(And a note from the Regina Pats)

1 – Definition of a rant:  “Speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.”  Rider coach Corey Chamblin’s rant on Tuesday about the possibility of being fired caught everybody’s attention from coast-to-coast.  It appeared in newspapers from Nanaimo, BC to Sidney, NS and got everybody in the league asking, “What’s going on with him?”

I don’t have the answer to that question.  But Chamblin should know that – from what I can tell – nobody’s calling for his job.  He’s been endlessly criticized in just three weeks’ time but that’s what they do here.  They don’t have Darian Durant to pick on so now Chamblin’s in the crosshairs.  But it doesn’t mean they want him replaced.  It’s just their provincial pastime.

I’m always reminded during times like this of the treatment of Ron Lancaster.  The beloved “Little General” couldn’t wait to leave here because of this exact type of thing.  He told his friends he’d never, ever settle here and he made good on his word.  The province cried for days when Lancaster passed away in September of 2008, in Hamilton, but when he left he never looked back.  Ronnie never got over the way his tenure ended here, despite all of the great things he did for the Saskatchewan Roughriders.

And now Chamblin got fed up too and said “enough’s enough”.

That whole scenario on Tuesday when Chamblin made his comments was puzzling to me, but at least Corey let you know what’s on his mind.  It’s got everybody talking and the only real sad thing that came out of it is it seems to have upset the older, long-term fans.  They took it as a slap in the face.

My gosh where does it go from here?

2 – All this over an 0-3 start.  But that’s the way it goes in the Rider Nation.  A win would cure everything, and perhaps it’ll come Friday night in the form of a home victory over the B.C. Lions at Mosaic Stadium (8:00 pm, TSN, 620 CKRM Rider Radio Network).

Rider Hall of Famer Andrew Greene was our analyst on Tuesday’s In The Huddle television show and surmised that this team needs to play with more effort and to play for 60 minutes.  If they do that, they’ll be coming out on top in these games.  He also advised not to leave the game in the hands of the officials.  “When you do that, you’re always taking your chances,” the former Seahawk and Dolphin lineman offered.  “If you need one yard, get three.”

If you need any more proof of how luckless the Riders have been to start the 2015 season, they haven’t lost three straight games by three-or-less points since 1982.  The Riders finished that season 6-9-1.

3 – Bill Tomporowski, one of the last of the original “railbirds”, will be laid to rest today after passing away last week at the age of 80.  I got a note from his son Duane who asked if I could say something.

When the Roughriders used to practice on that grass field adjacent to the railroad tracks, just west of Taylor Field, there was a group of old men who used to bring their lawn chairs and sit together while watching practice.  They were known as “the railbirds”.  It was the highlight of their lives.  Bill was one of them.

This was before internet message boards so this is where you’d have to go if you wanted to chat football with other hardcore Rider fans.

It wasn’t before sports talk radio though, and “Bill T.” was a regular caller into our shows.  Usually, he wouldn’t call until things reached a crisis point.

Anyway, it’s always tough to lose a Rider fan but the world has lost a great one.

Farewell Bill T.

4 – You may or may not like the new CFL rules, but they’re here to stay.  That’s the word I got from the CFL office this week.  Like the way the NHL got rid of obstruction and fighting, this is the CFL’s attempt to “open things up” and refreshen the game.

It’s completely knocked the league on its ear and thrown statistics ALL out of whack.  For instance, in this week’s game notes package, we learned the CFL is on pace to have 17 one-thousand yard receivers this season.  Last year there were only three.  Also, there have been nine defensive touchdowns scored this season which is on pace for 61 for the year.  The record is 42, set in 2004.

And sacks are waaaaayyy down, averaging four per game.  That’s the lowest since 2002.

5 – Furthermore, the league’s officiating department feels the teams are their own worst enemies.  Penalties may be up by about 30% from last year at this time, but 45% of them are the “preventable” fouls of Offside and Procedure.  Regarding coaches not being able to ask for measurements anymore, the league says that’s the coaches’ own fault because they used to ask for measurements just to get an impromptu timeout.

The fact is games are taking less time this season despite all the penalty calls.  There have been less reviews and FAR less measurements.

And, the number of penalties called has dropped week-to-week.  This is all exactly what the league predicted would happen with the nine rule changes and they are pleased.

– The Roughriders have been featured in four of the CFL’s last five overtime games and have a 1-3 record in that time.  Meanwhile up until Friday, the B.C. Lions hadn’t played in overtime since 2004.

7 – Week 4 in the CFL opens tonight with Hamilton at Montreal.  On Friday the doubleheader opens with Edmonton at Ottawa.  The Eskimos are 3.5-point favourites in this one but I’m going against the grain and picking the RedBlacks to win.  They are 2-1 overall (more evidence of the CFL’s statistical whackiness in 2015) and they own the league’s #1 defense.  The last time an Ottawa team was 3-1 was 2004 when the Renegades opened the season 3-0.  They went on to finish 5-13.

8 – Meanwhile Ottawa’s Brad Sinopoli leads the team in receiving and is the #1 Canadian receiver in the league with 190 yards.  It should be a special feeling to be Canadian and lead the Canadian Football League in any statistic.

9 – Another odd statistical quirk:  The Riders and Blue Bombers are the most-penalized teams in the CFL (43 flags each) yet the Edmonton Eskimos lead the league in penalties-per-game at 17.5.  Edmonton has simply played less games than the other two teams and therefore haven’t taken as many total penalties.

10 – You’ll have to forgive the avalanche of CFL coverage and little else of other sports.  From sun up to sundown, that’s where my head is at for six months.  I’ve poked my head out enough to notice the Blue Jays beginning the post-All Star schedule 4 1/2 games out of first in the AL East and owning the best offense in Major League Baseball.  So … are they going to finally make a run for it and do something about their pitching?  They owe it to their fans after 21 years out of the playoffs!

Oh, and Matt Devlin could takeover the play-by-play of Blue Jays telecasts on Sportsnet on a permanent basis as far as I’m concerned.  I love Buck Martinez, but Devlin has been sensational pinch-hitting this week.

It’s too bad Sportsnet needs to find Americans to fill these roles, but it is what it is.  It’s also too bad American networks don’t feel the same way about hockey!

11 – There’s a player on the NBA’s Phoenix Suns from Saskatoon?  That’s what I thought I heard during highlights of Summer League games in Las Vegas, but didn’t catch the chap’s name.

12 – It’s no secret, I prefer to watch American news networks over Canadian while I’m pounding away on the treadmill.  Headline News (channel 47) is my go-to.  So I’ve been inundated with coverage of the U.S. Presidential Election and guess who’s leading the polls amongst Republican candidates?  That’s right, Donald Trump.

I don’t think Donald Trump as President of the United States is good for anybody.  However political observers say the Democrats are desperate for Trump not to win the nomination because they know he’ll beat Hillary.

Now this is fascinating stuff!

13 – And finally, I’ll never complain about the cost of a hotel room in Saskatchewan again after spending the weekend in Vancouver.  We extended our stay after Friday’s Rider game at a cost of $379 per night.  THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY-NINE!!  And the weather was miserable so we were unable to take the harbour cruise we were hoping for.

So, we opted to watch the UFC at a downtown sports bar and then enjoyed the movie Ted 2 in a jam-packed theatre. The Scotiabank theatre offered pizza, burgers, hot dogs, poutine and Starbucks at the concessions which immediately drew my ire.  We’re not good enough for this in Regina?

But then once we sat down, the seats were cheap and hard as rocks.  I’ll take the comfort of a cushioned seat over an expanded concession menu anyday.

The movie Ted 2 gets one-and-a-half thumbs up from the MMG.  However if you’re going, make sure you watch Seth MacFarlane’s original movie Ted on Netflix before you go otherwise you’ll be lost.

But it was great being in Vancouver and I wasn’t in a particular rush to get home.

0-3 will do that to you.


The 18th Annual Regina Pats Wickenheiser Golf Classic is set for Monday, August 24 at the Wascana Golf Club and it promises to be the best one yet!  Several alumni are coming back for the event as everyone wants to be a part of what QCSEG has going on.

You can too.  This tournament is open to golfers of all experience levels.  The entry fee is $350 and includes 18 holes and a cart at Regina’s most-prestigious course.  There will be a BBQ lunch followed by a full meal following the event.  Each golfer will receive and exclusive gift.

Tee & green sponsorships are available as well.  For information on any of this, call the Pats office at 306-522-PATS.

The SportsCage will be broadcasting live on location that day on 620 CKRM from 4:00-6:30 pm.



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9 years ago

Ah yes. Deflect the blame to the fans.

John Moore
9 years ago

I wish you'd stop all this its only 0-3 stuff. Hopefully Friday you'll use 1-3 but the concern is that it's more like 2-13 in the last 15. That's a concern in anyones books when the same terrible tackling, bad penalties & coaching calls….they may change as to who calls or makes them but they are all under Corys watch. Now we do have some serious long term injuries so depth will really be tested and in the preseason our depth did not do so well against other teams we played depth.

9 years ago

A few things: 1) Cory Chamblin needs to understand in Riderland they take pleasure in eating their own. Ron Lancaster and Hugh Campbell should be the templates for all players and coaches. You are hear to work, and when the better offer comes leave. Hugh Campbell could have been an executive here, but that wasn't an option for him. He went to Edmonton and the rest is history. Ron Lancaster same deal. He got his proper due in Edmonton and in Hamilton. Saskatchewan was a 16 year stop until he found the promised lands, and I truly believe Edmonton and… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Respect, appreciation along with employment opportunity by Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation to a fine outstanding man, citizen, ambassador highly probable for Mr.Reed/family coming back to Regina. Jim Hopson? Too much credit for anything and everything. Dead on opinion, thanx, regarding how a majority of former Saskatchewan Roughriders players forgotten by the wayside, sad.

9 years ago

People are comparing the amount of injuries this year to 2008, the only difference is in 2008 we started off 6-0 under Ken Miller and hosted a playoff game. These next two home games are huge, as we go on the road against Edm and Tor next.

9 years ago

Hi Rod

Utah drafted a kid (Trey Lyles) this year that was born Saskatoon but played all his ball in the US

9 years ago

Riders are 0-3 AND Obama leads off the comment section…

This has the potential for our first article with 200 comments…

9 years ago


9 years ago

Obama is bang on with everything except Canadian politics. The only option for leadership is Stephen Harper. Trudeau will plunge the west into the dark ages and the thought of Prime Minister Mulcair induces nightmares.

9 years ago

The Riders play less of a game (57 min) and lose. Less penalties may help (more off sides and no pass interference) but fewer penalties would be best. Please learn the difference between less and fewer. Ask Obama for help he writes less but makes fewer mistakes.
BTW this is the problem with playing in Sask during difficult times. The disrespect for education leaves the populace with no options to properly express the frustration other than vulgarity and scapegoating. It would help if professionals used the language properly.

9 years ago

I'm too young to remember Lancaster's days in Saskatchewan, and I was young and grateful in Kent Austin's days as QB but I thought the rough treatment in Ken Miller's last days went too far.

Chamblin's really only hearing it from the lunatic fringe and a few people with low levels of fan understanding. I'm pretty sure this will blow over.

Bottom line is that human abuse is never okay. I don't care how many hours you drive, how much money you spend, or how many years you've been buying the same tickets. Treat coaches and players like humans.

9 years ago


9 years ago

1) To Obama and anon, please leave your politics off this blog. We're here to talk sports. 2) Furthermore Rod, no need to apologize for talking all football all the time. The only way we'll start caring about the Pats en masse is if the Riders continue to slide into the toilet. It's July. We have September-June to talk hockey when the weather craps out and when the Riders miss the playoffs. Us real fans appreciate the work you do to give us your analysis. 3) As to Rider fans eating their own, it's true that when things aren't going… Read more »

9 years ago

That, my friends, is why we've only won four Grey Cups in 105 years of Rider football. The assholes run all the good people out of town cause they think they know everything. With social media it's even worse. I'd love to see Chamblin flip off an idiot fan at Taylor Field. And you know what? He'd probably get a standing O for it cause the majority of fans are getting sick of the idiots giving the rest of us a bad name. Hey Obama it was great to see you out on the doorstep campaigning this week. I'll definitely… Read more »

9 years ago

I see you changed your blog to Hamilton being tonight not Edmonton. Does letting you know about that get me free tickets to the Rider game on Friday? If it does you can email me at It would be greatly appreciated. 🙂

Rob Swallow
9 years ago

Somewhere on the shores of the mighty Wascana, the drums are beating. It is the annual gathering of the Loyal Disorder of Rider Priders, those long enough in the teeth that they remember the enduring horror of the Reign of Error. On Friday it will be 251 days since Cory's crew has come through and it is turning the nerves of the Loyal Disorder raw. Only a win will start to satisfy the masses who are ready to send coach Corey down the Wascana Creek on a funeral pyre. Until then, the drums continue to beat on the banks of… Read more »

9 years ago

Ken Miller deserved the criticism he got cause it was his dealings that got the team to that horrible record. But even he didn't get the level of crap Chamblin has. Seems like guys like Miller and Hopson got off easier cause of their folksy personality and Chamblin being the hard ass gets all the flak. It's ridiculous.

9 years ago

This is a very well written and balanced article! Campbell and Lancaster left for more money. Some of the newer fans don't realize that we have only had the salary cap for a short time. In Edmonton's glory days they spent twice as much as Saskatchewan was able to. They paid Campbell far more than we ever could. They bought their teams and were able to keep just as good players on the practice roster paying them well. They weren't well managed, they were well funded. They haven't achieved that kind of glory since the arrival of the salary cap.… Read more »

9 years ago

Umm Rod……

The Lions played the Riders in OT in 2006 when Wally decided to punt the ball in OT.

Lions also played Calgary in OT in 2007 which resulted in a draw.

The 2009 Eastern Semi Final had the Lions winning in OT vs Hamilton.

9 years ago

That "Loyal Disorder of Rider Priders" stuff was some of the worst prose ever published in the English language.

9 years ago

Id be more concerned about the middle east conflict upcoming on this Iran deal more then anything. Might put alot of us in the oil field back to work if a war starts. Which is imminent. Plus im mad about the 0-3 start.