1 – First and foremost, it’s important for the Rider Nation to stay patient and supportive during the club’s torturous 0-8 start.  It’s really the only choice we have.  In the brief dealings I’ve had with the braintrust of the football club, there’s no appetite for a change at this point.  That’s actually a good thing, so the coaches can come to the stadium each day and not have to look over their shoulder or fear a call into the GM’s office.

Hopefully however, it’s not blind faith from the higher-ups and they’re taking the necessary steps to ensure this season is merely a “blip”, and not a long-term franchise slide.  Do they know what they don’t know?

2 – Those pining over the current success of the 6-2 Hamilton Tiger-Cats need to get ahold of themselves.  As one CFL executive noted on Thursday, “Hamilton’s been through their pain.  Both on the field and off, financially”.  They got murdered in the 2013 Grey Cup, jobbed (they feel) in the 2014 Grey Cup, and owner Bob Young has lost MILLIONS since taking over the team in 2004.  It’s just finally turning around for him after a decade in charge.

Rider fans want our recent history and the Ticats’ future.  It doesn’t work that way.

Don’t be so greedy.

3 – 2003 was the year the Hamilton Tiger-Cats went 1-17, with their only win coming in September at Ivor Wynne Stadium against the Saskatchewan Roughriders.  I remember it well, although I had to look up the details yesterday.  Paul Osbaldiston kicked the winning field goal in overtime for a 27-24 Hamilton win.  The Riders went on to an 11-7 record that year.  Ron Lancaster was the Ticats coach, and Alan Ford was the interim GM.  What a disaster.  Al and I joked about it this week.  The next year, Bob Young rode to the rescue.

4 – The Pittsburgh Steelers signed Michael Vick as a back-up to Ben Roethlisberger this week.  Didn’t hear anyone criticizing Steelers’ GM Kevin Colbert for recycling players from the NFL scrap heap?  Incidentally a friend of mine in Calgary is a Steelers fan and was bummed out by the signing of Vick.  He called him the “biggest POS in the history of sports”.  I disagreed and opened the phones on the SportsCage on Tuesday to see who people feel is the biggest jerk in sports.  The consensus winner seemed to be woman-beater Floyd Mayweather, of boxing fame.  Oddly, some respondents voted for CFL’ers Drew Tate and Odell Willis.  Both those guys played for the Riders and I can tell you they’re not jerks.  Different ducks perhaps, but not jerks.  People also nominated Mike Tyson, A-Rod, Sean Avery, Pierre McGuire, Barry Bonds, Adrian Peterson and even me.  What an honour to be in that list.

5 – Why are the Montreal Alouettes a dumpster fire this year?  Sportsnet’s Arash Madani pointed out this week the Als are without Marc Trestman and Anthony Calvillo.  That’s why.  I wrote on earlier this year that the backbone of the team is the Coach and the QB.  When you’re good there, you’re golden.  The same would apply to the Riders.

6 – CFL game notes point out the winningest quarterbacks in the CFL this season (all at 6-2) are all under the age of 30:  Zach Collaros (26), Trevor Harris (29) and Bo-Levi Mitchell (25).  And, none of them have more than 30 starts in the CFL.

7 – Collaros has won 14 of the Ticats’ last 19 games and figures to lead them back to the Grey Cup.  He has a years-long feud with Rider QB Tino Sunseri which goes back to their college days (Cincinnati vs Pittsburgh) but right now Collaros is getting the upper hand.

8 – Bo-Levi Mitchell is on pace to be the greatest quarterback the CFL has ever seen.  At 21-4 as a starter, that’s better than anyone in CFL history.  TSN’s Paul Lapolice says Mitchell has a looong ways to go to be considered with the greats of the game however, and walked into a great situation.  Having said that, he’s stepped up and answered the bell.

9 – Lapolice also said on the SportsCage injuries cannot be used as an excuse.  Maybe for a few games, but not over the course of an entire season.  Lapolice was the Riders’ offensive coordinator in 2008 when the club suffered 12 broken legs but rallied to finish 12-6.

10 – The Toronto Argonauts are 6-2 for the first time since 1997, the year they went on to beat the Roughriders in the Grey Cup at Commonwealth Stadium.  In Week 10, the Argos are featured in the marquee game of the week as they visit the Edmonton Eskimos on Friday Night Football.  It’s a rematch of the 1996 Grey Cup.

11 – For what it’s worth, scoring is up in the CFL, average 50.3 points per game.  Not once during the 2014 CFL season did scores average that total.

12 – The Roughriders have lost six games by four points or less.  The record is seven games by that margin, held by the 1996 B.C. Lions.  The Lions went on to finish 5-13 that season, and miss the playoffs.

13 – Paul McCallum’s streak of 802 consecutive converts made spanned 21 years, or 8,008 consecutive days dating back to September 25, 1993.  It was the longest active streak in the CFL, but it was broken in Saturday’s 34-31 loss to Calgary.  Corey Chamblin is being criticized across the league for having McCallum kick the convert into the wind in that game since Calgary’s John Hufnagel attempted only two-point converts into the north endzone Saturday night.  The next longest convert streak in the CFL is Troy Westwood’s 657 with Winnipeg.

14 – Calgary’s Eric Rogers has caught a touchdown pass in six consecutive games.  That’s the longest in the CFL since Weston Dressler did it during the 2012 season.

Poor Weston Dressler.  I mean it.  As the leader of this team, he’s now the go-to guy for interviews after practice and after the games.  You can see the pain in his eyes and how much losing is hurting him.  Hopefully it doesn’t last much longer.

15 – Interesting comment by rookie Rider receiver Alex Carroll (Queen’s) who will draw the starter’s role this week due to the injury to Chris Getzlaf.  “When I look around the locker room, I see winners,” Carroll told me on Wednesday.  He’s right.  A tweak here or there, and this team could be back to prominence.

16 – The Regina Pats open training camp on Friday.  Not too many are focused on hockey around here these days but I’ll be in the rink a lot in September the way things are going.  #GOPATSGO.  Ironically I turned on TSN 1050 in Toronto this week and they were talking about the Leafs.  That’s why when you turn on the SportsCage here, you’re generally going to hear about the Riders.  It’s the way it is.

17 – The Darryl Sydor story is painful yet educational.  The 43-year old Minnesota Wild assistant coach and former Kamloops Blazer entered treatment this week for alcohol dependency.  There were some intriguing quotes from his lawyer in the StarTribue this week.

Lawyer Ryan Pacyga said Monday. “Right now, it’s about Darryl taking care of himself and really getting his arms around this.”  Pacyga said Sydor recently relapsed because he did not continue in a recovery program beyond last summer’s rehabilitation.

“Those are the people that relapse at almost a 100 percent rate,” Pacyga said.

Pacyga said: “If the disease doesn’t continue to go monitored with a real active recovery program, the nature of the disease is that it’s progressive. We often see that with people in a relapse situation where they think they’re able to manage whatever’s going on and next thing they know they feel like the carpet’s been pulled out from under them.

“You go into a binge and before you realize it, wanting to have two drinks turns into too many. Rigorous daily maintenance is needed in order to remain sober, and if you don’t, you’re in danger of a relapse at any given moment. So when he returns, I personally plan to help him get into a program of recovery with daily support. It’s going to be longer journey for Darryl.”

18 – Got some news on the Patrick Kane situation this week.  It’s not good for the Blackhawks superstar.  This story isn’t going away anytime soon.

19 – It’s funny what winning does for a franchise.  Take, for instance, the Toronto Blue Jays.  I find myself scrolling the dial for AM 1190 in Weyburn to listen to Jays broadcasts for the first time in years.  I’m also paying $3.49 per month for the MLB At Bat App so I can listen to the games on my Iphone.  Winning.  That’s the best marketer.

20 – Caught the movie Straight Outta Compton this week, believe it or not.  Two thumbs up from the MMG, and a big toe too.  I probably don’t need to tell you what it’s about — just go see it.  Dr. Dre, Eazy E, Ice Cube, they’re the greats.  Pioneers.  They changed the world.  Unlike the movie Vacation, which we caught a couple of weeks ago.  It was silly, and a waste of time and money.


Instagram: ridervoice

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9 years ago

2-15 is not a "blip"

9 years ago

Cue the pissers and moaners.

9 years ago

Of course if you turn on the SportsCage in Regina they will be talking about the Riders. There is nothing else in Regina. If not for the Riders being there what else would there even be ? It's not like they have an NHL team like almost every other CFL city.

9 years ago

Hey Roddy! Saw you and Kevin Gallant at the Pats golf tourney on Monday. That would've been great if you two were on the mike for an hour telling stories!

Why didn't that happen?


9 years ago

I have found in life people in general are idiots. The Riders are already poised to "win the off-season" because before next season they will add players like Durant, Brown, Hollins, Doughty, Moore and Steinhauer back into the mix as game changers and depth at no cost. By adding guys for free they can make tough but important decisions like moving on from Brackenridge, Getzlaf, George, and most likely Best to free up overused cap space. They then can look to solidify a linebacker, a big receiver, another defensive lineman, and a young offensive lineman. They will have a high… Read more »

9 years ago

"Rider fans want our recent history and the Ticats' future. It doesn't work that way." WRONG! I don't think it's greedy to have a team that rivals the Stamps over the last ten years. Or even Montreal until a couple years ago. The New England Patriots usually don't fall into the abyss like we have twice in the last five years. Set your expectations low and you'll achieve them It should work that way if you have a coach and a QB. We had a QB in Glenn and the supposed #1 offence in the league, yet we are where?… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Great post hit the nail square on the head. Add in terrible scouting and a lame GM who is responsible for the disaster this team is in

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hear! Hear!
Astute observations to post.

9 years ago

Got some news on the Patrick Kane story this week …

Nice reporting. We don't come here to listen to how cool you think you are.

9 years ago

Here's a question how many coaches in the cfl have made it through an 0-8 start?Let alone 2-15 going back to last year how pathetic!!

9 years ago

A few things: 1) Darryl Sydor is not alcohol dependency he's flat out alcoholic and there is a big difference. Alcohol dependency is when you're still fooling yourself you can control it. At any rate he needs help and I hope he gets it. 2) Straight Outta Compton – Great movie, and very telling. It is a pioneer story of essentially the museum of social decay. I remember this era fondly. I was listening to the class of '89 – Tritt, Brooks, Jackson, and Black. – those guys made a difference and were positive. N.W.A essentially made it cool for… Read more »

9 years ago

….oh yeah my last point. Most of you wouldn't know this because you don't read. Well I do read. There's an old saying you're known by the company you keep. You're hero Brad Wall had Republican Senator Lindsay Graham up here to look at SaskPower's carbon capture with clean coal. Lindsay Graham if he becomes President wants to start war with Iran, and doesn't believe in human rights, nor any type of environmental protection. This is also a guy that has no issue with restrictions on hand guns yet a huge massacre occured in his state. He's stood up for… Read more »

9 years ago

Rod what you fail to mention is why Hamilton is doing well. Hamilton finally picked the right coach and GM with the right supporting cast. Both Austin and Tillman were here. Had Hopson not forced Tillman to retire, he'd still be here and so would our credibility as a franchise. Tillman may have even stepped aside to allow Austin to be coach and GM when Kent was ready to return to the CFL. Austin was never going to come here with Taman as his boss. He wants to win. Other than the 'blip' that was 2013, this GM has done… Read more »

9 years ago

I'm a season ticket holder and thanks to the new stadium I will be through 2017. If Taman is still our GM then, I won't be renewing for 2018!

9 years ago

…and Rod considers Blowbama a friend. Go figure…..

9 years ago

Are people still talking about QB's in Sask and thinking our offence is the issue? Get the f'in blinders off. Number one offense in the league numbers wise, worst defense in the league, no questions asked.

If Chamblin actually knew his crap does stink we might get somewhere. Until he changes his tune, that if he doesn't know it, it isn't worth knowing, we will always be CLOSE, like he couldn't wait to tell us 10 times in a 5 second span.

9 years ago

Montreal and Saskatchewan are both using rookie 3rd string QBs. The Allouettes are 3-5, The Riders 0-8. In eight games the Als have been outscored by 17 points the Riders have allowed 54 more points than they've scored. Yet you refer to Montreal is a "dumpster fire" but claim the Riders are only a "blip". Those are might green glasses you're wearing Rod.

Concerned Fan

9 years ago

Hidden agenda Pedersen? Why don't you just come on here and proclaim Paul Lapolice to be the next head coach of the Riders because the love affair you have with him is obvious. Lapo says this, Lapo says that, Lapo blah blah blah blah blah. The crap you spew out of your mouth is getting worse and worse and worse with every day. I'm guessing it is your thought if Lapo was here, the team wouldn't have missed a beat and would be right up there with Calgary and Edmonton. It sure comes off that way. Like the Riders, pick… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Just brutal. Abuse the team all you want but don't abuse Pedersen. It's not his fault the team stinks.

Mike from Vita
9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I love how anonymous posters like 2 troll, but won't give their name. If u say it- own it!

9 years ago

Obama claims to be well read, yet can't spell. Ironic. Or false bravado. Or an insignificant guy trying to be an online somebody. Take your pick.

Oh, and the Riders are very, very poorly coached.

9 years ago

Here's to the #$%$@% Jays collapsing and going back to being the loser that that they have been for over 20 years.

9 years ago

For those that care- premium is on for the rest of the year at 9.99 seems to include Jays games as well.

9 years ago

I see you are taking the edict about supporting the team at all costs very seriously. I am amused that everyone assumes DD is going to back next year like nothing happened that injury can be a career ender.