1. If you’re peering into this blog from outside Saskatchewan’s borders, you wouldn’t believe the hype that’s been generated by the Chris Jones regime and Canada’s Team as of late.  For February, I’d put it at an all-time high and that includes the 2013 season when the Roughriders were hosting the Grey Cup and were assembling an all-star team which would eventually win it all in the biggest game in franchise history.  Over the next few points, I’ll illustrate how bonkers it is around here right now.

2. Gassing 19 players on December 9 was one thing, but jettisonning Weston Dressler and John Chick a month later was “next level” as the cool new saying goes.  People still haven’t settled down over that one and it continues to dominate coffee row talk almost six weeks later.  More on that in a minute.

3. Now with the news that Chris Getzlaf is poised to sign with the Edmonton Eskimos, it’s like another tidal wave hit the coast of the Rider Nation.  If we had a coast.  The general thoughts I’m hearing?  Good for Chris, good for the Eskimos, and who exactly are all these new players that’ll be wearing Rider jerseys once the 2016 season kicks off?  At least we’ve still got Darian.  On a personal note, it’s too bad Getzlaf has to leave his hometown to prolong his football career but he knows full well what he signed up for.  He’s had a blessed career and departs with two Grey Cup rings and tons of memories.

4. Another thought dawned on me while driving past New Mosaic Stadium on Thursday morning; it’s too bad Chris won’t get to suit up for the Riders in the new facility but if things go well with the Eskimos, perhaps he’ll at least get to play in it in 2017.  I’m positive that anyone who drives by that gorgeous new stadium gets tingles each and every time they see it.  I certainly do.

5. Somebody from the Riders’ past wrote me on Facebook from the States a month ago or so saying, “What are they doing to my Riders?”  That person – who will remain nameless – was referring to the folksy, downhome nature of the Saskatchewan Roughriders.  Well those days, from what I can see, are gone and it didn’t just start with the hiring of Chris Jones.  Corey Chamblin injected an NFL-mentality and Jim Hopson actually turned this franchise into the monster that it is today.  With regards to cutting fan favourites, Roy Shivers did it years ago when he released Don Narcisse and Dan Farthing.  The furor always dies down eventually.

6. Somebody said it on the SportsCage awhile back – and I can’t even remember who it was – that Chris Jones has as many Grey Cup championships to his credit as this entire franchise and that’s about all you need to know.

7. As far as how Rider talk is dominating this province right now, well, the topic of Chris Getzlaf going to the Eskimos was fodder for all the morning radio shows today.  Shouldn’t they be talking about music?  You simply can’t get away from it even if you wanted to.  For a guy who makes his living in the Rider news business, this is a windfall but I’m finding it truly staggering these days.  What a quick turn from fans tuning out the team in 2015.

8.  And it comes at the expense of the other sports entities in this town.  The Regina Pats have won seven straight hockey games and I can’t remember the last time that happened.  However it’s rare that anyone comments to me about the Queen City Kids unless they have some direct connection to the team.  Hopefully people get on board soon and if the Pats should happen to go a couple of rounds in the playoffs, everybody will be on the bandwagon in record fashion.  Right now though, it’s tough sledding if you want to discuss the Pats.  There’s the odd comment, and I’m hearing “maybe I should buy a ticket” more and more.   Hopefully there’s a big crowd on hand Friday night when the Pats host the P.A. Raiders.

9. Saskatchewan’s Jolene Campbell is on the cusp of a playoff berth at the Scotties and that seems to have grabbed peoples’ attention, if only mildly-so.  I’ve even sat down to watch some of the games but if Saskatchewan isn’t featured on the TSN telecasts, I switch channels.  Watching curling is a throwback to the good old days of sportsmanship and fair play.  The curlers are laughing and shaking hands with opponents which is SUCH a far cry from the testosterone-fuelled sports I usually engage in.  For instance when I interview MMA fighters, a standard question is “What round do you think you’ll knock him out in?”  And they always give a prediction!!  Can you imagine posing a question like that to a curling skip?  “In which end do you think you’ll finish her off?”   They’d look at you like you’re from another planet.

10. JUST NOTES:  Scruffy just wouldn’t let it die on the SportsCage on Wednesday.  He maintains the face of the Toronto Blue Jays is Josh Donaldson even though Toronto sportscasters Jim Lang and Arash Madani concur that it’s still Jose Bautista. … Regarding Bautista’s contract demands – ignoring the fact the money in sports is completely out of whack – I say give the man $30-million per season on a new three-year deal.  He’s earned it, he’s reportedly a tremendous guy, and should be rewarded for all he’s done. … I wasn’t shocked to learn that SportsCage co-host Luc Mullinder sided with Apple in its argument with the FBI over unlocking the Iphone of the terrorist shooter in California from last year.  There are many who agree with Luc however I feel when it’s in the best interest of national security and the law enforcement process, open the damn phone.  They’re probably not going to find anything in it anyway.  Does Apple support terrorism?  Of course not – and I can’t boycott the company because I love my smartphone so much – but some are making that leap. In polls, a narrow margin is siding in favour of the FBI. … Best comment I heard over the Regina-Saskatoon rivalry this week:  “It’s like too old ladies arguing over who’s hotter”. … I wish they’d leave poor Peyton Manning alone.  Who hasn’t regretted something they did when they were 19?  Sometimes the haters just won’t relent.  … The story from the website 3Down Nation this week quoting an anonymous player about how the CFL takes advantage of its players would have carried a lot more weight if he’d identified himself.  Otherwise, his comments mean little to me. … The talk in American sports circles this week has centred around an NFL team at this week’s Combine asking a player, “You have dreadlocks so you must smoke weed”.  It’s offended people far and wide but perhaps oddly enough, one CFL scout told me he’d rather a player smoke dope than drink excessively.  Take that for what it’s worth. … The plight of the Oilers?  That’s a topic for another time but it’s shocking their braintrust just now discovered they need “huge” changes. … An app for is in development.  When it’s ready, hopefully you’ll find it in your heart to download it.  It’ll make reading this blog even easier and will automatically link you to my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram feeds.



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9 years ago

No one cares about the pats because there's too many hicks that live and breathe through the plight of the riders.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

And there's too many hipsters that think hockey is a redneck barbaric sport so they stay as far away from it as possible.

9 years ago

Roddy, the part of the issue re: Apple vs US Gov is that the Government wants Apple to write new software to allow the Government to use Brute Force attacks to unlock a cell phone.

Rather than specifically tasking Apple to unlock one cell phone, they want Apple to make a back door into the software to allow access to all Apple cell phones.

I agree they should assist with cracking the potentially offending cell phone, but not open the entire Apple ecosystem up to any reasonably decent hacker.

My 2 cents (CDN rounded up to a nickel)


9 years ago

FINALLY!!!!!!!!! How many years ago did I ask you for an app?? Too hard to keep up when one can't sit at a computer all day! lol
Seriously though, the app will be killer, it will take the sports talk about Sask. to a new level IMHO. We will still get the usual suspects and their hilarious off the wall banter but being able to keep up non-stop will be awesome –

Jared Dumba

9 years ago

Bradford do not attempt to explain complex issues

9 years ago

"too old ladies" arguing over who is hotter – such as they are all in their 30's or for some, like Frenzy, into their late 80's. LOL

9 years ago

The plight of the Oilers? That's a topic for another time but it's shocking their braintrust just now discovered they need "huge" changes.

Everywhere you look there's stories about "Who should the Oilers trade? Unbelievably many of them mention Jordan Eberle. Duh, haven't you noticed the chemistry between Eberle and Connor McDavid? During the game against Ottawa two nights ago they showed a graphic illustrating a projection that Jordan would score 60 goals in a full season with McSavior.

Trade a 60 goal man? I don't think so.

9 years ago

Rod I heard you say the other day on your show that your a "huge Oilers fan". So does it mean that you believe the current "braintrust" is not capable of developing a winning team? Is it your belief the teams current managment and coaches are inadequate?I have the confidence that they will make the diferance. Even with my limited knowledge and a good sense of business, I too would want to evaluate my team before making a decision that will make the diferance in year two and beyond. It's not like the fans are going anywhere. They have supported… Read more »

9 years ago

I hope that the drug dealer arrested in Regina's big drug bust today – Ryan Robson – is not the same Ryan Robson who played for the Pats in 1997/98.

9 years ago

Rod, What did the folksy down home nature of the Riders earn them ? It earned them all of 2 Grey Cup championships and several million dollars in the hole and playing in front of 25,000 fans in a stadium approaching 100 years old. Since 2003, the Riders have only missed the playoffs twice, been in 7 Division Finals, 4 Grey Cups and have two Championships to show for it. The team now plays in front of sold out stadiums, which has earned them an 8 digit bank account. In addition, they are about to move into a new $… Read more »

Arla Rowbothm
9 years ago

Looking forward to the app, it will be way easier to read your blog!


9 years ago

Feb 26 tomorrow and it will be above 10 degrees! I guess we can kiss any hope of some more ice time on the outdoor rink goodbye. Regina weather sucks this year! Can't even have a decent snow-ball fight.

9 years ago

People should be getting out to the Pats hockey games. I used to go to all of them but got away from it when the fighting became more important than the hockey. Tried some games out late last year and enjoyed them. Have gone to a few more this year. Fighting is rare now which suits me just fine. I pay to watch hockey and the Pats are providing some good entertainment lately. GO PATS GO!!! As for the Riders, I haven't anointed the 2016 team Grey Cup Champs quite yet. So far all we have is a bunch of… Read more »

9 years ago

Don't miss the "folksy Riders" at all. Nice to have a team that wants to win the Cup every year and is run that way.
One question, how can anyone cheer for a Canadian based hockey team?

9 years ago

The way that the Riders have mistreated our Eskimos since the Grey Cup win is unfair and unsportsman like. The CFL needs to come up with tougher rules.

9 years ago

>>The way that the Riders have mistreated our Eskimos since the Grey Cup win is unfair and unsportsman like. The CFL needs to come up with tougher rules.<< ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS…. Remember when Edmonton had the Riders star defensive end named Odel Willis all signed 20 seconds after free agency started. That my goofy Edmonton fan is tampering and illegalEverything SK has done to the Eskimo's has been up front and legal. Your GM gave the Rider president permission to speak to Chris Jones. So we signed him with a year left on his contract. Kinda like what Edmonton did to… Read more »

9 years ago

The guy who publishes comment after comment after comment from "anonymous" says the CFL player who says league takes advantage of player would carry more weight if he wasn't "anonymous".

Nice double standard Pedersen. Take your own advice!

9 years ago

Ok Rod, you never did answer my questions regarding the Oilers. First I have to say how much I enjoy the info about the Riders, the Pats and the NHL you deliver. Your blog and the Sportscage are a great resource. However, lately, more and more of your personal opinions and getting in the way of the facts. So much so that your opinions and legions seem to change from day to day, very confusing and not enjoyable from the perspective of the listener and readers. I'm a huge Riders fan. I could never change my legions. You on the… Read more »

9 years ago

"…oddly enough, one CFL scout told me he'd rather a player smoke dope than drink excessively"

Not sure why that is odd Roddy… Maybe you still don't understand the harm of alcohol, the way families have been torn apart or alcohol induced crimes committed. Yet the guy who gets high and relaxes at home on the couch with some munchies is somehow worse off???

I think the player scout had it right…

Go Riders

ps., legalization coming soon to a drug store near you!!!

In your backyard