sometimes physical abuse (i.e. the Flames’ Dennis Wideman).

It’s clear the pundits, analysts and observers are excellent at pointing out all these problems but no one has bothered to step forward with any solutions.

A North America-wide summit attended by representatives from all pro leagues would be extremely beneficial right now but has a snowball’s chance in hell at ever happening.

– On the topic of concussions in football, Regina Minor Football chief Len Antonini gave a revealing interview on the SportsCage on Wednesday on 620 CKRM.  Len reported that of the 1,400 kids they had playing minor football in Regina last year, there were 20 reported cases of concussions.  He felt that’s a minuscule number and it doesn’t seem alarming to parents.  Add to that the fact RMF had a record number of registrations in 2015 and it illustrates that no one seems to have been scared off by all the coverage of C-T-E and its relation to football.  More kids are playing football in Saskatchewan than ever before.  Add in the 3,000 kids who are registered for Regina’s NFL Youth Flag Football League (non-contact) and it only strengthens our argument.

People know the risks, but play the sport anyway.  Is it any different than all the smokers who know they could develop lung cancer but keep on puffing away?

Food for thought.

– The Washington Capitals are charging towards the NHL’s President’s Trophy with their best regular season in franchise history.  However it should be noted that of the past 10 President’s Trophy winners, only two have gone on to win the Stanley Cup (the 2008 Red Wings and 2013 Blackhawks).  Obviously the Caps aren’t about to let their foot off the gas but this may be something for consideration when you’re deliberating on your Stanley Cup Playoff pools.

– More from the NHL’s GM meetings:  The league described the 2016 All Star festivities in Nashville as a “roaring success” and Devils GM Ray Shero says the 3-on-3 tournament format will be used again next year in Los Angeles.  Meanwhile teams are devising “more fair” rules for the expansion draft which is a sure sign the owners will be voting this spring on whether or not to grant franchises to Las Vegas and Quebec City.  Remember my assertion months ago that the NHL will vote in favour of Las Vegas, but not Quebec City in the next few months.  Somewhere in Las Vegas Bill Foley is rubbing his hands together and getting very excited.  His patience has been beyond admirable.

10 – My top four Pet Peeves today: 1) Passengers in my car who leave their garbage behind, 2) People who show up way too early for appointments (15 minutes or more), 3) People who keep walking around the concourse at Pats games during the Canadian national anthem and 4) Online services that are “currently unavailable”, such as my bank.

11 – The Regina Pats recorded an unorthodox 5-3 home victory over the Saskatoon Blades on Wednesday before a whopping crowd of 4,906.  The Pats outshot the Blades 21-1 after the first period but found themselves scoreless and even trailed 3-2 after two periods despite a 39-12 shot clock edge.  However they notched three goals in the third period for their fourth consecutive win, and their 35th victory of the year.

I was at the game and the shots seemed a little farfetched after one, however the Pats’ off-ice crew knows what it’s doing.  Unfortunately the hot dogs didn’t have their best night.  Steamed rather than charbroiled on Weiner Wednesday.

And the crowd was huge.  Several Reginans told me they were going to their first game of the year and I can’t imagine they left disappointed.

Captain Colby Williams made a triumphant return to the lineup, notching an assist, two penalty minutes and an even plus/minus rating.  Colby’s presence might’ve willed the club to victory, as he means that much.

The best win total the Pats can achieve is 37, with a home game Friday versus Swift Current and a road game Saturday at Brandon.  Then, it’s playoff time.

12 – And finally, I’m going out on a limb with this one.  Join me on Saturday, May 14 at Pilsner Place at Mosaic Stadium for a one-day seminar on social media, branding, media relations and public speaking.  It’s the first event I’ve put on like this but with several people asking for consultation in these areas, I thought it would be best to get everyone together in one place and cover it all.

Full details are available at but here’s an ad for the event.  Click on the image to make it larger or visit the website:

We’re going to give it a go and see how it works.  If you have any questions, email me at



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Kellin Enslev
8 years ago

Gee Whiz, Hot Golly Roddy.

Seems the good people of Regina are comin' out to support their Pats. A pleasure to see, no doubt.

Games only pick up in importance from here.

The Professor
The Professor
8 years ago

Young people becoming addicted to nicotine has long been a tragedy – just look at the teeth, faces and skin of those once attractive men or women you knew when you were young but got addicted to tobacco. The ravages of smoking is more than the harm to the lungs, and a loss of life by way of cancer, but a destruction to the physical appearance of these once healthy people. I feel sad when I see a young girl or boy puffing on a smoke knowing that it sucks more than just cash out of their pockets.

8 years ago

So you think that 2 out of 3 kids playing football in Regina right now are playing flag football shows there is nothing to worry about for the future of football? Really? Pointing to record registrations is great but I'm guessing that flag football had record numbers too, which makes it a mute point.

8 years ago

Rod, I think you should TAKE a course on social media.

8 years ago

3) The spiraling lack respect for officials whether it be through these video reviews or through verbal and sometimes physical abuse (i.e. the Flames' Dennis Wideman).

It's clear the pundits, analysts and observers are excellent at pointing out all these problems but no one has bothered to step forward with any solutions.

Solution; Wideman should have been suspended for a year with no appeal.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Or how about the officials have a bit more respect for the game that gives them their privelaged lifestyle? It's a two way street here and the officials and their empathetic friends seem to forget that.

8 years ago

Maybe one of your pet peeves is someone who shows up early for an appointment. Well mine is the opposite, I get upset at people who are late for appointments! My time is just as important as theirs

8 years ago

Better early for your show on Saturday than late. What is to you that someone is early for an appointment? It's their issue not yours.

8 years ago

I was at last nights pats game. Big crowd yes but brutal crowd. It was so quiet even after a line brawl no one was cheering. Hopefully playoffs will be better

8 years ago

Give em hell Rod! Whiny envious little pipsqueaks like that will never be successful in life. Put them in their place and maybe they'll realize how ridiculous they sound.


8 years ago

are registered for Regina's NFL Youth Flag Football League (non-contact) and it only strengthens our argument.

Anyone else concerned that we have a youth NFL league in this city? Why? What about a youth CFL league. I feel the CFL brand is in trouble.

8 years ago

the ONLY green to wear is Eskimo green as in the Grey Cup Champion green and gold

8 years ago

Blame the CFL's crappy marketing on that one. They've allowed the NFL to come on in and mow our lawn. The blame for this directly rests on Mark Cohon. Sure he was visible and giving speeches all over bragging about how good things are but it's clearly obvious that he put out more hot air than hard work. Under his watch the NFL is now the biggest football brand in Canada because of things like grassroots flag football. You go to the Canadian Brewhouse and all 32 NFL teams' helmets and logos are featured quite prominently. CFL stuff other than… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

It's Cohon's fault the CBH doesn't display any CFL stuff other than Rider stuff? Yeah…

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes it is and here's why. Bud Light has a huge sponsorship deal with the NFL and as such they outfit every sports bar with NFL merchandise. The CFL has no such deal with a major brewer. Not picking on CBH, they're one of many bars with this setup. In fact sponsorship dropped off a lot under Cohon. Don't let that winning smile fool you, his performance as commish was terrible.

Gundersons Yorkton

This Guy
8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

This is a dumb comment. There are no leafs stuff in a Montreal bar either. Why the hell would a Regina bar display other teams in the CFL. We don't have a local NFL team but is still popular so why not display it all. There is no point in having the CFL compete with the NFL giant. Doesn't mean the CFL can't be successful.

8 years ago

Is the problem really the bank Roddy or is it the user attempting to look at his gobs of cash online????????????????????????? BTW, paper money doesn't count!

8 years ago

Hey Rod, I keep seeing posts on Twitter from Rider receivers that they're flying to or already in Atlanta. Are you able to say for what, and does the league have some sort of limit or guidelines for off season player gatherings?

8 years ago

Jeff Hunt needs to take a course in business ethics… he's acting like a five year old for F*@$ sake! On the topic of officials not bring respected: The officials get more than enough respect in pro sports. They consistently make a tone of mistakes and do not suffer any financial punishment. The only punishment they usually endure is the verbal abuse from the fans. And guess what? That comes with the territory. If they don't like it then quit. I'll gladly take their job! They have it a lot easier than they think! Nevertheless, the Wideman situation was an… Read more »

8 years ago

It's Riders fans fault the CBH doesn't display any CFL stuff other than Rider stuff. They couldn't stand all the whining and complaining.

8 years ago

Was in a sports bar in Sudbury several years ago. It was Saturday and all they had on was U.S. college ball. I asked if the CFL game could be put on. The waitress said she would ask the Manager. He came over and said "no one has ever asked" for a CFL game to be shown. He gladly did it. That's were the CFL stands with sports bars. In fact I also had the same situation in Edmonton of all places…you know the city of champions.

8 years ago

A 9 team league where 6 teams make the playoffs and the salary cap for each team is less then most nfl,NHL,mlb,NBA players make a year will never get the same respect as a 32 team NFL. Sorry buts the reality. A majority of Riders fans aren't even football fans

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hear ! Hear !

8 years ago

Hey Annonymous…

The NFL Football league in the City is Flag football.. We play CFL 3 downs.. The only thing NFL about it is the Jersey's which the kids get to keep. The league is very well run and the kids enjoy it. Played at University practice fields…

Don't dis it unless you know about the facts..

Cory…. Parent and coach in the league